[花邊] TD在名人堂典禮演講上感謝Popovich

看板NBA標題[花邊] TD在名人堂典禮演講上感謝Popovich作者
時間推噓77 推:83 噓:6 →:26

來源: FanSided

Tim Duncan thanks Gregg Popovich during his Hall of Fame speech
Tim Duncan在名人堂演講時感謝Gregg Popovich

Tim Duncan and Gregg Popovich are one of the greatest duos in sports history.在運動史上,Tim Duncan跟Gregg Popovich是最佳組合之一。

It’s only fitting that Duncan spent some time thanking Popovich during his
induction into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on Saturday.


“You showed up after I got drafted. You came to my island. You sat with my
friends and my family. You talked with my dad,” Duncan said. “I thought
that was normal. It’s not.”

“You are an exceptional person. Thank you for teaching me about basketball.
But even beyond that, teaching me that it’s not all about basketball, that it’s about what’s happening in the world, about your family,” Duncan said.

The connection between Duncan and Popovich led to an incredible run of
success for the San Antonio Spurs.

Popovich was hired as head coach in 1996. The Spurs drafted Duncan with the
No. 1 overall pick in the 1997 NBA Draft. They went on to win five NBA
championships together as Duncan racked up 15 All-Star appearances, 15
All-NBA nods, three Finals MVPs and two NBA MVP awards.

When Duncan retired in 2016, there was no question he’d end up voted into
the Hall of Fame as soon as he was eligible.

Popovich is in his 25th season coaching in San Antonio. He’s not in the Hall
of Fame yet himself, but it’s only a matter of time. Then he’ll have the
chance to repay Duncan the favor by lathering him with praise during his
induction speech.


"that "i thought that was normal... its not" fucking destroyed me"

"Nothing gets the tears flowing like two robots getting emotional"

"This part absolutely had me crying."

"This one broke me."

"i guess i have to cry like little bitch all day."



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dodope 05/16 11:15淚推

hank7218 05/16 11:15

ecl502361 05/16 11:16

aztom 05/16 11:17淚推~~

captainriot 05/16 11:17感人欸

zero549893 05/16 11:17Popo靠TD TD靠體系 體系靠Popo

colchi 05/16 11:18相知相惜的傳奇組合

sodistrues 05/16 11:18

aa52189 05/16 11:18

robinkidd 05/16 11:18就跟Tom Brady跟Belichick一樣,可惜他們最後分開了

aztom 05/16 11:19波波旁邊的教練好像在拭淚

Battie 05/16 11:21居然穿西裝沒穿魯夫裝

PeterHenson 05/16 11:21popo明年就有名人堂候選資格了

STUTWADE 05/16 11:21淚推

doleful:轉錄至看板 Spurs

05/16 11:22

Aporia 05/16 11:22坦到一個TD讓Popo過譽20年 應該反過來才對

tnpaul 05/16 11:23TD其實很會說話,上脫口秀看得出來

Hsan 05/16 11:24建議點影片看一下 很感人

leo07251413 05/16 11:26拭淚的那個應該是RC Buford

DM1984 05/16 11:26長得木訥一點而已咩XD

er800100 05/16 11:28石佛!

MKIU 05/16 11:29感人

TimDuncan21 05/16 11:29拭淚的是Buford沒錯 前馬刺GM

luoren 05/16 11:35

icou 05/16 11:38TD是不是唯一一個生涯每季都勝率破6成?

ABJones 05/16 11:38

gwaykuo 05/16 11:43絕對尊敬TD和popo,但是當時的情況是全NBA都在為了TD

gwaykuo 05/16 11:43拼命的坦戰績,作為最終得到TD的球隊總教練刻意到訪

gwaykuo 05/16 11:43家中與TD爸交談這也是很正常的事情吧...

JoeChang556605/16 11:43推推

Kyameron 05/16 11:44AD>TD

guesswho 05/16 11:46領袖教學 Lesson One

qazxswptt 05/16 11:46TD退休後造型變潮了 很帥耶

skypeoss 05/16 11:49ad > td到底什麼梗 ad什麼方面都輸捏

dynamis 05/16 11:50AD就ss超巨單核,歷史前二PF

belion 05/16 11:50呃...英文單字的順序...?

jeamgogo 05/16 11:50當時只有馬刺沒故意坦吧,5個先發掛4個戰績怎麼會好

TimmyJiang 05/16 11:51問KD呀

Wall62 05/16 12:00

lindonlin 05/16 12:06前一句話才是馬刺Popo精神(幹話)啊,怎麼就被報導

lindonlin 05/16 12:06忽略啦!

yyes5210 05/16 12:06不就有人說TD不會投三分

gowaa 05/16 12:06TD不會投不關鍵的3分吧...

thedan 05/16 12:09老闆球員的理想是Dirk庫班,教練球員的理想就這了

jetrider 05/16 12:19都已經選到狀元確定入隊了為什麼還要特地跑去拜訪

jetrider 05/16 12:19,這很正常?怎麼這幾年沒看過類似的新聞。不然今

jetrider 05/16 12:19年來看看教練有沒有拜訪大家都在坦的Cade和他家人

terryate 05/16 12:33沒POPO沒TD沒TD沒馬刺王朝

sunti0519 05/16 12:36推我大TD和波波

ThunderLord 05/16 12:40推不老石佛

smallbrother05/16 12:41推43樓,有同感

nothing188 05/16 12:41TD造型太帥了

blazekid 05/16 12:54淚推TD!

King5566 05/16 12:55TD根本潮男嘛 真的是不老實佛

s27052705 05/16 13:00哪裡來的AD>TD別亂吹好不好

Trulli 05/16 13:06淚推TD

firemm444 05/16 13:12AD只是沒配到波波跟三巨頭而已 真要比也不一定輸

michaelhan 05/16 13:17TD沒轉隊就5冠,「AD>TD這種論點」我犢迷都看不下去

michaelhan 05/16 13:17了!

mekiael 05/16 13:20感動

zold 05/16 13:22感人 !!!

zold 05/16 13:23不老石佛 !!!

mirac1e 05/16 13:23AD那麼痛 其實到哪邊都一樣 不會因為抱腿拿一罐改

mirac1e 05/16 13:23

zold 05/16 13:26AD 差多了。 別亂比

biss0220 05/16 13:31除了在選秀,AD身體素質好,否則不知道和TD可比什

biss0220 05/16 13:31

ianenix 05/16 13:33AD>TD就有個屁孩在推特上傳AD投三分的影片旁邊寫

ianenix 05/16 13:33TD cannot do this

Celtic8879 05/16 13:34抱腿仔

sandiato 05/16 13:36小碎步三分:

coke5130 05/16 13:37TD這髮型潮到出水,我都想留了

askewkimo 05/16 13:38為何跟可愛連結不了?

ianenix 05/16 13:39剛查了一下原文是 Tim Duncan not doing this 抱歉

askewkimo 05/16 13:41笑死,AD連名人堂資格都沒有

OyAlbert 05/16 13:51淚推QQ

Stat14 05/16 13:52AD、TD都是好球員。但目前TD的歷史定位還是比較高

shingo135r 05/16 14:07不知道為啥去年奪冠之後 很多人在定義超越TD的論點

shingo135r 05/16 14:07...

a0989 05/16 15:12歷史定位AD一輩子不可能超越TD的好嗎

DarkHolbach 05/16 15:33AD先拿MVP吧

DarkHolbach 05/16 15:34先拿MVP再說吧

r05066 05/16 15:49TD更應該感謝AD,要是同年代五冠變無冠

cancboy 05/16 16:41TD靠體系?是體系靠TD

qunxiang 05/16 16:46TD我永遠的偶像

peiqua 05/16 16:49推推推推推

Tawara 05/16 16:50TD上台先撥一下頭髮 有夠騷 (上將表示:我的髮線QQ)

cancboy 05/16 16:50TD跟俠客可以互爆 AD?差一級

mrtatami 05/16 16:50哭爆

sk6 05/16 17:20建議點影片看一下 很感人

zlzooq 05/16 17:22每一篇TD文都要看到AD 很煩

direct 05/16 17:22AD光防守就差多了

rabbit38381 05/16 17:33推TD

hpaor 05/16 17:56到底哪來AD>TD這論點 不就是KD選的而已嗎

hpaor 05/16 17:56不要瞎跟著反串起舞好嗎

jcjcjcjcjc 05/16 18:11TDDDDDDD

manpower9 05/16 19:36

Stanleykuo 05/16 19:46為什麼coach POP 要到明年才有資格進名人堂?!教練

Stanleykuo 05/16 19:46的資格條件為何?

baiweilo 05/16 19:54就某迷在吹呀,看Id 就知道不是反串

triangle10 05/16 19:56說AD大於TD的不是反串就是傻子吧

harimamomo 05/16 20:24我好想TD

zxcv987654 05/16 20:31

leo203699 05/16 21:57TD必推

tailsean 05/16 22:46這一段超催淚QQ

ypoa 05/16 23:01說AD>TD 腦子裝的應該不是腦

devin0329 05/17 00:19

Anutmiao 05/17 01:06AD明明現在已經大於TD了,我是說休戰場次

hugram 05/17 01:40Congratulations!

TAWON 05/17 06:26連歐肥都可以輾過去了 AD?

burtchen 05/17 07:19pop過譽?第一天看籃球嗎

naskate 05/17 07:49TD推

guezt 05/17 08:12誰是AD?

jeter8695 05/17 10:57QQ

a21215540 05/17 11:49只有我覺得這個髮型配石佛超適合嗎,帥爆

iki912857 07/09 14:46淚推我石佛