[外絮] 奧克拉荷馬市將建立新球場供雷霆使用

看板NBA標題[外絮] 奧克拉荷馬市將建立新球場供雷霆使用作者
時間推噓27 推:27 噓:0 →:8

原標題:OKC unveils plan for new arena to keep Thunder through 2050


作者:Tim MacMahon


Oklahoma City has finalized plans to build a new downtown arena for the
Thunder, the city announced Tuesday.


The Thunder have committed to play in the new arena for at least 25 years,
according to the city's news release. The plan to construct the arena and theThunder's commitment is conditional on the passage of a temporary one-cent
sales tax by Oklahoma City voters on Dec. 12.


The projected cost of the arena will be a minimum of $900 million. Thunder
ownership has committed to contribute $50 million.


"As this very public discussion played out over the last year, the people of
Oklahoma City have overwhelmingly expressed to me two desires -- (1) keep theThunder for as long as possible, and (2) don't raise taxes if it can be
avoided. We have accomplished those two priorities with this plan, and it is
truly a win-win for all of us," Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt said in the
news release.

在新聞稿中,市長 David Holt 表示:

「在過去一年內的公開討論中,市民大多向我表達了兩個願望:一、盡可能地長期留住雷 霆隊;二、如能避免,不要調漲稅收。透過這項計劃,我們實現了這些願望,並為所有 人創造真正雙贏的局面。」

"Perhaps the most important aspect of the deal is the length -- this is twicethe commitment we received in 2008 and will keep the Thunder here beyond
2050. My children will be my age when this agreement ends. For a generation,
we will retain the economic impact and quality-of-life benefits we have
enjoyed as a big-league City. It is an investment that pays for itself many
times over."

這裡到2050年。在協議屆滿的同時,我的孩子將會到達我現在的年紀。在這一代,我們 將留下作為有球隊之城市所享受的經濟利益和生活品質優勢。這是一項得到比付出多出 數倍的投資。」

The city's news release cited a study that estimated the Thunder's annual
economic impact at $600 million with 3,000 jobs created. The Thunder have
played in the 21-year-old Paycom Center since moving to Oklahoma City in
2008. The franchise's long-term agreement to stay in Oklahoma City expired
earlier this year, but the Thunder exercised a short-term extension while
participating in the arena planning process.

市政府新聞稿還引述一項研究,預計未來雷霆的年度營收將達六億美元,並將創造三千個就業崗位。自從雷霆隊於2008年遷入奧克拉荷馬市以來,該隊就一直在 Paycom 中心打球。上一份留在奧克拉荷馬市的協議已在今年稍早前到期,但雷霆隊已經執行了協議中的短期延期權,以便能參與新球場的建設計劃。

The intent is for the arena to be open by the 2029-30 NBA season.

目前該新球場預定將在 2029-30 年揭幕。




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star1234 09/13 08:06弱弱問,蓋9億新球館,老闆出資5000萬鎂,這正常嗎

s1290272 09/13 08:08第一段的downtown 應該是市中心的意思

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 09/13/2023 08:09:37

Aminoacid 09/13 08:17反觀奧克蘭

ken720331 09/13 08:19某無情城市

hanslins 09/13 08:21老闆出資有夠少,代表奧克拉荷馬市很弱勢小市場

xbit 09/13 08:22正常.別的不講你開發地那來...

xbit 09/13 08:23沒政府出手光買地就噴光了吧

BerlinerBlau09/13 08:23反觀

vvvv0o0vvvv 09/13 08:242029夭壽

yowhatsupsli09/13 08:26場館是政府的 老闆等於抖內5000萬美金

hanslins 09/13 08:315000萬還不如一個頂薪球員一年薪水,有新球場一年

hanslins 09/13 08:31就回來了

roger262390009/13 08:31老闆出資沒股份嗎? 而且到時候也是要付租金吧?

lens82801 09/13 08:32反觀

ODFans 09/13 08:40當年超音速就是西雅圖政府不蓋新球館這個理由跑掉的

aegisWIsL 09/13 08:41西雅圖當年不肯建,現在回不去了

gnl1n 09/13 08:47幸福

kuaiphoto 09/13 08:51反觀奧克蘭

chengyu1010 09/13 08:52我雷終於有新球場了 但要到2029 哇咧

squalljack 09/13 10:03最頂的球場真是有夠貴

timkuo86 09/13 10:12反觀奧克蘭跟西雅圖

gtgra053789 09/13 10:12讚啦

nanachi 09/13 10:28無情城市奧克蘭

heavensun 09/13 10:29市府把雷霆留下來的政策 能留到2050年

Miyanishi25 09/13 10:31反觀

qazws931 09/13 10:43反觀西亞圖

dk971355 09/13 11:04反觀灣區那個無情城市

yellowboy 09/13 11:16看成供電

xo1100 09/13 12:17西雅圖當初就不給蓋球隊才被偷的 死好

ItzFantasy 09/13 13:17只能說西雅圖人要恨的不是球隊是政府

Hohenzollern09/13 14:33OKC很瘋籃球 紐奧良黃蜂因為水災借居二年的時候 有

Hohenzollern09/13 14:33考慮長居OKC

BlauWal39 09/13 17:10推 我大雷雷 準備起飛

taristocrat 09/13 21:21小貓老巢

mvpea 09/14 22:33讚啦~