[外絮] Doncic為塞爾維亞槍擊案受害者付喪葬費

看板NBA標題[外絮] Doncic為塞爾維亞槍擊案受害者付喪葬費作者
時間推噓95 推:96 噓:1 →:10

After the mass shooting that killed eight children and a security guard at a
Belgrade elementary school, Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic has committed
to pay for the funeral services and grief counseling for classmates and
staff, a spokesperson for the Luka Doncic Foundation told ESPN on Thursday.

Doncic has deep family ties to the Serbian capital's region, including a
grandmother, aunt, uncle and teenage cousin who live in the area. His father,Sasha, is a native of Serbia.

於塞爾維亞Belgrade的小學發生8名幼童及1名保全死亡的大規模槍擊案後,達拉斯獨行俠球星Luka Doncic覺得為此事件的受害者支付喪葬費用並為受害者同學與同事提供心理輔導與治療。


Doncic reached out to make a commitment for short-term aid after the mass
shooting and plans to be part of whatever long-term assistance arises from
the violence Wednesday at the Vladislav Ribnikar school. Doncic, a native of
Slovenia, is expected to welcome involvement from other NBA players with
Balkan roots to help in the tragedy's aftermath.

Doncic在星期三發生於Vladislav Ribnikar小學的暴力事件發生後便主動聯絡並決心為這件大規模槍擊案提供短期援助並計畫成為長期協助的一部份。Doncic作為一名斯洛維尼亞人也預期會迎來其他也是巴爾幹人的NBA球員參與協助彌平這項悲劇的後果。

"I am heartbroken by the tragic school shooting in Serbia and the loss of
lives, including those of innocent school children," Doncic said in a
statement. "My thoughts are with the families and the entire community
affected by this tragedy.

"Through my foundation, I am exploring both immediate and long-term ways to
support the students, faculty, and families affected by the shooting at the
Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School. I am committed and I will continue to
share updates and ways to support as details become available."


Luka Doncic於聲明中表示。

雖然Lag一天了 但我覺得有必要po這個@@


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BKBboys 05/06 05:12

climbingfish05/06 05:14好事推

nashno1 05/06 05:35推推

Weiforfuture05/06 05:39

dream6789 05/06 05:41

okichan 05/06 05:54QQ

davidmayday 05/06 06:03推好心

vollenca 05/06 06:20

fdtu0928 05/06 06:26推推推~

SincereBob 05/06 06:29好事推

yiersan 05/06 06:32

yusuke362 05/06 06:32暖心推

jcto04 05/06 06:3377暖男

Bilison 05/06 06:40推暖7

chenkidd 05/06 06:47

lookbleap 05/06 06:48推77

Gasolsister 05/06 06:53推77

f77928 05/06 06:57推77

tim1112 05/06 06:58

free120 05/06 07:06

sakraypopo 05/06 07:21暖小胖推個

hard9977 05/06 07:23推77

aegis80728 05/06 07:24

K0RVER 05/06 07:29

p8210p8210 05/06 07:29

forgetwen 05/06 07:38好奇什麼是覺得為此事件?

justaID 05/06 07:38善事推

KingChang71105/06 07:43

ohmypan 05/06 07:46推 唉 小孩都是最無辜的.....

lao7796325 05/06 07:49小丑他們國家欸慘

tteeccddyy 05/06 07:52

HBarnes40XX 05/06 07:54塞爾維亞以前.....嗯

HBarnes40XX 05/06 07:54不過一碼歸一碼,好事推推

mtbigzan 05/06 07:56推好人好事

ghostl40809 05/06 07:57南斯拉夫聯邦時的事不是他的責任啊

kj632868 05/06 08:09

GoodM 05/06 08:12

bobonanza 05/06 08:14推77善舉

danny91074 05/06 08:15暖 推一個

wl02311207 05/06 08:19

MorikonHase 05/06 08:25其實我對這幾個國家的狀態不熟 但推推

bucks34 05/06 08:33

s29961091 05/06 08:34

jailkobe556605/06 08:39都是南斯拉夫人,別計較太多

hen5566 05/06 08:40

baller0allen05/06 08:41小胖子心地真的善良

WLR 05/06 08:45推善行

islandant 05/06 08:48推 Joker應該也會表態吧

momo791126 05/06 08:51推77

airandy1102 05/06 08:51RIP...

jerrylin 05/06 09:01

mhhe04 05/06 09:09

gx15687 05/06 09:10

hugram 05/06 09:11

lightpisces 05/06 09:16善舉必須推

selamour 05/06 09:17原來77家族跟塞爾維亞這麼有關係

z13645 05/06 09:19

wate5566 05/06 09:21暖心

Azabulu 05/06 09:29

edwei 05/06 09:38

xbit 05/06 09:40做善事給推

teruhyde12 05/06 09:44真的暖

saes870506 05/06 09:44推小胖

JH4748 05/06 09:58推,好可怕啊…

p5319 05/06 10:03做善事 推

blackj14go 05/06 10:12

kevin852 05/06 10:18推推

babyalley 05/06 10:20好是給推

sunnyyoung 05/06 10:21推 但真不想看到這種慘案

rick5872236 05/06 10:21推推

meson 05/06 10:28善事推

MyDarkLife 05/06 10:29好事 推

ImMACACO 05/06 10:43

TexasFlood 05/06 10:50唉,好心推

rain356 05/06 10:56

zaza1128 05/06 10:5977好人一輩子平安,殺生真變態!

hiarpu 05/06 11:13

eycpdp4872 05/06 11:17推77

nakato 05/06 11:27

herry555 05/06 11:36

lovebean 05/06 11:42推77好人

ghostl40809 05/06 11:45南斯拉夫聯邦時期出了一位獨裁者 針對特定族群

ghostl40809 05/06 11:46進行種族屠殺(當時還以種族清洗"美化")

ghostl40809 05/06 11:48獨裁者是米諾塞維奇 他是塞爾維亞人

ghostl40809 05/06 11:48因此塞爾維亞有些人挺他的行為

ghostl40809 05/06 11:49但跟77無關 這不是他的錯誤

DrumStarCat 05/06 12:09暖77

wx190 05/06 12:26

gamma8902 05/06 12:45推77

kd48926 05/06 12:45推77

kkl522608 05/06 12:48

whhw 05/06 12:54

wahaha303 05/06 12:55推推

tweence 05/06 13:05

ymsc30102 05/06 13:30

linchw 05/06 13:4677777777

cloudenvy 05/06 13:47

GregXpp 05/06 13:47

jefy829 05/06 13:51

amo0717 05/06 14:13

sponge88 05/06 14:20推77

nashQ 05/06 16:44推原po 推77

black205 05/06 17:22好慘 推

juniorpenny 05/06 19:24大推善心

frank901212 05/06 22:08

sinben 05/07 00:15

pkajames 05/07 02:20