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The Detroit Pistons plan to convert guard Stanley Umude to a two-way NBA
contract, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium . Umade earns roster spot out oftraining camp after averaging 9.3 points, 43.8 percent 3-point shooting and
17 minutes over four preseason games.

活塞隊有意把後衛 Stanley Umude 的合約轉為雙向約。他在熱身賽期間,場均累計9.3分、三分球命中率達 43.8%,並且上陣十七分鐘。


The Washington Wizards are signing center John Butler Jr. to a two-way NBA
deal, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium . Butler spent part of last season
in Portland and went to training camp with the Trail Blazers.

The Washington Wizards have waived Xavier Cooks and Taj Gibson, a league
source told @TheAthleticNBA . The Wizards had to waive two players to reach
the 15-man roster limit.

巫師隊將以雙向合約,簽下中鋒 John Butler Jr.。他上賽季有部分時間待在拓荒者隊,在訓練營中也是在同一隊。同時,該隊已經裁掉 Xavier Cooks 和 Taj Gibson ,之後還須再裁掉多兩位球員,以達到十五位球員上限 (不含雙向約)。


The Houston Rockets are waiving forward Jeremiah Robinson-Earl, sources tell
@TheAthletic @Stadium . The big man has averaged 7.2 points and 4.9 rebounds
through two NBA seasons.

火箭隊將裁掉前鋒 Jeremiah Robinson-Earl。這位大個子球員在過去兩個賽季期間,場均累計7.2分、4.9個籃板。


The Houston Rockets are waiving two-way forward Darius Days, league sources
told @hoopshype .

The Houston Rockets are converting guard Jeenathan "Nate" Williams to a
two-way contract, agents Billy Davis and Corey Simon of @foasports_ told
@hoopshype . Williams averaged 10.6 points in 25.3 minutes in five games withthe Portland Trail Blazers last season.

火箭隊將裁掉雙向前鋒 Darius Days,並將後衛 Nate Williams 轉為雙向合約。後者在上賽季為拓荒者上陣五場比賽,場均25.3分鐘、10.6分。


Orlando Magic guard Cole Anthony has agreed on a three-year, $39 million
contract extension, Jeff Schwartz and Javon Phillips of @excelbasketball tellESPN.

魔術隊後衛 Cole Anthony 已經同意以三年、3900萬美元與原球團續約。


The Portland Trail Blazers are signing center Duop Reath to a two-way
contract, sources tell ESPN.

Reath played with the Blazers in the preseason and summer league. He was a
starter for Australia in the FIBA World Cup and had stops in Serbia and Chinasince leaving LSU.

拓荒者將以雙向合約簽下中鋒 Duop Reath。他在夏季聯賽和熱身賽期間,代表拓荒者出賽。他在籃球世界盃是先發球員,也曾在塞爾維亞和中國打球。


Atlanta Hawks F/C Onyeka Okongwu has agreed on a four-year, $62 million
contract extension, Sam Goldfeder of @excelbasketball tells ESPN.

Okongwu is the 14th player in the NBA Draft class of 2020 to agree on an
extension. Deadline is 6 PM ET.

老鷹隊中前鋒 Onyeka Okongwu 已經同意以四年、6200萬美元與原球隊續約。他是在2020年選秀梯次中,第十四位達成續約的球員。


No rookie contract extensions for Atlanta’s Saddiq Bey, New York’s Immanuel
Quickley, Chicago’s Patrick Williams, Indiana’s Obi Toppin and Toronto’s
Precious Achiuwa, sources tell ESPN. Those will be the top players able to
join restricted free agency next summer.


- Saddiq Bey (老鷹)
- Immanuel Quickley (尼克)
- Patrick Williams (公牛)
- Obi Toppin (溜馬)
- Precious Achiuwa (暴龍)



Sources: The Pistons and fourth-year players Killian Hayes and James Wiseman
won’t come to terms on contract extensions before the 6pm EST deadline. Both
will play out this season and be RFAs next summer.

在活塞隊的 Killian Hayes 和 James Wiseman 同樣未能獲得新秀續約,下個夏天將成為受限制自由球員。


San Antonio Spurs are converting center Charles Bediako to a two-way
contract, his agent Daniel Green of @greensportsmgmt tells @NBAonTNT ,
@BleacherReport .

馬刺隊將把中鋒 Charles Bediako 的合約轉換為雙向約。


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e8e88 10/24 06:18小智QQ

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 10/24/2023 06:21:07

jasonbass 10/24 06:212020梯沒提前續最大咖就Maxey吧 Quickley不曉得要

jasonbass 10/24 06:22多少竟然沒提前續

wakayama 10/24 06:27快可立怎麼沒續到..

MFultz20 10/24 06:28小智在活塞有沒有成長呀?

coyoteY 10/24 06:32沒成長,現在連上場時間都壓縮了

richard1003 10/24 06:33Quickly和Willams沒續約比較意外

landlice 10/24 06:34便宜留住Cole太讚了

JameerNe1son10/24 06:45Cole好佛

callmelanpa 10/24 07:09聰明建議先改姓

rbking21 10/24 07:12Cole有夠誇張地便宜 太佛了

pi020412 10/24 07:13公牛沒提前續PW?

Shane8610 10/24 07:14Cole才3y/39M?真的有夠便宜

jayjen 10/24 07:16Wiseman不是要證明自己嗎?笑死

zsp9081a 10/24 07:23以前三順位球員淪落到這地步,小智能說是誰養廢的

zsp9081a 10/24 07:23嗎?

EZ78 10/24 07:25Wiseman今年打好RFA一樣可以拿到不差的合約啦@@

EZ78 10/24 07:25沒拿到續約還不算是世界末日

sisitai 10/24 07:28Wiseman看他現在打這樣還滿悲劇的

jorden 10/24 08:10Wiseman就效率差啊 打越長越傷害球隊......

payton71213 10/24 08:12JRE可惜

dragon803 10/24 08:26OO續約好便宜啊 老鷹今年暑假2筆都挺佛的

KEYork 10/24 08:28小智要拜拜了

Erishcross 10/24 08:33勇老闆這麼愛 可能簽回來

cliff2102 10/24 08:35OO太便宜了吧

ntusimmon 10/24 08:37正常吧 在活塞又還沒結束啥功績

Crazyheros 10/24 08:44小智本來就低完成度、預計最少要2-3年!結果他進三

Crazyheros 10/24 08:44步隔天會退兩步那種…誰有耐心再等他4-5年….

peter89000 10/24 08:50Bey竟然沒續到,大概要價不便宜

z789252 10/24 08:52樓下說勇士楊懷樂

a816142002 10/24 08:58cole那張太佛了吧,還想說是不是看錯

rkilo 10/24 09:04Cole是發生什麼事?怎麼只能簽這個低薪約...

akko76815 10/24 09:05智寶 這都是個啥呀

TVXFQ 10/24 09:18苦瓜真的很便宜 但確實也只能走第六人

TVXFQ 10/24 09:18公牛感覺在考慮要不要重建吧

KirkSynder 10/24 09:38苦瓜是Cole Anthony?

cloudal 10/24 09:49JRE….

Jimimy 10/24 10:31Cole念起來像是苦的台語?

karmel 10/24 10:42小智不知道下一張會多少

karmel 10/24 10:43他一部分應該是因為受傷太久才會這麼慘

karmel 10/24 10:47第一年感覺要有起色時手腕就受傷 後來又傷膝蓋報銷

karmel 10/24 10:47一整年

karmel 10/24 10:47年輕進聯盟的優勢直接沒了

rbking21 10/24 11:05借轉安麗板 謝謝

rbking21:轉錄至看板 Orl-Magic

10/24 11:05

lagi5487 10/24 11:38快客力有點意外

Yofu 10/24 11:52阿貝就只這樣了嗎

jason930502 10/24 12:19貝應該是去年沒打好?

yumc 10/24 12:32Cole超佛

ABOQQ 10/24 12:39看名字對照場上,真的諷刺

Goatrae 10/24 12:41Bey就是想要這季證明自己拿更多 對續約報價不滿意

Goatrae 10/24 12:42Okongwu這筆真的是steal 這季開始長出三分球更值得

KOEI56 10/24 14:32小智的問題已經不是低完成度 是他球商真的不行

KOEI56 10/24 14:33如果一開始就給煉蠱只是更慘而已 當初大學沒打到真

KOEI56 10/24 14:34的有差

ooxxman 10/24 16:44活塞不要的話勇士再簽回來,老闆愛將