[花邊] 西門季前訓練外線投射
( @Cbrickley603 )
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[情報] Ben Simmons 投籃訓練來源: BEN SIMMONS IN THE LAB @Cbrickley603 姿勢挺標準的 出手也很流暢 看來要正式回歸了!爆
[情報] Ben Simmons 開練消息來源: Ben Simmons on IG… 西門已經開練了 日期在個人社群放上自己練球的照片爆
[討論] Ben Simmons改打中鋒的話模板是誰?現在騎士隊在內 很多隊要西門都不想讓他再打控衛 其中改打中鋒是一個最常被提及的選項 畢竟西門有6呎11(211cm) 身高雖不算非常高 但在這個矮中鋒盛行的年代應該也足夠了 改打中鋒應該可以讓他的投射問題減到最輕爆
[情報] 西門今日正式參與球隊訓練The Sixers say Ben Simmons was an active participant in practice today and Six ers coach Doc Rivers is speaking as though he expects Simmons to be back in a Philly uniform in the near future. As was suggested in this piece Friday:爆
[情報] 西門左腿痠痛Nets say Ben Simmons (left leg soreness) is out for the remainder of tonight’ s game. 籃網宣布西門左腿痠痛,本場不再出賽 短評或心得:爆
[情報] Ben Simmons 獲准完整參與季前訓練營消息來源: Brooklyn Nets star Ben Simmons (recovered from a back procedure) will be a go to begin training camp on Oct. 1 with no restrictions, his agent Bernie Lee tells me: “Ben is fully cleared and is a full participant for the start of96
[情報] Ben Simmons增加個人訓練量 將於2週內評估消息來源: Nets say Ben Simmons will be re-evaluated in another two weeks; he has increased individual court work. Simmons has been out since Nov. 6 with nerve irritation in lower back.83
[情報] 老河透露Simmons今天參加投籃訓練:投很多消息來源: Doc Rivers says Ben Simmons was at shootaround today, and did “a lot of shooting.” “He’s been coming in every day, that I know of.”72
[情報] Tyler Herro, Ben Simmons 一起訓練消息來源: Ben Simmons and Tyler Herro working out together (@raf_tyler/ IG) Tyler Herro 日前更新個人社群動態39
[情報] 老河流透露昨晚打電話給Simmons談交易傳聞消息來源: Sixers Coach Doc Rivers says he called Ben Simmons about the trade rumors / report last night to check on him Rivers says Simmons is in a good place & Rivers says this trade stuff is not
[花邊] 喬丹公開反對LGBTQ+覺醒議題83
[花邊] 阿肥:我們打得那麼爛在這位置還不錯爆
[情報] 勇士開季15場12-3 接下來15場3-1241
[外絮] Brett Siegel一些情報整理63
[花邊] Irving: 我會幫Naji和PJ付罰款21
[花邊] 波波上任馬刺後NBA經歷了300次主教練更動爆
[情報] NBA Standings (Dec. 28, 2024)爆
[花邊] Doncic缺陣時 獨行俠7勝2敗76
[花邊] Nurkic直接往Marshall的頭巴下去84
[花邊] 儘管輸了球小丑Jokic仍砍下27分大三元85
[花邊] Naji Marshall換了推特封面54
[情報] Bronny今日轟下15分,7籃板GL生涯新高39
[花邊] 斑馬賽後和小球迷交換球衣42
[情報] 今日Kuminga 生涯新高34分16
[情報] 雷霆Dort Wallace Caruso下場不會出賽48
[花邊] Malone:他們在場上都不說話13
[情報] Anthony Edwards準絕殺火箭3
Re: [情報] Silver:90年代NBA的對抗過分強烈了3X
[外絮] Bronny James來到克里夫蘭了!