[專欄] "Dear DC" —Bradley Beal

看板NBA標題[專欄] "Dear DC" —Bradley Beal作者
時間推噓28 推:28 噓:0 →:13

全文來自The Player's Tribune,DC下皆以華盛頓(特區)代稱

Dear DC,
It wasn’t easy to write this. It’s been an amazing 11 years, and it’s unrea
l to think my time here has come to an end. You spend over a decade somewhere, and that place becomes more than just the team you play for. It becomes a part of you.


I’ll never forget the day the Wizards drafted me, because it was my 19th birthday. June 28, 2012! I remember growing up, my brothers and me, we’d talk about who was going to be the first one to buy our mom her dream house. And whenmy name got called at #3, we all just embraced — because we knew what that meant. My family sacrificed so many of their dreams in order to help me chase mine … and if I’m telling you about my time in DC, it starts there. The Wizard
s made it so those dreams could be real.


DC put their faith in me with that #3 pick. It’s the type of faith you can only try to repay, and all I can say is I tried my best. Both as the person I was in the community and as the player I was on the court. I think when John and I first got here, there wasn’t necessarily all of this excitement around DC
hoops. And one of the things I’m most proud of is how we were able to play at a level that helped change that. Between our success and the Mystics, I feellike we brought a whole new energy to the city.


I can still picture the look on John’s face, before Game 6 against the Celtics in 2017, as we were talking to each other in warmups. We didn’t even need to be talking — that’s how much we were on the same page about that game. It
’s like we knew how anything could happen in a Game 7 in Boston, and we almost could live with that … but we weren’t losing TONIGHT. You know what I mean
? It was like, Tonight we’re putting DC on our back. Memories like those will stay with me forever.


There are so many people I want to thank. To Ted Leonsis(老闆), to Ernie Grunfeld(前任總經理), and to Tommy Sheppard(前任總管,選進了Beal)): I can’t thank you all enough for drafting and believing in a young kid from St. Louis. To my head coaches — Randy Wittman, Scott Brooks, and Wes Unseld Jr.(三位
總教練): You have each played a pivotal role in my growth as a player and a leader. To my assistant coaches — Sam Cassell, Don Z, RIP Newman, H Eisley, Tony Brown, Roy, Rob Pack, Sully, Sufi, Richman, Chad, Longo, P, JB, Posey, SidLowe, Maz, Terp, Corey G, Ryno(助教們):Thank you for the knowledge you instilled in me that has evolved my game to the level it is today. To the player development staff — Connelly, D Adkins, Landon, Lump, Mike W, Joe, Alex McLean, KT, P, Rob Dos(球員發展部門): Thank you for pushing me and supporting me constantly. Thank you to our equipment managers, some of my favorite guys in the building: Jerry Riley (iykyk), Dave Avery, Rob, Jorge, Mango, Royce, and Thomas. Thank you to our PR team of Scott, Daren, K Dot, Matt, and to the entire day-to-day media team. Thank you to team security — Jackie Miles, Flave, BT, Mack, AJ: You kept us safe, but also brought many laughs and great moments to the organization! Thank you to the staff at Verizon/Cap One: True genuine people who loved and supported every player who entered the building. To Pastor Jenkins, Battle, McBride, Steph: Thank you for keeping God in my life along the journey. To Sashia, Ketsia, K Milly, Ed Tap, and Frank Ross: Thank you for being my MENTORS and for your guidance through the years! Thank you to C Miller, D Good, and McPeak in the cut! I will miss the talks on the back of the plane with my fam. Thank you to the unbelievable teammates I’ve had – legends, Ha
ll of Famers, friends, and brothers!


To Wizards fans, of course: Thank you for the support, the accountability, and ultimately the love. And above all, to my family: Thank you for being there every step of the way.


It’s crazy how on draft night, I was embracing my parents and brothers, as this 19-year-old kid about to move to DC … and now I’m leaving with my own fam
ily at almost 30. I really have so much appreciation for the life we were able to build here. And I have so much appreciation for how everyone has treated us on the way out. I took a lot of pride in being a franchise player, and in my relationship with the community. But I also know this is a business. And from a business standpoint it was the right time for both sides.


To everyone in Phoenix: I’m excited to play for you all, and to be part of the Suns organization. One thing I’m realizing about this team is that the days of my sons wearing BEAL #3 jerseys are probably over. I’m pretty sure they’
re going to be asking for #1 or #35. But I’ll take that L — this group has a
chance to be special.

「致鳳凰城的每個人,我很興奮能為你們打球和成為太陽團隊的一份子。而有一件我意識到的事是我兒子們穿著Beal 3號球衣的日子已經結束了,我很確定他們會要求穿1或是35號。但我會接受——這個團隊有機會變得特別。」

To everyone in DC: It’s bittersweet. I don’t like how “goodbye” sounds, so
let’s just say “see you later.” (We still got 160 to get!! You never know.
) Peace, Blessings, and Prosperity to the city and fans. I hope you’ll always consider me one of your own.






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ingerway 06/27 10:43現在是大家都要來個小作文就對了

lens82801 06/27 10:43第一行typo: 十一個念頭

※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 06/27/2023 10:44:18

k385476916 06/27 10:46哭了

ClownT 06/27 10:54當然會有作文心得,Beal在這裡待了11年

foolishbi 06/27 10:54推~

ClownT 06/27 10:55巫師當初給他頂薪+霸王條款也是仁至義盡了

kaede0711 06/27 10:56發個感性文總比花秀哀度或是not 2 not 3好ㄅ

lef1986 06/27 10:56反正是公關代寫的

PanaS0Nic 06/27 10:56We still got 160 to get 這什麼梗?

tomlee1130 06/27 10:57嗚嗚我巫的雙槍年代終於完全結束了QQ

pneumo 06/27 10:58翻譯辛苦了

Vince4117 06/27 10:59雙方都仁至義盡和平分手

Chanlin01 06/27 11:00結果牆哥已經沒工作 Beal還有頂薪

twpt0723 06/27 11:00真的是把巔峰獻給了首都

KiDCuDi 06/27 11:01

matsuwu 06/27 11:03wall兩次大傷太慘了

A787878564 06/27 11:0317年打青賽g6真的超熱血 wall那顆準絕殺3分

XristianBale06/27 11:08蠻感人的 但後來發現這些寫手每篇文章布局都差不多

XristianBale06/27 11:09我猜應該500美元就有公關公司能寫一篇

wwe619 06/27 11:14那幾年的巫師也是很可惜啊 差一點就摸到東冠地板了

nameless22 06/27 11:15翻得很好 辛苦了

yeh6476 06/27 11:20希望巫師能退雙槍的球衣

jan58912 06/27 11:20我想到Harper離開國民加入費城人記者會上口誤說要

jan58912 06/27 11:20把冠軍帶到DC結果該年國民就奇蹟般擊敗太鼓達人拿

ABiao0220 06/27 11:21跟之前CJ寫Dear Portland一樣 對母隊城市很有愛

jan58912 06/27 11:21到WS了

gameow1124 06/27 11:25160指的是離巫師隊史最高得分差160,說不定以後回

gameow1124 06/27 11:26來可以拿到


※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 06/27/2023 11:27:29

gameow1124 06/27 11:26We still got 160 to get!! You never know.應該可

gameow1124 06/27 11:26以翻譯成,我們還有160分要得呢

a22122212 06/27 11:34可惜了那年矮湯超強

micbrimac 06/27 11:35是chatGpt寫的嗎~

Erishcross 06/27 11:37要是牆哥沒受傷 唉

tupacshkur 06/27 11:5811年哦! 夠久了

LatteCat556606/27 12:21能在球隊連續打11年不多了

shentacheng 06/27 12:53感覺他會回巫師退休

spitwater15 06/27 13:14所以明天就有Beal生日快樂文

spitwater15 06/27 13:15wall兩次大傷啊,沒退已經很超出預期了

berry5277 06/27 14:11要是我牆沒受傷,可能還能看巫師打季後賽

vgil 06/27 15:20#Thank you

gn00152097 06/27 17:2511年確實非常久 在現今的NBA非常不容易