[外絮] 阿銀非常支持季中錦標賽的彩色地板

看板NBA標題[外絮] 阿銀非常支持季中錦標賽的彩色地板作者
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原標題:Adam Silver a ‘big advocate’ of colorful courts in NBA In-Season


作者:Joe Vardon


LAS VEGAS — The searing blue court with the bright red strip down the
middle, and large NBA Cup decals in each foul lane and at the center line —
all of that is here to stay in Adam Silver’s In-Season Tournament.


Silver, the league’s commissioner who created the In-Season Tournament,
raved about the special courts used for all 67 games, whether they were in
local markets or Las Vegas for the semifinal and final rounds.


“I’m a big advocate of the colorful courts,” Silver said on Saturday in
his meeting with reporters, an hour before the Los Angeles Lakers and IndianaPacers were to play for the first IST championship.


“Obviously, we want to make sure that the players have confidence in them,
that the type of paint used isn’t (too) slippery, and I think we’ve dealt
with those issues incidentally, but we want to make sure they’re not a
distraction,” Silver said.

「很明顯的,我們要確保球員們對這些地板有信心,使用的漆料類型不會(太)滑,我想 我們已經順帶處理了這些問題,但我們要確保這些不會分散注意力。」

If anything, Silver said, the colorful courts — which, anecdotally, fans
have complained about when watching IST games on television because the colorschemes were too severe, like watching football on Boise State’s blue
football field — could be even more creative. He also said the use of
special courts during the IST has given him ideas about doing something
similar during the NBA Finals.


“For the Finals, we could have a special Finals court — not just with the
(Larry O’Brien) trophy in the center, but a little bit more colorful,”
Silver said.


Silver said fans have communicated to him that: “If they’re not at home or
in a sports bar or somewhere and they see the color from the court, it
signifies there’s something different going on.” He said players from both
the Lakers and Pacers told him Friday they “appreciated … that the
different color courts signified that the game was special.”


Silver said the other most controversial component of his IST — using point
differentials as a tiebreaker — would be under review. The league will also
consider adjustments to how and when future IST games are scheduled, but
noted that the semifinal Thursday between the Bucks and Pacers — which
started at 2 p.m. in Las Vegas — enabled fans in Europe to be able to watch
the game comfortably.


If teams finished with the same record in IST pool play, a tiebreaker was
determined using the margins of victory or defeat.


“I’m not ready to necessarily move away from it, but if ultimately there’s
going to be a sense, particularly from our American fans, that it somehow is
an indication of poor sportsmanship, that’s not a good idea for us to be
doing it,” Silver said.


Silver said his tournament was popular with the players in part because of
the prize money — $500,000 for the champion, $200,000 for the runner up —
as well as the location (Vegas, baby) and because of the heightened level of


“I should say, also, players like LeBron (James), Steph (Curry), other
leading veterans in this league embracing this from day one, that makes a bigdifference with the players, too,” Silver said.

「我也必須說,像是 LeBron James、Stephen Curry 等聯盟中的老將,他們打從第一天 開始也接受這一點,這對球員們來說也產生很大的影響。」

Silver also said that there were preliminary discussions around naming
something involved with the IST — like the trophy or the tournament MVP —
after Silver’s predecessor, the late David Stern.

阿銀也說,在內部曾初步討論過以已故 David Stern 的名義來命名環繞季中錦標賽的成分,如獎盃或賽會最有價值球員等。

“There were some who felt that (the IST) wasn’t big enough (to honor Stern),
” Silver said. “Maybe after the reception here (that could change)? We’ve
been struggling a little bit because there’s plenty of things we can do to
honor him. But I think everyone in the NBA community wants to make sure that
they’re sufficient to take into account the enormous amount he contributed
to the game.”


「有些人認為(季中錦標賽)還不足以(用來紀念 Stern)。也許看了這裡的反應之後( 情況會有所改變)?我們一直在掙扎,因為我們可以做很多事情來紀念他。但我認為, 在 NBA 的每個人都希望確保他們足以考慮到他對比賽的重大貢獻。」




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apestage 12/10 23:29先不要

jkl85621 12/10 23:30吐了

naye 12/10 23:30

jgps61203 12/10 23:30?????

k385476916 12/10 23:30明明就很醜

aoka 12/10 23:31原來是紀念史騰的?

elvita 12/10 23:31其實可以取消了

SCARHSCARL 12/10 23:31就算他覺得很潮不想改,也至少在轉播上做點處理吧

MK47 12/10 23:31我覺得這地板是季中錦標賽唯一敗筆耶 要特殊設計也

benny6513 12/10 23:31別吧 眼睛不舒服

Sessyoin 12/10 23:31= =

MK47 12/10 23:31不一定要彩度這麼高 這麼反光啊

enemyli 12/10 23:32不要那麼亮 我眼睛快瞎了

tyrone0923 12/10 23:33要特殊設計可以,但可以不要這麼鮮豔,電視上看很花

wwf1588 12/10 23:33有錯字

wwf1588 12/10 23:33在星球六賽前一小時

ZIDENS 12/10 23:33金塊:你去年怎麼沒想到 我們超平淡欸

wuklean 12/10 23:35醜死了

Miyanishi25 12/10 23:35中華民國美學

Mei5566 12/10 23:35眼睛要瞎了,訓練辨識系統膩

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 12/10/2023 23:36:06

laptic 12/10 23:36@wwf1588 已修 THX

l2l 12/10 23:38說不定就是他目的 醜得讓人印象深刻

s8800892000 12/10 23:39不要吧

evangelew 12/10 23:40原來是阿銀的美感

Lumia800 12/10 23:40我看轉播有時候球接近籃框時 會看不太到球

cangyisu 12/10 23:41這地板真的不太行

c332008 12/10 23:41球衣越做越醜,現在輪到球場了

Anikk 12/10 23:42地板有創意,但是配色怪怪der

Poorbob0221 12/10 23:43

hot413 12/10 23:45這地板絕對是最大敗筆 其他我沒意見

ksuenjjr 12/10 23:45要辨識是季中錦標賽也不用這樣搞,超阿雜

xo1100 12/10 23:45華國美學獨步全球

KingChang71112/10 23:48不要可以嗎

qq0526 12/10 23:51紅色不太行 球會消失

wpd 12/10 23:51中間沒意見 原本就有油漆區跟LOGO 兩旁木板色好嗎

nowucme 12/10 23:52

ryuke 12/10 23:53我不行

n10617 12/10 23:55看了很暈

f77928 12/10 23:55圖利地板商

ChinaKlay 12/10 23:57我覺得還行

vasia 12/10 23:58眼睛很痛

cocojohn111 12/11 00:00很有特色啊

yeslin 12/11 00:02超糞的配色好嗎 視覺上看得很累欸

mib999888 12/11 00:02頂樓鐵皮加蓋 華國跳色風

teariceooo 12/11 00:04醜爛

idlewolf 12/11 00:05其實也沒啥其他能改了 搞地板很直觀明瞭

idlewolf 12/11 00:05問題在於配色 有些真的很怪

oooellis 12/11 00:06說不定美國人很喜歡

fack3170 12/11 00:07阿銀很愛

marlonlai 12/11 00:07地板顏色鮮豔度過高了 降低一點會比較舒服

jeffsu 12/11 00:08我看的頭很暈....

dstory 12/11 00:10阿銀你是不是都不看電視的

MDAISUKE18 12/11 00:12阿銀都在現場的吧?

dante110059 12/11 00:15眼睛沒問題嗎

aegisWIsL 12/11 00:16嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔

hitokiri 12/11 00:17阿銀該不會是色盲還是色弱吧...球員們根本很困擾

uf1276 12/11 00:18超醜好嗎

siegfriedlin12/11 00:21酉鬼

mightymouse 12/11 00:22可以用成淺色的嗎

zaza1128 12/11 00:22太彩了,眼睛好累

rayes 12/11 00:24醜死了 請愛惜自己的眼睛

ronert0975 12/11 00:27救命啊 轉播看得很痛苦

BignoZe 12/11 00:29看到眼睛快脫窗了

mhkt 12/11 00:31那個地板色調不用那麼鮮豔的話 ...

Leaflock 12/11 00:35醜死

greedfat 12/11 00:35至少今年看不到了

micbrimac 12/11 00:35我也喜歡那個地板阿XDD

taikonkimo 12/11 00:36原來是阿銀的美感…

thibw13ug1 12/11 00:38地板真的不舒服

ctttttt 12/11 00:43他是說還要更繽紛 靠北

kevindai10 12/11 00:47醜死了

wingtoya 12/11 00:49配色很不搭

WindSuan 12/11 00:53阿銀是不是有油漆商贊助==

Chang0212 12/11 00:55醜的要死,超刺眼

MDAISUKE18 12/11 00:55阿銀:錦標賽好看嗎?我也覺得很好看(望向地板)

QQcandyQQ 12/11 00:57超醜,在電視上看眼睛快瞎了

jotxup 12/11 00:57美國人的審美 跟我們不一樣

ooxxman 12/11 01:05蠻有特色的,花俏就是賣點

A00610lol 12/11 01:07

Qorqios 12/11 01:09最好是有看完一場

Shinpachi 12/11 01:10地板上色ok 但你們配色美學有點問題

bloodruru 12/11 01:13原來是你...

mokumoku 12/11 01:13地板滿有趣的啊 一看就知錦標賽來了

bluesgzr 12/11 01:21問題不在彩色跟花樣 是彩度問題啊…

CsvsLinginoo12/11 01:32終於結束這個錦標賽了 地板快復原

justaID 12/11 01:46總冠軍賽還想更繽紛......

wahaha303 12/11 01:53請個專業搞設計的來操刀 拜託

ruokcnn 12/11 02:00這傢伙是美感白癡

yusuke362 12/11 02:10阿銀美學

lakershank 12/11 02:20傷眼美學

ymsc30102 12/11 02:38阿銀是不是有來台灣進修過啊

v11nce1217 12/11 02:38超醜

vltw5v 12/11 02:44這美感...

qkevin11 12/11 03:34怎不吃屎

k22941920 12/11 04:16真的很醜 又傷眼

suwalampa 12/11 04:56還好吧 有球員跳出來說不要嗎

SEVEnMonth 12/11 05:24超醜

r491396076 12/11 05:44你不知道你把聯盟搞得多軟嗎?

Xhocer 12/11 06:31阿銀哪時候有認錯過了

EZ78 12/11 06:37地板的點子是好的 執行的很爛。

catdog 12/11 06:52找眼科醫師搭配美感設計的人來設計吧==

jason911152 12/11 07:00地板是可以,但是配色那些再想一下

Suntia 12/11 07:00醜就算了,看轉播真的很吃力

curry0402 12/11 07:21醜死了 哪裡的美學

JoshSmith 12/11 07:44Gay的美感

secretmen 12/11 07:58醜+不利透過鏡頭呈現比賽

callme76 12/11 08:12老人美感

e8e88 12/11 08:13不知道現場看會不會有差?

jickey 12/11 08:13彩度低一點應該會好一點吧 現在這樣真的醜

ciafbi007 12/11 08:25原來是高層矚意的

mumimumimumi12/11 08:32原來是阿銀美感哈哈

tomlee1130 12/11 08:33阿銀美感XDDDDDD

O10lOl01O 12/11 08:41

pcfox 12/11 08:45老了眼睛不好嗎?

alex0973 12/11 08:47...看的眼睛酸

newIheart 12/11 08:58錢 誰能不愛

taro0116lo 12/11 09:080分

syk1104 12/11 09:10你是不是色盲

superswide 12/11 09:14gay就是喜歡彩虹

onnax 12/11 09:32特殊設計好認這點很不錯,但配色真的要再想想…

derekhsu 12/11 09:38檢調調查一下阿銀家族是不是開地板相關公司的

SlamKai 12/11 09:38阿銀美學 殘害球迷眼睛的爛東西

iamaq18c 12/11 09:38以看比賽來說 其實真的不太舒服....

edwinrw 12/11 09:38阿銀要不要先看眼科

Xliao 12/11 09:43阿銀就是這樣頭鐵 捧奇怪的咖搞奇怪的吹判 NBA才被

Xliao 12/11 09:44他搞到還要另外搞個季中賽來拉收視率

jyunwei 12/11 09:49最大的目的就是要讓大家輕易認知到這不是一般的例

jyunwei 12/11 09:49行賽

deadair 12/11 10:07有夠醜的

caesst85149 12/11 10:22先不論美醜 配色用螢幕看真的很傷害眼睛

kimo6414 12/11 10:24你真的有在電視上看過球?

Saynai 12/11 10:25瞎了

xxlaws 12/11 11:24馬的智障地板

Puye 12/11 12:51這配色 眼睛都爛了

forsell 12/11 13:07還要繼續推這種地板喔…

sunnyyoung 12/11 13:23醜爆

yurian 12/11 14:02阿銀:能炒話題就是好地板

wainkid 12/11 14:07很繽紛 XD

iWatch3 12/11 14:16華國美學之店面招牌

YAHOOOOOOOO 12/11 18:53母湯…

n111333 12/12 07:52品味真差

k798976869 12/12 07:58廠商感謝你有錢賺 觀眾也感謝你瞎了

e2755699 12/12 10:32不要紅色其他都好