[花邊]Obituary:Love story-Kobe died on 1/26

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完整標題 Obituary Love story Kobe Bryant died on January 26th
The five-rings champion basketball player was 41



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Kobe Bryant - 'Till I Collapse (A 2017 Tribute Mix)

Feb 1st 2020
Whenever he was asked why his whole life had been spent playing basketball,
Kobe Bryant’s narrow eyes searched upwards, and his mouth trembled. The
answer was simple, yet so complicated. It began with the orange ball, the
smell of it, the feel of the pebbled leather grains and the perfect grooves
under his hands; and its bounce, and the way it sounded different on concreteor polished hardwood. Then came the net, the shot slithering right through itwith that triumphant springing whoosh, while he howled with joy. Then every
movement of the game, the strategies, the dodging and feints, the squeal of
sneakers on the court. Whatever had thrilled him as a child (watching his
father, also a pro player, on tv, wearing his own little 76ers outfit,
running and jumping along with him) still thrilled him when in 2016 he
retired from the game. “Dear Basketball”, he wrote,

From the moment
I started rolling my Dad’s tube socks
And shooting imaginary
Game-winning shots...
I knew one thing was real:
A love so deep I gave you my all.Feb 1st 2020
Whenever he was asked why his whole life had been spent playing basketball,
Kobe Bryant’s narrow eyes searched upwards, and his mouth trembled. The
answer was simple, yet so complicated. It began with the orange ball, the
smell of it, the feel of the pebbled leather grains and the perfect grooves
under his hands; and its bounce, and the way it sounded different on concreteor polished hardwood. Then came the net, the shot slithering right through itwith that triumphant springing whoosh, while he howled with joy. Then every
movement of the game, the strategies, the dodging and feints, the squeal of
sneakers on the court. Whatever had thrilled him as a child (watching his
father, also a pro player, on tv, wearing his own little 76ers outfit,
running and jumping along with him) still thrilled him when in 2016 he
retired from the game. “Dear Basketball”, he wrote,

From the moment
I started rolling my Dad’s tube socks
And shooting imaginary
Game-winning shots...
I knew one thing was real:
A love so deep I gave you my all.




“My all” meant training obsessively, like a maniac. He would go to the gym
and shoot for hours, all day, all night. Hundreds of times, not just taking
shots, but making them, running steps and patterns, practising shots off the

I ran up and down every court
After every loose ball for you.

He would ponder what would make his game unstoppable and then work backwards
from there, building it piece by piece, move by move, repeatedly. Then, when
the actual game arrived, it was all just muscle-memory. He perfected his own
works of art: the jab-step-and-pause, using unexpected footwork to pass the
defender, and the fadeaway, shooting while he jumped high and backwards from
the basket.


For 20 seasons, a very long time to stay with one team, he played as a
shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers. With them he won five nba
championship rings and was most valuable player in two finals. His 81 points
at home against Toronto, in 2006, was the second-highest individual score
recorded in league history. By the time he retired he had the third-highest
points total, 33,643, overtaken only days ago by the game’s present leading
star, LeBron James. His own stardom brought him in a salary of around $30m a
year, allowing him to dress in Gucci and to keep house in a gated community
in Newport Beach, California. It also brought sponsorship deals, such as the
one with Nike, whom he asked to design shoes with heels and midsoles that
could shave precious hundredths of seconds off his reaction time. For he didn’t care so much about money, points, or the fans’ applause; they could turn
against him anyway, as they did after he was accused in 2003 of sexually
assaulting a woman in Colorado, a case dropped but never cleared up. He caredabout being the best, winning games. Simple and plain.


His obsession could make him by turns hustling, mean and dejected. When he
joined the Lakers, his dream team, in 1996, traded from the Charlotte
Hornets, he was only 17, the youngest player in the nba. He had been picked
for the pro leagues straight from his suburban high school and had lived as aboy in Italy, two things that made him odd. But he came in burning with
self-belief. No babying for him; he was hard, focused, a lone artist, and
much of that stayed. He called himself the Black Mamba later, an
assassin-snake, ruthless in the strike. Unjust foul calls and lost play-off
games—especially the finals against the Detroit Pistons and the Boston
Celtics—threw him into misery and vows of revenge.


On the court, lithe and nimble, he wanted every game for himself. Team-mates
thought him selfish, not passing enough and shooting far too much, missing
more shots in his career than anyone in nba history. He hit back at that,
since at least he stayed with one team and didn’t go off somewhere else; he
wanted the glory of winning the play-offs for the purple-and-golds, not just
himself. Yet he so loved the ball that it just seemed drawn towards his
hands. And he went on shooting, and shooting, not least because he sometimes
saved a game with a fabulous floater in the final seconds. Besides, airballs
too could look and feel good, good from trajectory to follow-through,
on-line, on target. Some people thought Mozart had too many notes.


As in most love affairs, he had competition. One was Michael Jordan, the
greatest basketball player of the era, the Buddha on top of the mountain and
winner of six rings, whom he once asked for advice while he was guarding him.Another was Shaquille O’Neal, a charming giant who also played for the
Lakers, but infuriated him because he little-brothered him and did not train
like he did. (No one trained like he did.) To prove he was the best of
basketball’slovers, he would go on playing when he was hurt, shooting
left-handed when his right hand was injured, staggering on when ankles, kneesand back were all sore. If he decided he was playing, no manager or coach
could do anything about it.

I played through the sweat and hurt
/…because YOU called me.


He claimed to have no memory of the last game he played, though he scored 60
points in it from 50 shots. For a while his interests had been branching intomultimedia, writing, film-making and setting up a Mamba Sports Academy in
Thousand Oaks. But most of these still had basketball at the core. His
longest film, “Muse”, was about his career, and an animated short based on
“Dear Basketball” won an Academy Award. He gave motivating talks in America
and Asia in which all his life-lessons were carried over from the court. At
Thousand Oaks he coached his second daughter Gianna, among many others, in
how to play his way.

With a lover’s impatience, he increasingly took helicopters to get to and
from games, events, his office and the academy, in which case he might take
Gianna with him. Carpe diem, seize the day, was his motto, learned at school
in Italy; tempus neminem manet, time waits for no man. Bad weather would
hardly deter him.

Gianna一同踏上球場。Carpe diem(拉丁語,活在當下)這是他在義大利學到的座右銘。
tempus neminem manet(時間不等人),沒有任何人可以阻擋他對籃球的熱愛,即便是惡


realtw: 經濟學人?哈 原來加上這四個字 連人名都沒有的就變權威了 11/16 14:19
realtw: 我也是經濟學人 我權威嗎 11/16 14:19
realtw: 台日韓新某經濟學家=全世界=權威 11/16 14:21
realtw: 知道啊 經濟學人是英國一個小報啊 就是故意留梗啊 11/16 14:42


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※ 編輯: KirkSynder ( 臺灣), 02/03/2020 01:00:37

Vedan 02/03 01:00大哥 您稍微修一下前面@@

BryantChan 02/03 01:02帶大家回家那邊有點靠北

KirkSynder 02/03 01:09抱歉,剛才一直斷線,一直重打,就想等打完最後一起

KirkSynder 02/03 01:09改,結果忘了,謝謝提醒,回家那個是沒想到一直斷線

KirkSynder 02/03 01:09打到想睡覺,就沒什麼修飾,不過因為原文真的寫的很

KirkSynder 02/03 01:09持平,也不會刻意美化,所以分享給大家,翻譯不好請

KirkSynder 02/03 01:09包涵,有錯請打臉不用客氣

aaron97 02/03 01:09野雞雜誌

yuh15420 02/03 02:02推翻譯

cc101815 02/03 02:04用心翻譯推推

payton711 02/03 02:09為籃球而生、而活的男人

owl3819 02/03 02:47

saidon 02/03 04:48carpe diem...sieze the day!

PurPkNighT 02/04 03:30我記得下面不是還有一句經濟學人的銷量之類的嗎XD