[情報] Matthew Cherry將奧斯卡獎項獎獻給Kobe

看板NBA標題[情報] Matthew Cherry將奧斯卡獎項獎獻給Kobe作者
時間推噓23 推:27 噓:4 →:4


Matthew A. Cherry used the closing seconds of his Academy Award
acceptance speech Sunday to honor the late Kobe Bryant, who in 2018
won an award in same category Cherry was recognized.
Kobe Bryant。

Cherry referenced Bryant after he and his associates won in the
category Best Animated Short Film for "Hair Love," a story in
support of natural hair and representation.
Cherry與他的合夥人以"Hair Love"贏得本屆奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎,也為Kobe於

"This award is dedicated to Kobe Bryant. May we all have a second
act as great as his was," said Cherry, who wrote "Hair Love" and
helped to direct and produce it.
「我要把這座獎獻給Kobe Bryant,願我們都有像Kobe一樣有著偉大的第二人生」負責

Bryant won the award in 2018 for his "Dear Basketball," becoming the
first former professional athlete to nominated for, and win, an
Oscar. Cherry's bio lists him as having played for the NFL's
Jaguars, Bengals, Panthers and Ravens from 2004-07. He never played
in a regular-season game.
在"Dear Basketball"成為2018年的奧斯卡最佳動畫短片得獎後,Kobe成為第一個以

There was another connection to Bryant during the red-carpet
portion of the Academy Awards. Knicks superfan Spike Lee entered
dressed in a purple-and-gold Bryant-themed tuxedo.
此外,導演Spike Lee在今年奧斯卡紅地毯中穿著了一身紫金配色服裝向Kobe致敬。

Bryant was the first person featured in the show's "In Memoriam"
segment. With Billie Eilish singing a version of The Beatles'
"Yesterday," an image of Bryant holding his Oscar was shown on the
stage's big screen. A quote graphic was overlaid. It read: "Life is
too short to get bogged down and be discouraged. You have to keep
moving. You have to keep going."
Kobe Bryant手拿著奧斯卡小金人的照片,伴隨在Billie Eilish的歌聲,成為了今
"Life is too short to get bogged down and be discouraged.
You have to keep moving. You have to keep going. "



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※ 編輯: earvin3232 ( 臺灣), 02/10/2020 20:42:55

peter211183 02/10 20:43老大一生推!

FireStarman 02/10 20:43QQ

depo 02/10 20:45QQ

johnwu 02/10 20:47假掰奧斯卡 人家活著時是怎麼對待的

zero781218 02/10 20:49QQ

cooper0710 02/10 20:5204-07有打過卻沒上場是痛痛人嗎?


mmbigpp 02/10 20:52活著的時候就把獎頒給他,某樓噓的點是?

s355185s 02/10 20:54應該是某些女權團體吧

mmbigpp 02/10 21:03奧斯卡在metoo纏身還頒給kobe,待他不薄,某樓有搞

mmbigpp 02/10 21:08懂嗎?

gt12345 02/10 21:09老大!!

※ 編輯: earvin3232 ( 臺灣), 02/10/2020 21:12:05

sony0955 02/10 21:14老大......

andy78714 02/10 21:22QQ

Wall62 02/10 21:32QQ

lkk88 02/10 22:03濃濃的消費感 濃濃的蹭熱度感

kobe143 02/10 22:11QQ

MartinGarrix02/10 22:44科比搶了很多默默付出於動畫的人的獎項 只因他是科

MartinGarrix02/10 22:44

monkeyro661102/10 22:50說kobe搶別人獎項也是好笑、講的好像Kobe 沒付出一

monkeyro661102/10 22:50

wastedoor 02/10 23:11消費消費起來

tony4417 02/10 23:20某些人真的是為酸而酸,如果kobe沒拿獎現在的說法又

tony4417 02/10 23:20是..?

DerLuna 02/10 23:38我常常酸老大 但還是想念老大QQ

DerLuna 02/10 23:38老大不在沒有人可以酸QQ

puzzler 02/11 00:02QQ

Mezerized 02/11 00:54奧斯卡還需要蹭熱度喔

vaude 02/11 01:52人在做天在看 為me2贖罪

sxzc 02/11 01:58講那些垃圾話刷存在的人ID都是黑的 真的很可憐

OrespectO 02/11 07:27老大QQ

godrainbow 02/11 08:02體諒酸酸 說不定他們過世白包都收不到10包

damnbear 02/11 09:15奧斯卡要消費三小...沒常識就去多看點書好嗎?

shh17121730 02/11 09:17酸酸掛了不會有人鳥吧 一群在現實生活沒成就的垃圾

Zodelyst 02/11 13:15劉青雲

Fanlic 02/11 13:39說奧斯卡消費的有事喔?Kobe在好萊塢一堆朋友