[情報] NBA眾球星秘密會議全體支持恢復賽季

看板NBA標題[情報] NBA眾球星秘密會議全體支持恢復賽季作者
(If Penguins May Fly)
時間推噓64 推:64 噓:0 →:30



Yahoo Sources: NBA superstars LeBron James, Chris Paul, Damian Lillard,
Giannis Antetokounmpo, Russell Westbrook, Kevin Durant, Kawhi Leonard and
Stephen Curry held private conference call on Monday and established united
front in favor of resuming season.


Toward the end of the call discussing the ramifications of the coronavirus
pandemic, all parties were in agreement to take the court with proper safety
measures once the league is given the green light to commence, sources said.

Chris Paul, the president of the players association, arranged the call that
included LeBron James, Anthony Davis, Kevin Durant, Giannis Antetokounmpo,
Kawhi Leonard, Stephen Curry, Damian Lillard and Russell Westbrook, sources

The group’s decision is expected to hold significant weight in the
decision-making process for the rest of the league’s players when it’s time
to deliberate on whether to restart the season.


In a conference call with players on Friday, NBA commissioner Adam Silver
stated that he couldn’t guarantee the safety of the players if play resumed
in a city where they would be quarantined, but assured them the league would
do everything in its power to make the safest conditions possible, sources

That didn’t sit well with some players, sources said, with a vaccine not
expected to be available for a year or two.

The majority of players who are essentially eliminated from postseason
contention would rather the league start back up with the top eight teams in
each conference competing in some sort of playoff, sources said.

For some players out of the playoff picture, there’s concern a canceled
season could negatively affect the next CBA, sources said.

Silver said he doesn’t have to make a decision on the season until some
point in June.


Chris Paul 以球員公會會長的身分,召集以下球員在周一進行了私人會議

LeBron James
Chris Paul
Damian Lillard
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Russell Westbrook
Kevin Durant
Kawhi Leonard
Stephen Curry



上週五Adam Silver說目前就算集中球員在隔離地點開賽也難以保證安全,












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no321 05/13 10:56CP3排擠鬍子嗎

Nappa 05/13 10:57被武漢旅團打假的

linfon00 05/13 10:59美國這種感染人數要恢復比賽?

linfon00 05/13 10:59這要考慮的不只是球員的安全 除非像之前職棒沒觀眾

linfon00 05/13 10:59球員不怕死你家的事

dogville 05/13 11:00復賽後是不是只要一個人確診就二度停賽?

ciafbi007 05/13 11:00還好啦 當流感看 美國人沒在怕

windowdoor 05/13 11:02很簡單 全部球員搞群體免疫就可以打了 選我正解

PeterHenson 05/13 11:04跟隔壁里長一樣欸 搞小圈圈想坑資方齁

whoAU 05/13 11:07王下七武海秘密集會

Acer3000 05/13 11:08國大代表既視感

kutkin 05/13 11:08本來就這樣呀,要掙錢

edwinrw 05/13 11:08先打閉門賽 至少有轉播收入

Nappa 05/13 11:08Silver都說球員沒症狀一律不許驗免得社會觀感不佳

Nappa 05/13 11:08這是要怎樣正常比賽

kutkin 05/13 11:09觀眾自己要進來看,本來就自己要簽生死狀

sorry0955 05/13 11:12這一團能幾冠

f92174 05/13 11:13年薪四千以上才能參一咖

magneto5566 05/13 11:14復賽當然是閉門啊,賺轉播收入。

Joey1999 05/13 11:15可愛討論的時候:哈....哈...哈

willywasd 05/13 11:15王下七武海

a11011788 05/13 11:15找有機會爭冠的來討論 大家都想拼啊

ms19889120 05/13 11:16在馬林福特密會嗎

willywasd 05/13 11:16應該是各隊出一個代表 幫鬍子QQ

kutkin 05/13 11:19還真的4000萬俱樂部

icou 05/13 11:20LBJ保羅可愛字母龜小李....都是有機會或已經季後的

icou 05/13 11:21尤其LBJ字母可愛 想要複賽的意願當然很高XDDD

alista 05/13 11:23除非每天死亡人數能低於十人吧,我也不信球員不怕,

alista 05/13 11:23總不可能每個球員都帶面罩打球吧?

lsslz 05/13 11:31有幾位是沒季後賽打的 結果沒鬍子

Tawara 05/13 11:32KD:打 都打反正我不打

subohan 05/13 11:33以前是東西區冠軍 這次何不分成健康 vs 染病兩區 一

subohan 05/13 11:33路打上總冠軍

d147258 05/13 11:35往年都是6月下旬結束球季,現在也只剩一個半月不到

d147258 05/13 11:35,應該是直接取消賽季,然後下一季準時開打比較好

DarrenD 05/13 11:35武漢旅團笑死

monmo 05/13 11:36七武海怎麼沒找Joker約胖跟黑鬍子哈登?

linearppt 05/13 11:42鬍子呢?

doclin 05/13 11:43要不要來台灣打,還不用閉門

roger262390005/13 11:44CP3不找鬍子找龜龜XD

a20351 05/13 11:51鬍子:Am I a joke to you?

magneto5566 05/13 11:58季後賽的商機較高

ethel7669 05/13 11:59武漢旅團最強XD

op520ptt 05/13 12:00kd肺炎復原了嗎

p20162 05/13 12:00鬍子:???

sasewill 05/13 12:03看來這些是CP3認證的superstar

h129875230 05/13 12:04這真的超憨的 季候賽打一打又陽性是不是又停賽

irving20437 05/13 12:05來台灣打吧 順便給臺灣球員上課

curlymonkey 05/13 12:12錢才是大部分球員的重點

Aggro 05/13 12:19這幾個薪資很多都是看上限30% 35%的 封館反而比其他

Aggro 05/13 12:19綠葉差更多吧

gydiaw 05/13 12:21和美里ㄇ

samtony 05/13 12:32沒鬍子

jerry213 05/13 12:34重點是這些大牌管得動嗎?晚上不跑趴不去夜店?

silentsky55505/13 12:35醫療體系都崩潰了還沒有危機意識

fatotaku 05/13 12:35勇士沒季後賽,找curry幹嘛,不覺得尷尬嗎

AhirunoSora 05/13 12:36又不是直接跳季後賽

j19980412 05/13 12:36跑趴夜店不能出賽 他們就不敢去了

magneto5566 05/13 12:37現在美國那邊夜店 還是正常營業嗎

Sornecronoc 05/13 12:42沒現場觀眾也打嗎

karta128882605/13 12:49幹真的很像七武海

srwcc 05/13 12:56可愛從頭到尾都是.....吧

csyhri 05/13 13:00敢不敢來台灣打

Mitsui14128 05/13 13:02可愛應該掛網

youga 05/13 13:10不知道為什麼秘密會議聽起來有種中二感

yt010004 05/13 13:14怎麼沒有KAT?? 問問看KAT就知道這次疫情多嚴重

yt010004 05/13 13:14反正就是沒有死到自己親戚無所謂

yt010004 05/13 13:15必賽重要 賺錢重要 但是人命更重要

chunyo0229 05/13 13:33這幾個組一隊有幾冠

percy90723 05/13 13:38看看隔壁歐洲足球 開踢後確診都覺得沒差了 直接開

percy90723 05/13 13:38打好嗎==

pppbruce 05/13 13:45有邀龜龜就不用邀鬍子了吧

CS000000000005/13 14:20火箭一哥龜龜

kevinh0718 05/13 14:33這是找交情不錯的吧,不然找KD跟Curry做啥?就算復

kevinh0718 05/13 14:33賽這兩個也不會上場啊

turnpoint 05/13 14:39保羅:菁英中心只接受精英,絕不接受XX

seabox 05/13 14:42果然跟哈登有心結

CW4 05/13 15:35Curry停賽前就回來出場過了

waynesmlie 05/13 15:38cp3跟龜龜交情不錯啊

sezna 05/13 15:49又不是球員說了就算

qo40330 05/13 15:51很多缺錢的吧 消費習慣 有打才有錢

allssddaa 05/13 16:02推文說來台灣打 怎麼覺得好像真的可行

puro 05/13 16:07沒被召集是不夠格的意思嗎

a55770 05/13 16:33找curry 代表連沒季後賽的都想打完~

nuturewind 05/13 16:48沒關係這麼想開打ok啊,那去現場染疫的球員跟球迷,

nuturewind 05/13 16:48醫藥支出他們全包吧

ptt821105 05/13 17:29美國的疫情現在這麼嚴重 先不要吧

sunwit 05/13 18:53等有人重病或掛了才會後悔

cactus1021 05/13 19:58武漢旅團

IAMGRICE 05/13 21:58你如果是七武海,那我就是,八武海!!!!!

rial 05/13 23:47Harden表示:

karta235995005/14 11:24一些很討厭川普的,之後群聚感染又可以怪給川普,

karta235995005/14 11:24怎麼想都賺

karta235995005/14 11:25有錢賺出事又不用扛