[外絮] Griffin跟Parsons一起在LA玩足壘球

看板NBA標題[外絮] Griffin跟Parsons一起在LA玩足壘球作者
時間推噓17 推:18 噓:1 →:11

來源: DailyMail

Blake Griffin works up a sweat during a game of kickball with fellow NBA
player Chandler Parsons and friends...
Blake Griffin和NBA球員Chandler Parsons還有一些朋友玩足壘球

NBA players Blake Griffin and Chandler Parsons have been out of work for morethan two months now in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
因為武漢肺炎疫情的關係,NBA球員Blake Griffin以及Chandler Parsons已經沒有打球超過兩個月的時間。

So with some time on their hands, the pair put their ball skills to use when
they hooked up for a friendly game of kickball with some pals in Los Angeles
on Saturday.

Each of them served as captains of their respective teams that included the
likes of The Hills star Frankie Delgado.
他們倆個分別是兩邊隊伍的隊長,隊員包括了像是實境秀"The Hills"明星Frankie

The group appeared to be having a blast and engaged in a lot of trash-talkingthroughout the game, according to witnesses on the scene.

At one point, Griffin kicked a grand slam and yelled out: 'That's the most
exhilarating thing I’ve ever done!' as he was rounding the bases.

He showed off his ripped physique in a black tank top and black shorts.


There were some issues amongst all the fun: no one was wearing masks and theydidn't appear to maintain the CDC's recommended six-foot distance from each

In fact many of them were high-fiving each other at various points during thematch.

Griffin, 31, had spent his entire career with the Los Angeles Clippers,
beginning in 2009, before he was traded to the Detroit Pistons in 2018.

Despite the move, he has maintained his residence in sunny Southern
California, and has been enduring the coronavirus quarantine at his home in

Parsons, 31, currently plays for the Atlanta Hawks, after making stops in
Houston, Dallas and Memphis since his career began in 2011.

He opted to show off his muscled body by just wearing multi-colored shorts
and no shirt.

Both NBA ballers were hard to miss on the field since they both stand at 6ft
9in tall.

The league is still hoping to salvage the season and head back to the
hardcourt. There are ongoing talks about using the ESPN Wide World Of Sports
Complex in Orlando as a bubble for games, practices and housing, according tomultiple sources.



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CW4 05/25 14:30這項運動有steal的動作嗎?

ShinRuei 05/25 14:33雙倫

FragrantJo 05/25 14:36回一樓,沒有

FragrantJo 05/25 14:36就只是棒球改成用踢的而已

ksuenjjr 05/25 14:39Parsons看起來好像沒有很壯

dw1012 05/25 14:46當初怎麼不在 DAJ 家一起玩

RICEFINCH 05/25 14:55他之前不是嚴重車禍....真的猛

newtypeL9 05/25 14:56Parsons以前很精壯的,不過受傷以後就

PanaS0Nic 05/25 15:23左邊是星爵還是馬克華柏格

Bigcookie2 05/25 15:23真 人生勝利組 趴爽死

DerLuna 05/25 15:26Parsons沒打球應該不是因為肺炎吧

lost0816 05/25 15:32BG這合約也是大到賺翻...退休後每天繼續爽

puro 05/25 15:48他們放暑假會一起到處玩也不是新聞了

AuSHsu 05/25 16:27BG真的有壯 CP25那個體脂看起來不太行

Leaflock 05/25 16:39CP25不是才剛嚴重車禍而已嗎 復原的真快

newtypeL9 05/25 16:54他們是遊艇趴好朋友啊

nuggets0916 05/25 16:54BG去年這麼鬼神 也算倫嗎?

f77928 05/25 17:15足壘是我那個年代小學生的最愛

easonliou 05/25 20:42表兄弟

jason13465 05/25 20:45UuD3zKbuPLxnj7LoiN

olin7745 05/25 21:12BG在還去年季後賽上場的健康債呀

iamchyun 05/25 21:37多人運動 還好不是在中國 中國人小豬多人運動被電

iamchyun 05/25 21:37到翻掉

DarkChilles 05/25 21:56好懷念阿

rxvt 05/25 22:01看到Parsons恢復的這麼好 為他高興

owhfr69c 05/25 23:07CP25之前嚴重車禍現在恢復良好!!!挖 驚喜耶

WLR 05/26 01:08劇烈運動不戴口罩比較安全

billseven 05/26 07:42噓二樓

iamaq18c 05/27 12:24CP25那身材.......