[情報] Windhorst:聯盟季後賽名單截止線-鵜鶘

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來源: Nola

Pelicans would be 'cutoff line' in an NBA playoff group stage scenario,
report says
據報導 鵜鶘將會是聯盟季後賽的最後截止線隊伍

If and when the NBA returns, a popular playoff idea appears intent on gettingZion Williamson and the Pelicans into the field.
若是NBA真的復賽,一個普遍受到歡迎的想法是把Zion Williamson的鵜鶘給拉進季後賽。

The popular proposed concept of a World Cup-style group stage, presumed to
feature 20 or 24 teams, was discussed at length on ESPN Insider Brian
Windhorst's podcast.
在ESPN記者Brian Windhorst的podcast節目上,討論到一個像是足球世界盃模式的季後

The trio of Windhorst, columnist Jackie MacMullan and ESPN reporter Tim
MacMahon were quick to agree that New Orleans was among the teams that would
stand to benefit most.
記者Windhorst,專欄作家Jackie MacMullan跟ESPN記者Tim MacMahon這三個人很快就同意,在這些隊伍裡面,鵜鶘將會是得利最多的隊伍。

"I've already heard people in this league say this is an 'elaborate game' to
get Zion Williamson into this bubble," Windhorst said.
「我聽到聯盟裡面的人說這就是個要把Zion Williamson帶到閉門場館的完美比賽。」

"I'll tell you one thing: that scenario gets Zion Williamson in. Look, I've
just heard... I'm not saying the NBA is going this route, I'm just saying
I've already heard this scenario that no matter what happens, the cutoff linewill be the Pelicans. They'll be in. It will be the first time in the historyof the NBA that the league kicked the ball into the fairway for New Orleans."「我要跟大家說:那就是要把Zion Williamson拉進來。聽著,我有聽到...我不是說聯盟就是會走這個方式,我只是說我已經聽到的說法是,不管事情的發展如何,最後的截止線將會是鵜鶘,他們會進季後賽的。這將會是聯盟首次幫忙鵜鶘繼續留下來繼續打比賽。」

Such a scenario would likely take the NBA's records as they stood on March 11when the league announced it would pause play due to coronavirus. The
Pelicans sat No. 10 in the standings and 3.5 games behind the Grizzlies, welloutside what would make up the standard 16-team field.

New Orleans had 18 remaining games on their schedule that rated No. 30 in
strength of schedule, while the Grizzlies' 17 games rated as the most
difficult. Odds from FiveThirtyEight gave the Pelicans a 60% chance to make
the field despite the gap, with the Grizzlies at 15%.

The current, tentative plan for the NBA is to utilize ESPN's Wide World of
Sports Complex with Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The NBA announced such
a plan is targeting late July as a potential start date for whatever scenariogoes into place.

Zion William$on


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yowhatsupsli05/29 10:11Zion:我誰 我搖錢樹

ciafbi007 05/29 10:12馬刺要掰了

nyu5765 05/29 10:17國王呢??

Leaflock 05/29 10:17馬刺本來就掰了不是嗎

rain210513 05/29 10:17都給你們打,我刺抽樂透

Leaflock 05/29 10:1820隊開打的話爽的只有聯盟和多出來的那四隊而已 不

Leaflock 05/29 10:18看好其他球隊會同意

nyu5765 05/29 10:18看來聯盟決定參考獨行俠的提案方法

JimmyBlue 05/29 10:21不,前段球隊也會同意的吧...至少多幾隊可以虐菜

JimmyBlue 05/29 10:21總比都沒得打要好

Leaflock 05/29 10:24看怎麼打吧 如果一樣七戰四勝還好說 變成單淘汰賽之

Leaflock 05/29 10:24類的或是縮短成三戰兩勝 老馬機率變大他們也不願意

Leaflock 05/29 10:24吧 況且製造懸念也是阿銀隊愛好不是嗎

Leaflock 05/29 10:24*阿銀的愛好

roger262390005/29 10:25前段球隊又沒差 反正第8以後又不強

conqueror50705/29 10:2720隊就差不多了,剩下的還有樂透籤可以搶,不見得比

conqueror50705/29 10:27較差

Dorae5566 05/29 10:27從讓一開始追的話前段球隊還可以吧

Dorae5566 05/29 10:28畢竟三個多月沒打球,要是一開打就季後賽。也是很

Dorae5566 05/29 10:28累的

k7202001 05/29 10:28胖虎94狂 我也想看他打球阿 誰要看什麼灰熊

Dorae5566 05/29 10:29或者抓前20隊先各打個3場看要決定排名的排位戰還是

Dorae5566 05/29 10:29不決定排名的練習戰

gdpgdpgdp 05/29 10:3020隊的話馬刺剛好吊車尾

Leaflock 05/29 10:30第八以後又不是都0勝 賽制若有利爆冷門的話前段球隊

Leaflock 05/29 10:30不會答應吧

hbkhhhdx200605/29 10:35灰熊戰績就是比較好還在那邊不想看灰熊

kaede0711 05/29 10:38收視率增加對所有球隊都有好處 給鵜鶘個機會挑戰季

kaede0711 05/29 10:38後賽合理

chaulove 05/29 10:39暖身是肯定要暖的 吊車尾就當陪練吧

Myosotis 05/29 10:39聯盟怎麼不直接內定保送就好 大家都知道要演給誰看

love1500274 05/29 10:41唯一支持阿拓

Myosotis 05/29 10:42有聯盟照你萬一還是打不進前八就尷尬了

tassadar1 05/29 10:43馬刺:幹,就差0.5場

daniel0721 05/29 10:46國王??

dogville 05/29 10:53就不要補完70場水鳥掉到後面就糗囉

FAYeeeeeeee 05/29 10:54國王勝差跟鵜鶘一樣怎說

kiolasd 05/29 10:56那如果進去的隊伍都退出樂透把權重加給剛好卡住的隊

kiolasd 05/29 10:56伍 這樣或比較公平嗎

RickyRubio 05/29 10:5820隊到馬刺 24隊到公牛

dogville 05/29 11:00馬刺國王水鳥都36敗,只有水鳥進很難說得過去

LKN555 05/29 11:10你馬刺又沒有胖虎 是因為胖虎進去不是因為戰績XD

Kazmier 05/29 11:14Zion就是新生代聯盟要捧的美國本土球員

Kazmier 05/29 11:16反正馬刺比賽難看 不進也好

dwiee 05/29 11:18灰熊不是領先3.5勝差嗎 怎麼進季後賽機率只有15%

stocktonty 05/29 11:1925~30要抗議了

dwiee 05/29 11:19難道要打滿82場了?

p20162 05/29 11:22馬刺 國王 ???

LVE 05/29 11:26其實這種方式蠻無恥的。但是錢>球員的付出與運動家

LVE 05/29 11:26精神

fone5638 05/29 11:35國王戰績一樣表示:

magneto5566 05/29 11:36國王又要被..

ya17120 05/29 11:38因為灰熊剩下賽程很硬 除了尼克 然後阿拓水鳥*2 剩

ya17120 05/29 11:38下都是季後賽球隊 其他老八競爭者都偏軟 水鳥又最軟

ya17120 05/29 11:38XD

nuggets0916 05/29 11:45噁心聯盟 硬捧

turnpoint 05/29 11:53這風格很阿銀

JimmyBlue 05/29 11:59好像對大家都有好處,前段球隊的對手變菜了,第9,10

JimmyBlue 05/29 12:00名賺到季後賽可打,第78名原本要打12名的現在變成34

wrb 05/29 12:03還有人敢說聯盟沒在操作嗎

yt010004 05/29 12:05目前聯盟半數總經理投票支持取消剩餘例行賽

yt010004 05/29 12:05直接季後賽

BlackTea102305/29 12:05拜託別馬刺

TimmyJiang 05/29 12:12能打季後賽的隊伍至少16支,超過聯盟一半了,今天有

TimmyJiang 05/29 12:12超過一半的總管說「不用例行賽,直接季後賽吧」意外

TimmyJiang 05/29 12:12嗎XDD

yt010004 05/29 12:15對阿沒錯XD 但後續賽制是投票決定

yt010004 05/29 12:16所以直接季後賽機率不低 除非前面幾隊想玩

spurs2120 05/29 12:16取20隻不會有馬刺,因為是東西各10

asher02 05/29 12:17職業運動賺錢優先

TVXFQ 05/29 12:20那可以讓我馬刺名次再下去一點嗎....

wj1009 05/29 12:29如果排名17-20的奪冠了,要打幾顆星

hidexjapan 05/29 12:38這樣沒進去的選秀順位怎麼排?排名根本就亂了

cody7052 05/29 12:45真的復賽的話,例行賽至少要達到轉播合約的 70場

cody7052 05/29 12:45「不用例行賽,直接季後賽吧」實現的機率不高

Tawara 05/29 12:56哇靠 蔡恩一人救一隊欸

potterpig 05/29 13:03這樣做球很難看耶

icou 05/29 13:13其實也是鵜鶘排在10啦 要是墊底怎麼都不可能拉進來

spurs2120 05/29 13:16我想看復賽之後鵜鶘摔出前10聯盟要怎麼圓

lwei781 05/29 13:29炒作

Myosotis 05/29 13:42第九名直接被無視 可憐

listening44 05/29 13:45疫情沒取得控制都是假議題..引起話題打電玩季後賽?

kkjjkkjj 05/29 16:33單淘汰我就看

abcde010710 05/29 16:58未來親兒子一定要捧進的 不過我是覺得要進國王馬刺

abcde010710 05/29 16:58應該要一起進

odaaaaa 05/29 17:29我也想看胖虎,觀賞性很高

gibbs1286 05/29 17:44你抓到鵜鶘,那基本上同一個勝差都要進去了

gibbs1286 05/29 17:44所以才有傳言說聯盟前二十

kingcharlie 05/29 23:44噁心聯盟