[花邊] Cuban跟抗議群眾的白人說:我們才是要改變的人

看板NBA標題[花邊] Cuban跟抗議群眾的白人說:我們才是要改變的人作者
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來源: ClutchPoints

Mavs’ Mark Cuban delivers message for ‘white people’ amid protests
小牛老闆Mark Cuban要給抗議群眾裡的白人一個訊息

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban sent out a powerful message on Monday in
relation to the Black Lives Matter movement.
達拉斯小牛老闆在星期一時對於美國黑人抗議運動"Black Lives Matter"發出了一個強有力的訊息。

The unjust killing of African-American George Floyd at the hands of
Minneapolis officers has sparked both violent and peaceful protests across
the United States.
因為遭受到明尼拿波里警察不公平對待導致非裔美國人George Floyd的死亡引起了美國各地暴力以及非暴力的抗議活動。

Not one to bite his tongue on social issues, the Mavs owner re-tweeted an
open letter by Emerson College President M. Lee Pelton. The 61-year-old
billionaire offered his support to the African American community and bravelyclaimed that whites (such as himself) are the ones that need to change.
從來就不會在社群媒體上噤聲的小牛老闆Cuban轉推了一封來自Emerson大學校長M. Lee

"Dear White People: We are the ones that need to change. This is not one
man's story. This is almost every black man's story. Which is why the
problem is ours. We need to find OUR way to change what we do. There is no
quick fix. It's a moral imperative"

In a follow-up tweet, Cuban also shared his belief on the true meaning of
treating people equally. The Mavs boss bared that a person’s circumstance
should always be taken into consideration.

"I used to think treating people equally meant treating them the same. Like itwas a math equation. I was wrong. I’m learning that treating people equally
means treating them with equal amounts of respect, for who they are and what
they have experienced.

Mark Cuban, meanwhile, has been involved in many controversies himself over
the years. The outspoken businessman and investor, however, has always been astand-up guy and a defender of the oppressed.
Mark Cuban過去幾年也曾涉及許多爭議事件,不過這位愛發言的生意人總是會挺身而出捍衛那些被壓迫的人。

He joins the long list of NBA personalities who have echoed their support
towards the movement. Several current players marched the streets to join
peaceful protests, with Cuban and some Mavs players even joining the protests.他加入了那些為了此次抗議運動表示支持的NBA人員,數位現役球員也加入街頭抗議運動,Cuban自己以及一些小牛球員也加入了抗議。

In an earlier statement, NBA commissioner Adam Silver also acknowledged that
racism still exists in the world and the league will continue to fight for
equality among all races.

The NBA has not been scared to address social injustices in the past. The
league fully supported its players when they chose to wear “I Can’t Breath
” warm-up shirts following the unjust death of Eric Garner in 2014. Garner
died after being put on a chokehold by an arresting officer.
聯盟在過去就對於社會不公沒有畏懼發言過,在2014年因為Eric Garner不公平對待導致死亡後,聯盟對於球員在熱身時選擇穿上"I Can't Breath"T恤表示支持。Garner是因為警察逮捕時被掐頸最後導致死亡。

Six years later, it’s such a tragedy that another African-American man had
to lose his life in an eerily similar fashion.



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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 06/02/2020 12:53:38

cookie1125 06/02 12:54這才是白人該有的樣子

cookie1125 06/02 12:55其他白人該學學 聽到了嗎姓川的

mhtvpz 06/02 12:55有錯就要認 出來蒜 出來蒜 總痛啦

gogojazz 06/02 12:56站著說話不腰疼啊,但你還是好老闆

FAYeeeeeeee 06/02 12:56庫班出來應該比拜登強吧

lwei781 06/02 13:04好老闆

lwei781 06/02 13:04選總統啦

lwei781 06/02 13:05Popo 可能沒辦法選, TD?

seanbacker 06/02 13:10翻譯成小牛給推

qwer2411 06/02 13:16出來選啊

kutkin 06/02 13:17這邏輯不就白人做啥你庫班都要連坐

BlackTea102306/02 13:19樓下噓左膠

zxcc 06/02 13:25推庫班

bluemei 06/02 13:29推庫班

danieljou 06/02 13:30哼 噓你只會嘴 敢不敢出來酸宗痛啊

kkb512sk 06/02 13:31黑人歧視黃種人怎麼不說黃種人歧視東南亞人怎麼又

kkb512sk 06/02 13:31不說

kkb512sk 06/02 13:32歧視本來就會有的你可以歧視但把歧視化為暴力亂搞就

kkb512sk 06/02 13:32不對了這是不分種族的

zoneken 06/02 13:35因為那些歧視者眼中黑白才算人,其他算猴

wx190 06/02 13:38高招

downtoearth 06/02 13:40我覺得 當人家沒有說出你想聽的話就生氣的人 有點

downtoearth 06/02 13:41太中二了 整天追著全世界要以你重視的為中心

kkb512sk 06/02 13:43川普歧視黑人上帝至上我覺得沒什麼問題,問題是防

kkb512sk 06/02 13:43疫沒弄好又放沒保險的黑人染疫死去,太偏自由放任連

kkb512sk 06/02 13:43任危險,選輸給拜登被笑一輩子

Tonyx599026 06/02 13:46就不說當初也是「選輸川普被笑一輩子」

freekadze 06/02 13:47偉大的黑人可以作亂可以開槍

freekadze 06/02 13:48講得大家好像都欠他們一樣

cama 06/02 13:51Cuban跟Kerr一樣是白人原罪論吧

Tonyx599026 06/02 13:51在美國 的確是欠蠻多的 當然暴力還是不對啦

cama 06/02 13:52進步派的德國人也會覺得自己有原罪

iamgay110 06/02 13:54白人原罪?享盡優勢和特權不叫作原罪吧?XD

MonkeyCL 06/02 13:54推人權鬥士

iamgay110 06/02 13:56只是有些人願意反思自己的特權 有些人就當理所當然

eipduolc 06/02 13:57庫班真的是一個好老闆 一個好人

tmactsai 06/02 14:09白澳繼續歧視亞洲人

lulululula 06/02 14:14原來他61了喔!,印象中還是那個會下場練球的年輕老

lulululula 06/02 14:14

kkb512sk 06/02 14:28那裡開槍?真的要革命民眾把槍全拿出來只有坦克能阻

kkb512sk 06/02 14:28止了,美國敢拿坦克對付人民嗎?美國保障人民有擁有

kkb512sk 06/02 14:28槍枝對抗政府的權利

BleedWang 06/02 14:50原來他也是沽名釣譽之人 令人失望

downtoearth 06/02 14:52真的該好好考慮 出來選總統了

AStigma 06/02 15:28保障人民持槍對抗政府的權利XDDD 什麼樣的腦才能說

AStigma 06/02 15:28出這樣的話

AStigma 06/02 15:29軍火工業利潤太大,提供政治獻金太多

a50142 06/02 16:24根本總統

downtoearth 06/02 16:43美國憲法第二修正案生出來的時候是1791年

downtoearth 06/02 16:44那時應該沒有"軍火工業利潤太大,提供政治獻金太多"

downtoearth 06/02 16:44這個問題...

MK47 06/02 17:09就跟原住民要加35%一樣 黑人也要加%數

AStigma 06/02 17:51所以擁槍立意是為了保障人民對抗政府?大美國果然

AStigma 06/02 17:51偉大XD

downtoearth 06/02 18:34如果連美國的槍枝開放是憲法第二修正案 那真的

downtoearth 06/02 18:34該多補充一點背景知識..

stocktonty 06/02 18:52馬英九:我把你們當人看

eve1100 06/02 22:26美國:一個由黑人建國,中國人擁有的地方ㄏㄏ

ljmk1246 06/02 23:25垃圾香港暴民滾啦

asidy 06/02 23:33第二修正之初是賦予對抗專制與侵害人權的政府反抗

asidy 06/02 23:33工具,近期法院判例指為基於合法目使用武器的正當

asidy 06/02 23:33防衛的權利

asidy 06/02 23:35以上維基找的,基本上也不是說你可以無限上綱亂用

asidy 06/02 23:35

asidy 06/02 23:35最後,推一下Cuban,要做到真的難

iamaq18c 06/06 12:39庫班酸宗痛!!!