[外絮] Mark Cuban 針對NBA暫停賽事訪問翻譯

看板NBA標題[外絮] Mark Cuban 針對NBA暫停賽事訪問翻譯作者
(my way)
時間推噓87 推:87 噓:0 →:10

很欣賞Mark Cuban的風格(包含咆哮),所以把昨天的賽後訪問翻譯。






Cuban: Okay, so we won the last game of the season, so we're officially
champs, so I'll take your questions now.

Reporter: How concerned are you about this whole situation?

Cuban: Well, obviously, very concerned, but it's not necessarily about
basketball. Obviously this is much bigger than basketball. I'm concerned
about, you know, will my kids have school or not. I'm concerned, you know,
are we all doing the right thing because this is obviously new territory;
this is certainly a black swan event in my experiences. And… and so, you
know, basketball actually become secondary, but in terms of basketball, you
know, as I said earlier, nobody at the Dallas Mavericks is an expert on
infectious diseases or their spread, and so this is not a situation where youfake it till you make it or try to sound or act important. The NBA has hired
people with expertise in those areas and they're working with people from thegovernment and other expert areas of …other people with expertise, and so we
have to defer to them and that's exactly what we'll do. And, you know, if theNBA, you know, effectively, if one player, two players, whatever it is,
already have it, you know we'll have to act accordingly and I think the NBA
made the right decision.

Reporter: There's a Board of Governors meeting today. Obviously, you know,
before all the info about Utah was… was out there. But as reported, you
know, some… some owners, you know, most of the owners were in favor of
playing games without fans. Some of them were interested in completely
postponing the season. Where did you fall on that issue?

Cuban: I fall just… just in the exact place that I told you. I don't have
the expertise at all and I'm not in a position, you know… When it's
something this critical, when people's health and the safety and… of our
fans and customers is at stake. I didn't have an opinion, you know, and I told… We… we said that effectively we'll go with what the NBA says because, you
know, I'm smart enough to know what I don't know. And I'll defer to those whodo.

Reporter: Mark, this evening on ESPN, you mentioned something about your
concern for some of the employees, the part-time people that work here. Couldyou reiterate that here?

Cuban: Yeah, um… you know, when… when talking to… when… when some of the
things were coming up that we might not play games, and this was yesterday, Ireached out to the folks at the arena and our folks at the Mavs to find out,
you know, what it would cost to support… financially support people who
aren't gonna be able to come to work. You know, they get paid by the hour and… and this was their source of income. And so we'll do some things there. We
may ask them to go do some volunteer work in exchange, but you know, we've
already started the process of having a program in place. And I don't have
any details to give but it's certainly something that's important to me.

Reporter: This has all transpired so rapidly. What are your feelings now?

Cuban: I mean, when I heard Michael Finley saw the announcement, and I was
just stunned. I mean, it was just like… You know, I have this saying, “Life
is half random.” And this is the random side where you… You know, it takes
twists and turns, and this is something out of a movie, and you just don't
expect it to happen in real life. But that's the randomness of… of… of the
world we live in, and so it's stunning. But we are where we are, and we have
to be smart in how we respond. We, again as I just said, you… this is
people's lives at stake. This isn't about basketball; this isn't about the
Mavericks; this isn't about, you know, when do we start or do we start or howdo we start. This is …this is a pandemic, a global pandemic where people's
lives are at stake and, you know, I'm a lot more worried about my kids and mymom, who's 82 years old, you know, and talking to her and telling her to stayin the house than I am about when we play our next game. The… Look, we have
a lot of flexibility. I don't want to speak for Adam or the NBA, but in termsof the NBA basketball side of this, we have a lot of flexibility because
there's nothing that happens after June 12th, when we typically end our
season. So, you know, it's more important for us to get it right.

庫班:我的意思是,當我聽說Michael Finley看到最新消息宣布時,我傻眼了。我的意思是,這就像是…有個諺語說「人生泰半是偶然」(註1),而這就是所謂的偶然面,充滿
了崎嶇轉折,這就像是電影情節一樣,你根本不會想到會在現實生活中出現。但那就是我們所處世界的偶然,這麼令人傻眼。但狀況就是如此,我們因應疫情時要更有智慧。真的,就像我說的,這可是危及大眾健康的事情。這不是籃球的問題,這不是獨行俠的問題,這不是何時復賽、復不復賽、如何復賽的問題。這是…這是傳染病,一種全球性傳染病,可能危害大眾性命,相較於何時復賽,我更擔心我的孩子和我那82歲的媽媽,我叫他待在家裡別亂跑。聽著,我們有很多的空間可運用。我不是要代替Adam Silver (現任NBA總裁)或聯盟發言,但就聯盟賽事而言,我們還有很多空間可以彈性運用,因為平常在6月12日結束賽季後,就沒有任何事做了。因此,對我們而言,把事情做正確比較重要。

註1:Life Is Half Random: These Are the Questions and the Answers是庫班2020年3月17日開賣的新書。

Reporter: Did you have any concerns about playing in a packed house night?

Cuban: No, I didn’t… I didn’t, really. I was actually shocked we had so
many people. To be honest, I was half expecting there to be half, to be
half-full. The good news is that you could tell by the screaming and yelling
it was a very young audience, and so that… that probably makes a lot of
sense. But no, I didn't have any reason to believe that anybody was… put
anybody else at risk. And we tried, you know, last week we tried to be
proactive; you saw we handed out all the Purells to everybody. So, you know,
that's not going to stop everything but at least we can try to, you know,
take a little bit of action to try to minimize where we could.


Cuban: Anybody else? Alright, thanks everybody, bye.

(Mark Cuban stood up for JJ Barea to take the questions, and then he sat downto add one statement.)
(庫班起身準備換JJ Barea接受採訪,又坐下來說了一段話。)

Cuban: Well, let me say one other thing, because I know it’ll come up, and
JJ, you can feel free. In terms of what we told the players, we told them to
be very vigilant that this is not a situation where their season has ended.
Go do what you're going to do. You… you know, we expect you to stay in
Dallas and the NBA told us that we'll continue to practice and do rehab and
continue to do work. And I was very specific, as was Coach to say who you
talked to is very important. You know, if… bringing people in from out of
town because you have downtime, no. That's not gonna work that you have to beaccountable to the people you're dealing with and who you know for your own
personal safety and obviously for everybody else's. So this is not a
vacation. This is effectively self-quarantine in everybody because we again…
It's our responsibility to be vigilant and the players are in a unique
position because wherever they are people want to come up to them. And we hadtold them we thought we were going on the road to only eat in the hotel, not
to go out, to eat, and only use room service. And we kind of reiterated that
same thing after the game that you have to be very very vigilant and very
careful because you are at risk and you know if you have family here whether
it's your children or your… your grandmother, you don't want to put them at
risk. So be very very careful and vigilant.


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LBJKO 03/13 16:09開頭幽默+內容講的很棒 庫班真是個好老闆

pneumo 03/13 16:09翻譯推

heacoun 03/13 16:10佛心老闆

blacklash 03/13 16:11

carry 03/13 16:12好老闆!

pharhan 03/13 16:13還順便打書是怎麼回事XD

JF5385 03/13 16:14

wanderenzo 03/13 16:15觀念正確推個

peter211183 03/13 16:16推!

alcard22 03/13 16:18他真的很有個性XD

sacrameast 03/13 16:20頭腦清楚

eh07 03/13 16:20“因為我很聰明,知道我什麼方面不懂。我會遵照那

eh07 03/13 16:20些專家的說法行事。” 反觀

takechance 03/13 16:23邏輯極端清楚

sasewill 03/13 16:28推庫班

ericf129 03/13 16:28推庫班 推翻譯~

caten 03/13 16:31最後說的真好,並不是現在不用工作就以為是休息放

caten 03/13 16:31鬆的時間

waiting1down03/13 16:32

tedandjolin 03/13 16:33歐美不就是相信專業的WHO才搞成這樣嗎 不過老闆還是

tedandjolin 03/13 16:34給推 只希望他知道他的邏輯遇到CHO跟中共是行不通的

madeathmao 03/13 16:38趁機打書XD

Dorae5566 03/13 16:41以庫班的個性,會把心理情況不好的球員全家都接過

Dorae5566 03/13 16:41來達拉斯。然後分開隔離。應該是他下一步會做的

royalcrayon 03/13 16:42

seerp 03/13 16:43Q本真的不錯

Xenovia 03/13 16:44

vanson37 03/13 16:53同樣是企業家,庫班>川普

newtypeL9 03/13 16:57贏了最後一場比賽,所以是冠軍了XD

crishding 03/13 16:59好多you know,我還以為看錯行

bimy1014 03/13 17:04推~

ATND 03/13 17:06

mm613613 03/13 17:07推爆

stevefran 03/13 17:12推 說得很好

tatata 03/13 17:20歷史上只要贏了該賽季最後一場比賽的 都是總冠軍

snow32024 03/13 17:24推我獨老闆

fongminp 03/13 17:25推頭腦清楚

newsbow 03/13 17:27因為我很聰明,知道我什麼方面不懂。已圈粉

seishin 03/13 17:27還順便業配哈哈

sunnyyoung 03/13 17:28真的頭腦清楚 一流的企業家

Kyrieisme 03/13 17:29厲害!

SCLPAL 03/13 17:32賣書!!

flyinwinds 03/13 17:33庫班!!!

weiber26 03/13 17:43推爆

david1125 03/13 17:47推佛心老闆

jojozp06 03/13 17:49真的是很成功的企業家,高度格局都有,只是臉老好多

jojozp06 03/13 17:49qq

hcder4126 03/13 17:55贏得最後一場比賽 我犢總冠軍!!

goldenrose 03/13 17:56"I am smart enough to know what I don't know."

goldenrose 03/13 17:56反觀台灣某綜藝天王 不懂裝懂喜愛秀下限

jason862i 03/13 17:56推 感謝翻譯

matsuwu 03/13 18:01推庫班,真的有邏輯的聰明人

chshsnail 03/13 18:03觀念正確的好老闆

loopdiuretic03/13 18:05可以

mnb1234 03/13 18:08好老闆耶

cherrycookie03/13 18:09推庫班!

abckk888 03/13 18:14推 佛系老闆

r155053 03/13 18:14

lrac 03/13 18:16推學英文

iwaitforyou 03/13 18:26推一個,再來慢慢看

hcrcool 03/13 18:27觀念很棒

bokituto 03/13 18:27推老闆

Toy17 03/13 18:41大推Cuban

edhuang 03/13 18:48推 這個格局這個高度

asd2507 03/13 18:58不錯

IbmabRE 03/13 19:02未看先推庫老闆

SwissMiniGun03/13 19:09I'm smart enough to know what I don't know 推

SwissMiniGun03/13 19:10好文借轉

SwissMiniGun:轉錄至看板 Mavericks

03/13 19:10

miniwish 03/13 19:11不出來選個總統嗎

Artist 03/13 19:16專業部分比一般人強,不懂的地方也不會裝懂 真是

Artist 03/13 19:16個好老闆~

tassadar1 03/13 19:20推翻譯也推庫班

blake1003 03/13 19:28真的是很棒的老闆 推

lovevale 03/13 19:44推。英中一看發現好多認識的字的不認識的用法..

korzen 03/13 19:44有這種老闆真的是會甘願替他賣命

TURNON 03/13 19:44推好老闆!!

sdsoknife 03/13 20:15我犢就是讚啦

BusterWu 03/13 20:30相信專業

dola1210 03/13 20:39推庫班 真的棒

lillard000 03/13 20:40不錯

ya123yo 03/13 20:40

goodnight4Tw03/13 20:54腦袋清楚 佛心又幽默 這種老闆

goodnight4Tw03/13 20:55

ThunderLord 03/13 20:56推好老闆

iecdalu 03/13 21:00

onexiang 03/13 21:12推,好老闆

mvpdirk712 03/13 21:46可以去看他在GQ雜誌的專訪,真的是很不一樣的老闆

andy06292 03/13 22:57他怎麼可以這麼讚阿

SlamKai 03/14 00:21很棒耶

google60411 03/14 00:36講話有夠穩健成熟

chandlerback03/14 00:42推Cuban

SSS0227 03/14 01:35回答的真是有高度 果然是成功的企業家

seymour0036803/14 02:01

harper3062F 03/14 03:02推,他的問題應對值得學習~

jjrdk 03/14 07:48推好老闆好翻譯

Alan555 03/14 13:22認真推

XD051 03/14 22:28愛死庫班 我成為小牛迷一大部分是因為他XD