[外絮] 若拿冠軍 湖人計畫仍會給Bradley冠軍戒

看板NBA標題[外絮] 若拿冠軍 湖人計畫仍會給Bradley冠軍戒作者
時間推噓15 推:30 噓:15 →:13

來源: Yahoo Sports

Lakers plan to reward Avery Bradley with championship ring if they win title
湖人計畫 若他們拿下冠軍 他們會給Avery Bradley冠軍戒

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — The Los Angeles Lakers plan to reward guard Avery
Bradley, who opted out of the NBA’s restart, with a championship ring this
season if the franchise is able to capture its 17th NBA title.
湖人計畫,若是球隊最後拿下他們隊史第17座冠軍的話,他們也會給決定不參加復賽的後衛Avery Bradley冠軍戒指。

"Yes, [Lakers general manager] Rob Pelinka made me aware of the Lakers
offering me a ring if they win the championship," Bradley told Yahoo Sports
via phone Tuesday afternoon. "It’s a very kind gesture on their part."
「是的,總管Rob Pelinka有讓我知道湖人若是拿冠軍的話,他們會給我冠軍戒指,」

Bradley opted out of participating in the 2019-20 season resumption at Walt
Disney World on June 23 because of health concerns related to his 6-year-old
son. Of all the players who have decided to forego the season restart in
Orlando, Bradley is the lone player to do so from a legitimate championship

But he said he has no regrets.

"To be honest, I don’t struggle with not being in Orlando," he told Yahoo
Sports. "I am at a point in my life where I have learned not to make
decisions until I am sure of what I am doing."
「老實說,我對於不去奧蘭多一點都沒有掙扎過,」他跟Yahoo Sports說。「我已經到了我人生的一個境界,我知道當我自己不確定我在做甚麼的時候,我是不會下決定的。」

The 6-foot-3 defensive specialist averaged 8.6 points and shot 36.4 percent
from beyond the arc in 49 games for the Lakers this season. The team has
filled his roster spot with shooting guard J.R. Smith.
本季在湖人,出賽49場,這位6呎3吋的防守專家場均8.6分,三分命中率36.4趴。球隊目前用JR Smith來填補他的空缺。

Bradley has not won a championship in his NBA career.

"In regards to my team, I am positive they will be fine," Bradley told Yahoo
Sports. "A championship is meaningful in this league. That energy alone will
see them through and I support them."

Even with the absence of Bradley, the LeBron James-led Lakers are the
favorites (+250 at BetMGM) to be the last team standing as they get set to
resume the season as the No. 1 seed in the Western Conference.

And if the Lakers claim the Larry O'Brien Trophy, Bradley will have another
tough decision to make.
但若是湖人真的最後拿下Larry O'Brien金盃的話,Bradley將會有另外一個決定得要做。

"Will I accept the ring? I’m neither here nor there about it," Bradley told
Yahoo Sports. "I am 10 years in this league. The physical possession of a
ring doesn’t make me feel like more or less of a person. I play basketball
strictly for enjoyment and to add to the support of my family. Supporting
them is exactly what I’m doing right now."



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nest0380 07/08 15:06表弟很好了 還是手把手跟著他復健

firemm444 07/08 15:09要拿冠先問綠血同不同意

a100205069 07/08 15:09不會發生啦 多了

highwayshih 07/08 15:13復賽會不會爆發感染再度停賽跟湖人能不能奪冠都不知

highwayshih 07/08 15:13道 談這個會不會太早...

tfoxboy 07/08 15:18給一拳實在

MaRin0725 07/08 15:22拿不到啦

kyoiori100 07/08 15:27JR:姆斯大哥 冠軍賽第一場看我的

qaz80691 07/08 15:29真的當自己預約冠軍了耶 拿到再來考慮這些好嗎

hbkhhhdx200607/08 15:30這個是記者訪問AB,又不是湖人直接放話= =

hbkhhhdx200607/08 15:30是不是一堆人都不看內文

SS159 07/08 15:31哈哈哈 想太早了ㄅ

ccc5b683 07/08 15:34立Flag 湖人穩了

howie00215 07/08 15:38記者

LBJ23 07/08 15:49[新聞]布萊德利拒絕接受湖人冠軍戒,雙方關係早因

LBJ23 07/08 15:49這件事生變

wake00005 07/08 16:01先拿到再說好嗎?當快艇來玩的嗎?

TonyYo 07/08 16:02Flag

SULAjardin 07/08 16:06湖人:如果賽季結束,就要給青梅竹馬的AB戒指

victor21835 07/08 16:07他是真的不想去 還是他就是確診不能去

NuRaymond 07/08 16:10先拿到再說吧......

brian040818 07/08 16:14表弟還在嗎

DogBe105 07/08 16:15完了

hasn8620 07/08 16:24奪冠再說

peanut91001307/08 16:38還沒開打就講這個

portermadeon07/08 16:40想太多

love1500274 07/08 16:53Flag立起來

DerLuna 07/08 16:54這還好吧 書豪也有戒阿

corlos 07/08 17:10AB季賽有貢獻,表妹可沒有

cktony 07/08 17:49有標題就可以無限鬧補何必浪費時間看內文,先酸再

cktony 07/08 17:49說,酸完還是不會看內文

liuuuuuu 07/08 18:28湖人自己都這樣想 看來穩到不行

cado0824 07/08 18:30他就是不想去

cado0824 07/08 18:31他兒子是肺炎感染的高風險群

cado0824 07/08 18:31為了兒子的健康管理放棄奪冠可能 很奇怪嗎?

water6414 07/08 18:43先開打再說吧 最近這確診人數...

tmacor1 07/08 18:44打到西區第一 AB功不可沒

liusim 07/08 18:48是不奇怪,就是風險一向伴隨收益

lws0527 07/08 20:13湖人是被問的只好回答 也只能說鄉民不意外

ChenWay 07/08 21:03先奪冠再說好嗎

AM34 07/08 22:00布不悔

Krishna 07/08 22:18預約冠軍,提早慶祝

ethel7669 07/08 22:23少後場鎖AB,湖人要贏快艇,難

Gief 07/08 22:49微 囂張

LeonGreen 07/08 23:01戰績第一,冠軍是很正常的,提早慶祝也很合理。

ko373328 07/08 23:21就為了湖人才復賽的,奪冠很合理

leo19841010 07/09 06:53搞不好季後賽第一輪就掰了,想這麼多還蠻好笑

s210125 07/09 06:58酸民酸起來 這篇甚至連訪問湖人都不是 是訪問AB呢

s210125 07/09 06:58 到底有什麼臉嘴台灣記者 還不是被牽著鼻子當狗遛

ponypony71 07/09 08:02蒐集球衣人

Eijidate 07/09 09:18空頭支票也太好開了吧

UCboy 07/09 09:231湖人拿不到 2就算真拿到了 你也是比怕爽死還廢的戒

UCboy 07/09 09:23指小偷

ks96021019 07/09 09:47這都能酸,很急餒

umdm 07/09 13:14現在討論冠軍戒指...先奪冠再說好嘛

er800100 07/09 14:12還沒打欸 自己立什麼旗啊

lexus3310 07/09 20:07冠軍早頒給湖人了啦

lexus3310 07/09 20:08朕要的 席佛不能不給