[討論] NBA TV套餐問題
有人知道哪裡可以選TEAM choice 嗎0.0
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我用恢復購買的方式...結果被扣了款 但還是不能看
[外絮] MJ挖苦LBJ等現役球星對於超級球隊的癡迷原文網址: (隨便翻翻 有錯請指正) ★有板友指出文中MJ的發言時間是在2017年 應屬包裝成新聞的舊聞 大家別激動lol★ Michael Jordan says the NBA is becoming less competitive than before due to the formation of superteams around the league. 酒蛋說因為超級球隊得形成導致聯盟競爭性變弱惹爆
[討論] 跟LBJ合作過的球星選其他先發四人?LBJ無疑是目前NBA 最具統治力的球星 總冠軍賽進出如自家廚房的男人 跟LBJ合作過的球星也不少 一共待過騎士 熱火 湖人的LBJ89
[外絮] 嘴綠希望終老勇士:現今聯盟只為一隊效力嘴綠希望終老勇士:現今聯盟只為一隊效力11年以上的球員僅五人,這很罕見 Draymond Green and the Golden State Warriors have had an interesting couple of m onths. After winning their fourth championship in June, the Warriors' Big Three of Draymond Green, Steph Curry and Klay Thompson were back on top of the league. With that, of course, came questions about their future together. After all, Gr41
[情報] 小牛勇士戰 小牛一波28-0 並列史上第二來源: ESPN Stat推特 網址: According to @EliasSports, the Mavericks 28-0 run is tied for the 2nd-longest scoring run by any team over the last 20 seasons and the longest since the Knicks went on a 28-0 run against the Raptors on Nov. 22, 2017.24
[情報] Info- Dwight Howard will playLakers center Dwight Howard told @TheAthleticNBA@Stadium today he has decided to play in restarted NBA season, join the team on Thursd ay in Orlando, and will donate his remaining game checks to his non-profit cam10
[閒聊] TD曾三度在沒有NBA年隊隊友的情況下奪冠TD曾經三次在沒有任何入選NBA年度隊伍的隊友的情況下率隊奪冠, 這是NBA歷史之最! 講起來很繞舌。 這是在「MJs_GOAT」上面看到的, 原文是:2
[問卦] nba如果有球隊全用底薪球員假如真有一隊 全用底薪球員 不找大牌 還打出不錯戰績 可以讓nba薪資凍漲嗎?1
[問卦] 吃兩個漢堡就飽ㄌ剛剛去買老麥 用抽到優惠券買套餐送勁辣雞腿堡 吃完了兩個漢堡 現在覺得好飽哦 還有薯條剩下來