[外絮] DH:若幫湖人奪冠,那會是世上最棒的感覺

看板NBA標題[外絮] DH:若幫湖人奪冠,那會是世上最棒的感覺作者
時間推噓64 推:64 噓:0 →:28

@DwightHoward opens up to @TermineRadio and Wes Wilcox on what it would mean
to cap off his long, winding road with a @Lakers championship.

“I would say it’d be like the best feeling in the world. It’s something
that, I’m just glad right now I’m not in tears, but when I’m at home, in
the morning before I get up and got to practice I just really think about
that,” Howard said SiriusXM NBA Radio.

Dwight Howard


“Just how fulfilling it would be to win a championship with the Lakers,
considering all the things that we have been through. It seems like we’re
like a big family. You know, like, the prodigal son leaving and coming back
home, so it’s kinda like that feeling. For me, it’s like the best feeling
in he world. Just knowing that we have this opportunity in front of us to wina championship.

"只要想想我們這一路走來經歷的一切,用湖人贏下冠軍來做為結局那該會有多麼滿足, 我們就好像一個大家庭一樣。你懂的,一個浪子離家後終於回到老家,就像這種感覺。"


“I think how great that’d be for this city. We’ve seen so much, we’ve
through so much. That emotional roller coaster of being on top and losing
everything and then seems like you’re gaining it all back. It’s an
emotional roller coaster, but for me it’s like the hard work, the
dedication, the tough times it’s like it’s almost over with.

這就像是心情坐雲霄飛車一樣。 "


“So I’m just going to stay the course. I’ve always been a person that has
never given up, no matter how hard the situation may be. And I’m just
looking forward to hoisting up that trophy celebrating when we get back to LA.”



Make Kobe proud.





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kfcopass 10/09 20:35聖光

johnwu 10/09 20:35那你之前不參加是在....

KKB 10/09 20:36浪子回頭 洗心革面

takechance 10/09 20:36Kobe:幹!

sue709410 10/09 20:36DH的生涯到最後也悟道了

arrfu 10/09 20:36DH在奧蘭多奪冠

KKB 10/09 20:37魔獸在奧蘭多奪冠 奧蘭多也是五味雜陳

Aggro 10/09 20:38當年離開湖人前要是也這樣想 湖人搞不好不用等這麼

Aggro 10/09 20:38

zx7860601 10/09 20:38如果早一點這樣想,起碼兩冠在手了

refuseQQ 10/09 20:38得體

sujima56 10/09 20:39好亮的光

ken720331 10/09 20:39人不輕狂枉少年

bypetty 10/09 20:39渥華悟道

bye2007 10/09 20:39加油 只剩下一勝了

s8900117 10/09 20:40早點這樣應該不止二

LuckyoPuppy 10/09 20:40聖光來了,明天雙十以上

ganlinlausu 10/09 20:41浪子回頭金不換,只是老大已不在

ericyou0122 10/09 20:41還剛好在奧蘭多,這種種巧合

cloud777717 10/09 20:41太亮了 明天加油

ken720331 10/09 20:42真的可惜最重要的哪個人已不在

BUKU 10/09 20:42哪可能2冠阿...

rony98 10/09 20:44還好湖人有簽他 不然過不過得了金塊真的難說

NoMercy666 10/09 20:45醒得有點晚了QQ 不過我湖有你太重要了

zego41 10/09 20:46浪獸回頭

starxls 10/09 20:46聖光獸 真佛阿

Wind781013 10/09 20:46浪子回頭金塊掰

K951753 10/09 20:47還好有醒 老大也會很高興的

linceass 10/09 20:50QQ

knightwww 10/09 20:50加油

cblade 10/09 20:50魔獸人生 聖光篇

FAYeeeeeeee 10/09 20:52贖罪獸

rasheedchiu 10/09 20:53霍華大師

mhtvpz 10/09 20:56如果有如果 點給聖光獸

Sammingy 10/09 20:57剛好在奧蘭多,真巧

taihsin 10/09 21:00曾經的第一中鋒 浪子回頭

ClutchShot 10/09 21:01很想噓 當初好好扎實做苦工不就好了

TomBoHu 10/09 21:01可惜阿霍華,老大他當初也是這麼相信你的

funnyrain 10/09 21:02走過年少輕狂啊

newtypeL9 10/09 21:02幹嘛講這麼感性啦(ノД`)

on32 10/09 21:03當初就算好好打也很難有冠軍 離開魔術有傷了

giantkiller 10/09 21:03平凡之路的感覺

ethel7669 10/09 21:04好耀眼的光 太神辣

spi0303 10/09 21:05老大

on32 10/09 21:06後面到湖人跟火箭已經走下坡 體能不如年輕

gametv 10/09 21:07我好希望看到湖人奪冠時Kobe走向DH的場景啊....

on32 10/09 21:07打不過熱火 馬刺 勇士

on32 10/09 21:07除非加入強隊

jokc7839 10/09 21:07年少輕狂

guesswho 10/09 21:08覺會如何犧牲

jiangchaoyou10/09 21:08聖光獸!!!!!

hatealong 10/09 21:11聖尊者霍華德 殺生為護生 斬業非斬人 bgm下!

benptt 10/09 21:16詹牧師引領你走向人生正確的道路~

wsp0323 10/09 21:17This is for you Kobe!

TheoEpstein 10/09 21:17浪子回頭

seanww 10/09 21:19從零開始的魔獸人生 贖罪篇

iwilltry 10/09 21:20明天應該也是MM會打比較久吧 AD持續高規格包夾

ckleman 10/09 21:26聖光的贖罪之旅

LuckyoPuppy 10/09 21:29很難說吧,如果明天阿爹上比較久就會是聖光獸上

eric2057 10/09 21:30他之前復賽不打不是因為小孩的原因嗎?

a22122212 10/09 21:34老大如果還在...

shwkz 10/09 21:45魔獸的報恩

s66449 10/09 21:46

AndyWT 10/09 21:52來賭他明天會不會哭

vincent0525 10/09 21:56當年的曹眉壽 現在的聖光尊者

zaza1128 10/09 22:01一起來個三連霸

Tawara 10/09 22:15那幫魔術奪冠呢

brodigit 10/09 22:15衝著這句話,期待明天D.H.抗衡Adebayo的表現

sony0955 10/09 22:25Q_Q 聖光獸 。老大已不在

kaede0711 10/09 22:33蠻勵志的 希望他未來能保持今年的態度再多待幾年

kaede0711 10/09 22:34多待在聯盟幾年,要不然那個年代的球星真的快退光

kaede0711 10/09 22:34

e761031 10/09 22:41渡卍·霍華

Gasolsister 10/09 22:45聖光獸

xeroxpipi 10/09 22:46魔獸的恩返

poz93 10/09 22:57當年的阿罵陣容

Krishna 10/09 22:57幫湖人奪冠X. 湖人幫你奪冠O

younun 10/09 22:59昂得道高僧參玖獸

icou 10/09 23:01留下來明年拚連霸吧 那滋味會更美味

line20306 10/09 23:0439!

gn01948540 10/09 23:35對金塊一役沒有聖獸真的會打得很辛苦

koae50 10/10 00:58納許:當初空接 生什麼氣!!

yachen2015 10/10 00:58假如你年少有為知進退

Hsan 10/10 01:25QQ

cpujerry 10/10 01:42老大在天之靈一定很欣慰!

ganhua 10/10 02:06聖光獸

PCSH120 10/10 02:25談到老大我就哭了

King5566 10/10 03:01霍華聖路開天光

ctes940008 10/10 04:19聖光啊

iwinlottery 10/10 07:53浪子回頭 七年不晚

MARTINA3016 10/10 08:20就是那個光

iamaq18c 10/10 11:57聖光!