[外絮] 誰能擋得住籃網? ESPN主播:KI

看板NBA標題[外絮] 誰能擋得住籃網? ESPN主播:KI作者
時間推噓62 推:68 噓:6 →:31

來源: FadeAwayWorld

ESPN Anchor Takes A Big Shot At Kyrie Irving: ‘He Is The Only Person To Stop
The Nets Next Season’
ESPN主播對Kyrie Irving開炮:「他是唯一一個下一季可以擋住籃網的人。」

ESPN’s anchor Randy Scott took a big shot at Kyrie Irving when explaining
who could stop the Brooklyn Nets to rule the Eastern Conference and probably
win it all this season. They put together a good core, led by Irving and
Kevin Durant, joined by their new head coach Steve Nash.
當在解釋誰有可能擋得住籃網統治東區和贏得一切時,ESPN主播Randy Scott對KI開炮了。籃網組成了很好的核心,由KI跟KD率領,最近新教練Steve Nash才加入籃網。

The expectations are high for this team, but that hasn’t stopped people from
speculating about what situation is going to lead to this team to get
dismantled, especially their star duo. When Bleacher Report’s Oruny Choi
asked on Twitter who was stopping the Nets, Scott quickly pointed out Kyrie
Irving, who is not a fan favorite given his recent antics on and off the
大家對籃網有很高的期望,但是這沒辦法讓大家不去猜測說,到底怎樣的狀況會讓這球隊崩毀呢? 尤其是這兩個明星兩人組。所以當BleacherReport記者Oruny Choi在推特上問大家,"誰擋的住籃網呢?",主播Scott點名了在場上場下都有些狀況,不是很多球迷喜愛的KI。


"Oruny: Who is stopping them?" 誰擋的住他們?
"Scott: The dude on the right probably?" 大概右邊那位吧?

Kyrie Irving has earned a reputation for being a conflictive presence around
the league. Ever since his last season in Cleveland, the point guard was
singled out as a bad teammate for his reluctance to keep playing with LeBron
James. After he was traded to the Boston Celtics, things didn’t change and
Kyrie left the franchise after just two seasons, amid controversies, locker
room beef that hurt the team’s chemistry.

He couldn’t fully play the first season with the Nets due to injuries,
leaving the team off guard to face the bubble, getting eliminated in the
first round against the Toronto Raptors. This season Kyrie and Durant had a
lot to prove to themselves and NBA fans. They want to show they can lead a
team to win championships, they have to show they aren’t toxic teammates and
can have a good relationship with the rest of the team. This season can be
great and extremely bad for the Nets. It all comes down to what their two
best players do when the season starts.

到底會不會氣氛up up呢?


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ttyl5566 10/16 21:55撿到槍XD...

vincent1985 10/16 21:56DAJ:哈哈 其實是我啦

jason2325 10/16 21:56誠實給推 XD

live147222 10/16 21:56其實這答案很實在

l1054010 10/16 21:56當初LD選擇跟KI組應該有心理準備了吧

Lpissostrong10/16 21:56笑死==

jokc7839 10/16 21:56籃網明明沒進季後 結果存在感超高哈哈哈

takechance 10/16 21:56休息室殺手 KI

jokc7839 10/16 21:57話說murray 球風跟ki 一樣好看 怎麼球迷差那麼多

vic830710 10/16 21:57有進季後啦 馬上打包就是了

MK47 10/16 21:58XDDDD

pejawade 10/16 21:59籃網有進啊

krajicek 10/16 21:59會不會也是能守住KD的人呢?西河表示

Kazmier 10/16 21:59哈哈哈

icou 10/16 21:59哈哈

CornyDragon 10/16 22:00聲力軍

jason2325 10/16 22:00籃網有打季後啊 不然暴龍第一輪跟鬼打喔?

sustainer12310/16 22:00murray季賽數據沒特別漂亮的關係?

gn01914120 10/16 22:00KD:我背過龜殼

stud0361411 10/16 22:00就跟誰攔得住湖人一樣,就是褲子

jokc7839 10/16 22:00靠邀我記錯了....

ralfeistein 10/16 22:01這主播是不是有看PTT?

f22313467 10/16 22:01

harrybbs 10/16 22:01籃網休了接下來賽季的先發N人

harrybbs 10/16 22:01還是進季後賽 猛

NuRaymond 10/16 22:04實話

s66449 10/16 22:06氣氛大師

bn5566 10/16 22:06Irving Bad

black510113 10/16 22:08好像蠻中肯的XDDD

ya123yo 10/16 22:10XD

utcn92 10/16 22:10根本快艇翻版,雜魚打進季後賽,然後空降兩個難相處

utcn92 10/16 22:10+愛單打的巨頭,然後開始各種氣氛各種不爽

ad0101 10/16 22:10好兇XDD

taikonkimo 10/16 22:11噗 酸酸

jacky0122 10/16 22:11籃網雙巨喉

Puye 10/16 22:12我覺得合理

YLTYY 10/16 22:12笑死

a3221715 10/16 22:15意圖使人氣氛

firemm444 10/16 22:17murray也去逆轉個73勝然後顏射三分 球迷就會多了

Muma5566 10/16 22:18休息室無差別單打手

SinShih 10/16 22:18尊重一下 人家可是教練的一員

Arigatosam 10/16 22:19比誰講話大聲

vgil 10/16 22:20米國聲仔

a3221715 10/16 22:21Murray運球沒KI強阿 顏射全票MVP 還是有差

future0stw 10/16 22:22專業啊XD

ebv 10/16 22:25壞分子

K951753 10/16 22:27笑死 好誠實

alan5232000 10/16 22:29蠻想看到球星們都沒傷好好發揮

hau7341 10/16 22:30XDD

hau7341 10/16 22:30ESPN真的立場很偏啊

kimo6414 10/16 22:37不知道龜殼跟KI哪個比較重

plus203ft 10/16 22:38KI是真的不適合當領袖啊

plus203ft 10/16 22:38KD當老大會比較好,不知道KI會不會氣氛就是了

funnyrain 10/16 22:40連詹牧師都震不住 真的歹逗陣

plus203ft 10/16 22:43KL是不講話KI是不會講話

brian9b3b 10/16 22:44先等KD打幾場再來討論好嗎

neal19 10/16 22:45登愣登愣呢,誠實豆沙包XD

boy80421 10/16 22:47但打到季後賽 KI被點名應該是個大問題吧

heavensun 10/16 22:47龜龜帶隊比KI強 KI帶騎士那些年 帶不好

LuckyoPuppy 10/16 22:52KD+KI不就是強化版可愛+弱化版PG

awcoke 10/16 22:55中肯,連LBJ都不服,自以為是大腿啊?

SwissMiniGun10/16 23:02有協調好給KD當大哥的話 是可以期待一下

BrahmaBull3610/16 23:04KI這季已經擋成功了吧 他不是沒上球隊勝率還比較高

BrahmaBull3610/16 23:04嗎?

flame1983 10/16 23:05之前Love好像要破單節得分紀錄 就這聲A故意不給球

flame1983 10/16 23:05啊 小雞肚腸的矮子 註定當不了優秀的老大

sky070650 10/16 23:19笑死 撿到槍XDDDDDDDDDD

a11011788 10/16 23:38太誠實啦

bye2007 10/16 23:41誠實 笑死

rondoya 10/16 23:44是不是吃了誠實豆沙包?

XAMAS 10/16 23:52等者被熱火 壓者打

vltw5v 10/16 23:58誠實給推

jack1993199310/17 00:04不適合當領袖不是問題 問題是他很愛搶著當

xisee 10/17 00:07這麼誠實好嗎lol

gydiaw 10/17 00:12看好ki洗白

aegis80728 10/17 00:19笑死 主播撿到槍

ken720331 10/17 00:25PTT領先全球

jojomickey2 10/17 00:28Murray球風確實不輸KI沒人捧而已

puma1011 10/17 00:29誠實

Billbehappy 10/17 00:39是說滿多人想跟姆斯打球的 ki當初應該是不滿他的定

Billbehappy 10/17 00:39位吧。 雖然我覺得是滿合適的...

sarau 10/17 00:50他應該稍微有收斂一點點 就一點點

sarau 10/17 00:50到塞提時有對喇叭悔悟 之前奪冠大頭症是最高的

sarau 10/17 00:50自以為比喇叭優秀 沒看到他之前帶隊戰績超差的

Fearearth 10/17 00:51果然又開始被追殺囉

piyo0604 10/17 00:59上一個被喊氣氛大師的這季在熱火洗超白

piyo0604 10/17 00:59我們來看再來KI有沒有辦法XD

sinben 10/17 01:20espn

tnpaul 10/17 02:17希望這囂張貨色虎落平陽

cay86714 10/17 02:30抖音第一控衛

asher02 10/17 04:10

iwgpg1ghc 10/17 05:05別拿這咖跟我大吉巴比,團隊意識差遠了

vasia 10/17 05:33認同

vking223 10/17 05:48以毒攻毒,這是很棒的組合,看是聲量大還是戰技更優

vking223 10/17 05:52要洗白只能靠打得比以前騎士青賽好,來證明自己真

vking223 10/17 05:52的很行,不然一輩子都會被罵怪聲仔

sbflight 10/17 06:13事實

bj6vup 10/17 07:04真的很愛追殺

f77928 10/17 07:06被看衰成這樣,KI自己要爭氣啊

wewe44556 10/17 07:31湖人準備好打你籃網了

jzbobby 10/17 09:05地平聲仔想當大哥啊?下季先進個東區決賽再說

heacoun 10/17 10:18

theta4719 10/17 11:05贏球就會洗白了

SEVEnMonth 10/17 14:17KD不是在負重就是爽到飛,落差可以不要這麼大嗎

providence 10/17 14:42撿到槍耶 下一個KD專武XDD