[花邊] 推特鄉民酸PG求婚: 她比PG還早拿到戒指~~

看板NBA標題[花邊] 推特鄉民酸PG求婚: 她比PG還早拿到戒指~~作者
時間推噓49 推:50 噓:1 →:23

來源: SportsRush

‘Paul George cheated on coach’s daughter, she got a ring before him’:
Clippers star mocked for engagement with Daniela Rajic
"PG瞞著教練的女兒偷吃,她比他還早拿戒指" 快艇明星Paul George跟Daniela Rajic求婚被酸

Clippers star Paul George has been on the receiving end of numerous Twitter
trolls of late. They haven’t even let him off for his engagement
快艇明星Paul George最近在推特上一直被酸,連PG宣布求婚都不放過。

NBA Twitter is as merciless as it is entertaining. The fans never miss an
opportunity to take the mickey out of any player.

Paul George is one of the people’s favorite targets. He’s been getting
lampooned from all quarters even more since his weak displays in the playoffsfor the Clippers.

The Los Angeles Clippers were tipped to be the biggest challengers to LeBron
and the Lakers in the playoffs. But they bowed out of the Conference
Semifinals with a whimper. Blowing a 3-1 lead and double-digit leads in each
of their last 3 games to the Nuggets served to make them the laughing stock
of the NBA.

Paul George, who earlier dated coach Doc Rivers’ daughter Callie Rivers,
cheated on her with his current fiance Daniela Rajic. The two have since beengoing strong, although George tried to dissuade her giving birth to their
first child earlier.
PG本來是跟快艇教練Doc Rivers的女兒Callie Rivers在一起,但是他背著她偷吃了現任的這位未婚妻Daniela Rajic。儘管PG曾嘗試說服她不要生下他們的第一個小孩,這兩人後來的感情越來越好。

The couple welcomed their second child in 2017, despite having separated
through a court settlement in 2015. The relationship now seems cemented, withGeorge proposing to Rajic yesterday.



"dude really cheated on his coaches daughter thatll never not be hilarious"


"She got a ring before him"


"Hey at least this is a for sure ring for him"

The hope for George will be that this renewed stability in his personal life
will spur him to greater heights on court. The Clippers’ championship window
is closing with George now in his 30s and Leonard not in the best fitness of
his career.



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kuaiphoto 11/09 11:45靠北wwwwwwwww

JT07 11/09 11:47反應真快

qsc3574151 11/09 11:47哈哈哈有梗

PanaS0Nic 11/09 11:47PG跟T妹要選誰當老二

xbit 11/09 11:47GJ...

wwf1588 11/09 11:48不同吧

a9564208 11/09 11:52PG如果說等我拿到戒指再求婚,對方會不會翻臉?

CjackC 11/09 11:53

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 11/09/2020 11:53:55

ben840619 11/09 11:54其實很好笑

NewShiisDog 11/09 11:56太猛了 跟教練女兒在一起還搞偷吃 3-1會不會根本是

NewShiisDog 11/09 11:56河流的報復

shifa 11/09 11:56She got a ring before him 還有押韻耶 超屌 XDDDD

wynton 11/09 11:57哈哈

hotpamsko 11/09 11:57很會

ctw01 11/09 11:57twitter鄉民的酸不輸ptt~

LuckyoPuppy 11/09 11:58但此嘴一出,波及無數球員QQ

pounil 11/09 12:01看來PG在美國也是顧人怨

Eijidate 11/09 12:03不一定喔~ 趕在季後賽前結婚和生小孩,可以有Buff

BrahmaBull3611/09 12:04一堆球員都還沒戒指就結婚 差別在PG惹太多人才被酸

lousen0068 11/09 12:06台灣人才會覺得只有ptt在酸而已

chiky 11/09 12:11這很靠北 我覺得可以 XD

s880st 11/09 12:15Daniela Rajic

s880st 11/09 12:15

s880st 11/09 12:15

iwgpg1ghc 11/09 12:16關鍵軟蛋表現再讓河流含恨而走,這仇結大惹

edq02yc 11/09 12:22twitter酸拿來比ptt搞對搞錯,ptt酸根本弱爆了

FiveSix911 11/09 12:27XDDD

MaroonSheran11/09 12:28連比較網路酸民都有崇洋媚外 笑死

bengret 11/09 12:33金卡達夏的複製人吧

onezero10 11/09 12:39高級酸XDD

ahsoo 11/09 12:55酸民有夠靠北 XDDDDD

flicker36 11/09 12:55都生小孩了 要怎樣才能求婚失敗

Noxus 11/09 12:57有夠哭

wewe44556 11/09 13:11都中…了 結不結婚有差嗎

Wishmaster 11/09 13:21也太靠北了吧 XDDDDD

gratitude 11/09 13:28很多球員終身0戒指也無所謂 錢賺得夠多就好

ryolai 11/09 13:37PG才30歲,他狀態起伏到讓我覺得都35了

hit0123 11/09 13:51這劇情也太八點檔

edwinrw 11/09 14:01XR

edwinrw 11/09 14:01XD

a22122212 11/09 14:07每次有結婚就一定會有ring的笑話

siegfriedlin11/09 14:13為什麼會劣化成這樣??

MK47 11/09 14:29XD

sodistrues 11/09 15:02xd

uglyfinger 11/09 15:03好壞...

JayceYen 11/09 15:03Doc Rivers還算有風度 自己女兒被自己的球員劈腿竟

JayceYen 11/09 15:03然忍得下去

DirkMavs 11/09 15:11原來PG前女友就是咖哩弟老婆

Ensidia 11/09 15:16發明這一句話的真是天才

lkk88 11/09 15:29河流的旗下球員 和河流的女兒交往 但是又偷吃 河流

lkk88 11/09 15:29的感受應該很特別...

qtzbbztq 11/09 15:51這嘴得有創意 夠噱頭

CozyLife 11/09 15:56哭啊

ImMACACO 11/09 16:03很哭可以

ronale 11/09 16:23推文的河流女兒照很漂亮

Gary21 11/09 16:30笑死XD

OyAlbert 11/09 16:58鄉民真的很靠北XDD

Giroro813 11/09 17:19河流的女兒漂亮多了

cakila 11/09 17:34有夠會酸xD

GGINDOWBOW 11/09 17:38哭啊

whathappen 11/09 18:06這貨被酸剛好,用力噴

basterds 11/09 18:19+0+0+0 +戒指+戒指

ptt98105 11/09 18:25XDDDDDD

dante110059 11/09 19:10ptt根本是臭酸又沒有梗

dante110059 11/09 19:11有些梗是還行啦,但有些真的很沒梗又硬要

BeTheFree 11/09 19:32推文的圖並不是Doc Rivers的女兒吧?他女兒叫Callie

BeTheFree 11/09 19:32 Rivers,推文的圖和新聞的圖應該是同一個吧?

annaxuan 11/09 20:05XDDD 笑死

mathrew 11/09 20:27XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

renna038766 11/09 20:36靠笑死

skixhbyu 11/09 20:50推文的是這個未婚妻吧

skixhbyu 11/09 20:51的圖

harrishu 11/11 08:28幹超靠北

stja 12/17 13:58