[情報] PG腳趾骨腫脹缺賽

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(my way)
時間推噓76 推:79 噓:3 →:37

公牛的Porter Jr.去年一開始也是診斷為骨頭腫脹,後來變成骨折,65場只出賽14場。



Paul George injury update: Clippers star sidelined due to foot injury called
a bone edema

By Jack Maloney

12h ago2 min read

Paul George has been playing some brilliant basketball for the Los Angeles C
lippers this season, but he sat out the team's loss to the Boston Celtics on
Friday night due to a foot injury, and it's not clear when he'll be back on
the court.?
Clippers coach Tyronn Lue offered few details on George's status and repeate
d "I don't know" to a series of questions about specifics. "I'm not really s
ure when he really started feeling it or whatever," Lue said. "I'm not reall
y sure … he did have a hell of a game (in Cleveland). So, just hope we can
get him back soon ... We're going to miss him. We wish him a speedy recovery
George was initially listed on the Clippers' injury report with a sore foot,
but the specific injury is a bone edema in his toe. That's a bit of an obsc
ure one, so it's worth getting a little bit more information, courtesy of Ar
lington Orthopedic Specialists:

"Bone marrow edema, also referred to as a bone marrow lesion, is the build-u
p of fluid within the bone marrow. Typically this accumulation of fluid is d
ue to an injury to the bones. Bone marrow consists of fatty, bony, and blood
cell producing material and is contained within what is called the 'spongy
bone.' When edema occurs, the increased fluid inside the bone causes inflamm
ation of the bone marrow and adjacent joint."

So how long might George be on the sidelines? It seems like the Clippers rea
lly don't know, but Lue's response and tone indicated that it could end up b
eing a decent amount of time. For what it's worth, Mirjam Swanson of the Ora
nge County Register noted in her report that, "Chicago's Otto Porter Jr. mis
sed all but 14 of the Bulls' 65 games in the shortened 2019-20 season with a
left foot fracture that initially was diagnosed as 'continued bone edema.'"

Through his first 20 games, George was putting together one of the best seas
ons of his career, averaging 24.4 points, 6.2 rebounds and 5.5 assists on 50
/40/90-club efficiency. In particular, he had been shooting the ball better
than ever. His career-best 47.8 percent mark from downtown was seventh in th
e league, and among players with at least 100 3-point attempts, only Joe Har
ris had been more efficient. ?
George has now missed four games this season, and the Clippers are 1-3 in th
ose outings, which isn't surprising. In the 680 minutes that George has been
on the court this season, the Clippers have a plus-14 net rating. In the 47
2 minutes without him, they have a minus-1.1 net rating.?

It goes without saying that this is a massive loss for Los Angeles, and they
're going to have to lean on Kawhi Leonard even more than they already do. T
he one bit of good news for the third-place Clippers is that they got off to
a 17-7 start this season, which has them in third place in the Western Conf
erence, and 3.5 games ahead of the teams behind them. That buffer will be im
portant as they try to figure things out in George's absence.?
Sent from BePTT on my Samsung SM-N9750


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koberapists 02/07 20:47原文怪怪的喔

koberapists 02/07 20:47還有分類忘記加了

tonyparker1802/07 20:47亂碼修一下

ThankU9527 02/07 20:47RIP

cocojohn111 02/07 20:48聽說要休很久

dwiee 02/07 20:48早日康復 這季很猛說

capirex 02/07 20:48怎麼好像很大條?

※ 編輯: iamnotore ( 臺灣), 02/07/2021 20:49:46

Redbeansauce02/07 20:50By鸜ack Maloney

Redbeansauce02/07 20:51Paul George蕋as been playing some brilliant bask

Redbeansauce02/07 20:51etball for the蟖os Angeles Clippers謌his season,

Redbeansauce02/07 20:51 but he sat out the team's loss to the臶oston Ce

Redbeansauce02/07 20:51ltics覔

ganhua 02/07 20:51早日康復 這季很猛的說

Redbeansauce02/07 20:51到底怎麼跑出來上面的字的

Kenshin0707 02/07 20:51翻譯吧

cocojohn111 02/07 20:51不過大約到手沒差了

a11011788 02/07 20:52快艇傷兵潮開始了

lkk88 02/07 20:53?

tonyparker1802/07 20:53虎撲早就傳翻天了 聽說輕微的話休息幾場 嚴重的話

tonyparker1802/07 20:53整季報銷?

Khandraa 02/07 20:54現在治療的話季後賽之前回的來吧

atmmaxing 02/07 20:55本來天天網就是在拼耐戰度的 結果一隻操到先爆了

Ensidia 02/07 20:55這很嚴重 這是慢性疲勞性骨折吧

howard612 02/07 20:55是不是1348後遺症啊

lws0527 02/07 20:55幹 不要啊 PG保重

Ensidia 02/07 20:55疲勞性骨折可以說是運動員殺手 常見於投手

SCLPAL 02/07 20:57!!??

justgetup 02/07 20:57輕則10幾場,重則例行賽報銷,就怕換可愛負擔過大

vincent1985 02/07 20:59天天網? 是在說啥XD

koberapists 02/07 20:59是說今年pg狀況調的那麼好,結果又遇到這個好可惜呀

atmmaxing 02/07 21:00更正 打太快 我大天元艇

atmmaxing 02/07 21:00狀況調得好 上場時間高啊。

CW4 02/07 21:00保重 今年表現真的挺好

vincent1985 02/07 21:01連球隊都打錯 真的不ok

EZ78 02/07 21:01他開季到現在腳傷困擾蠻久的了

YamagiN 02/07 21:05這個很難完全好的樣子 容易復發

※ 編輯: iamnotore ( 臺灣), 02/07/2021 21:11:03

MaRin0725 02/07 21:08我喬加油啊

johnli 02/07 21:10快艇保重吧 這種也怪不了誰 有些人天生就是比較脆

leevarchu 02/07 21:10所以算是疲勞性骨折?

on32 02/07 21:11PG就是很容易受傷 早點發現早點治療

※ 編輯: iamnotore ( 臺灣), 02/07/2021 21:12:05

namie810303 02/07 21:11紅明顯 記得補上分類

on32 02/07 21:11等季後賽在受傷就沒救 先休息明星賽後再回來

KarlTowns 02/07 21:12這虎撲已經傳翻了,要缺陣三個月以上的樣子

icou 02/07 21:13再等狀況明朗

※ 編輯: iamnotore ( 臺灣), 02/07/2021 21:13:42

namie810303 02/07 21:14這...今年打超好耶

a3221715 02/07 21:14

live147222 02/07 21:15真的Playoff P了

KarlTowns 02/07 21:17這時候酸他不太好吧!也不是他願意的

rocku112 02/07 21:20慘拿 某次大傷後好像一直都不太健康

Nash4208 02/07 21:21That’s a bad swelling

yoyo1009 02/07 21:21保重

※ 編輯: iamnotore ( 臺灣), 02/07/2021 21:22:32

zombierick 02/07 21:22痛風啦!

Scubadive 02/07 21:23看成恥骨

Willysun7 02/07 21:24某l黑快艇常客了 不要太意外

iamnotore 02/07 21:24亂碼字是因為手機發文的關係,已修正

ken720331 02/07 21:25感覺有點慘

same60710 02/07 21:26這是什麼怪病?

sezna 02/07 21:26可愛單巨頭+Lue=?

jerry70938 02/07 21:28QQ希望好好休息等真的好了再上場

matsuwu 02/07 21:33PG這季真的很猛說,Lue真的很懂用球星

Crpaul5566 02/07 21:33QQ希望早日康復 可以打完這季

Niro 02/07 21:34好好休息吧 也不要搶快復出 下一季出來也行

a3221715 02/07 21:340248戰術

lkk88 02/07 21:36這季表現很好 是因為過度使用嗎? 還是因為舊傷?

a26893997 02/07 21:37今年打得很好ㄟ 可惜了 加油啊

ignativs 02/07 21:38PG這幾年運真不好

josephpu 02/07 21:40還好是在腳趾,不幸中的大幸

kyoko367890602/07 21:45保重

some61321 02/07 21:46可以看到0248了嗎

SwissMiniGun02/07 21:51早日康復 挑戰生涯年

mrblue53453 02/07 21:51早日康復qq

hcder4126 02/07 21:52PG在雷霆打得很好的那季 也是在下半季比較沒力

hcder4126 02/07 21:52真的需要管控上場時間

finhisky 02/07 21:57卡歪能體會到頭牌隊友無法上場的感覺了嗎?

xu3rmp4u6gm 02/07 21:58痛風有可能

RedCarp 02/07 22:00PG5這樣還賣得掉嗎......

taikonkimo 02/07 22:03這對快艇非常傷 難得PG這季洗白很大

icou 02/07 22:06跑橋這季190瘋狂水準耶 缺賽超傷

NEKOWORKi 02/07 22:06pg的生涯真不順

hydra6716 02/07 22:16PG例行賽一直都很強 沒打季後賽前也沒啥洗白的

LBJKO 02/07 22:19他這季很強 希望早日康復

karoshi 02/07 22:20保重啊 今年西區大亂鬥 健康很重要

whhw 02/07 22:20

pighong 02/07 22:20這是跟美國隊骨折的腳同一隻嗎

smik 02/07 22:26沒冠軍命 真衰

tomoti 02/07 22:39他也不需要證明啥季後賽啦,以前打LBJ就證明過了...

gp03dan 02/07 22:41QQ

rondoya 02/07 22:42保重 期待playoff P

f22313467 02/07 22:57PG腳受傷 那畫面又浮現了

KarlTowns 02/07 22:59他不需要證明吧!去翻翻13抗LBJ是真的強

ke1234sam 02/07 23:11溜馬pg直接當面爆灌lbj,還有人懷疑他什麼

grimnir158 02/07 23:25PG保重QQ

d88647511 02/07 23:32PG在溜馬證明什麼?沒贏過LBJ嗎?如果灌爆算證明那

d88647511 02/07 23:32劉錚也證明了

d88647511 02/07 23:33而且要說季賽表現,他在雷霆差點拿到MVP也早就證明

d88647511 02/07 23:33過了,他就是常規賽很猛

dindaofay 02/07 23:33少了PG感覺可愛扛不住啊,轉入快艇後血條好像變更

dindaofay 02/07 23:33短了

Lonely85poly02/08 00:09好好養傷吧 季後跟生涯比較重要

icou 02/08 00:13如果跑喬要休到季末 KL就照常打就好 能進季後就好

alittleghost02/08 00:16可愛:我要輪休

tmac0321 02/08 00:19拜託今年讓他健康一次打季後賽阿

VL1003 02/08 00:22難得這季快艇磨合的不錯,怕的是到時候又像去年

VL1003 02/08 00:22但也沒辦法,有傷該休就是得休,只能說保重。

F00L 02/08 00:26泡腳機用太久…腳都腫了!以後使用應該要節制

rbki3 02/08 00:56快艇應該還是有季後賽拉 就好好休養吧

jeffsu 02/08 01:13這種傷嚴重嗎 沒啥聽過@@

k78998700 02/08 01:19這季打超好

a3358826 02/08 01:28這種傷麻煩的事沒有什麼有效的醫療手段

a3358826 02/08 01:29就是要花時間讓他慢慢好

a3358826 02/08 01:29然後會非常非常痛

jarry9955 02/08 01:48怎麼感覺像是痛風lol

s8900117 02/08 08:34希望早日康復

ooplus 02/08 08:44怎麼好像每次都是在要起飛的時候大傷

dylancdylanc02/08 13:02PG這季有夠carry 輪休仔這季不能沒有你 會手軟

Gato 02/08 15:12PG雷霆那季明星賽後就慢慢不行了

whathappen 02/08 17:49快好起來,不然我湖總冠又要被酸酸打星號了

tikusa844 02/11 07:52