[外絮] Harden須連6次驗出陰性反應才能回歸

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Houston Rockets' James Harden needs six straight negative COVID-19 tests beforebeing cleared


Houston Rockets star James Harden must have six consecutive negative COVID-19 tests before the NBA clears him to practice with the team, a league source told ESPN.
根據情報,火箭隊球星James Harden必須連續6次拿到中國武漢肺炎檢測的陰性反應,才會被聯盟獲准重返球隊訓練。

Harden, the eight-time All-Star who has requested to be traded to a contender, did not report to the Toyota Center for COVID-19 testing until Tuesday, two daysafter the Rockets held their first team practice. If he continues testing negative, he could be cleared to practice Monday.

After Wednesday's practice, the Rockets remained uncertain about when Harden would be cleared to practice because they were awaiting word from the NBA about the COVID-19 protocols following the superstar's holdout from training camp.

"We're just trying to iron all that stuff out right now," said first-year Rockets coach Stephen Silas, who also noted that free agent signee Sterling Brown hadyet to practice with the Rockets due to COVID-19 protocols. "I wish I had a good answer for you. I wish I had a better answer for you when it comes to all that, but I don't."
「我們正試著清除所有障礙。」火箭隊的新任教練Stephen Silas說道,並提到由於中國武漢肺炎的政策,新球員Sterling Brown也還無法報道,「我希望能給你一個好的答案,當這一切走向這樣,我希望我有更好的答案,但我沒有。」

The NBA required players to test negative for the coronavirus for three consecutive days before entering team facilities for individual workouts before training camp. Players were also required to quarantine aside from testing and workoutsat the team facility and essential activities such as grocery shopping.

However, Harden opted to work out on his own at the University of Houston, and attended rapper Lil Baby's birthday party in Atlanta over the weekend and then spent a few nights in Las Vegas. Harden did not wear a face mask at the birthday party or in Las Vegas nightclubs, social events that violated the league's COVID-19 protocols.
但是Harden卻選擇自己在休士頓大學訓練、週末參加了饒舌歌手Lil Baby在亞特蘭大舉辦的生日趴,並且在賭城住了幾天。Harden在生日跟賭城夜店都沒有戴口罩,這些社交活動違反了聯盟關於中國武漢肺炎的政策。

"It's really hard to kind of put a finger on what the protocol looks like at this point just because of how the timing is," Silas said. "It's not the same timing that everybody else had, right? As far as when he can start doing individual workouts, when he can join the team, when he can practice, we're working with the NBA trying to figure out exactly when that is.

"But as far as I know right now, there isn't a clear plan as far as what that looks like, just because it's outside of the way that we were doing it with the original group."

During his holdout, Harden and Silas did not have any communication. They had abrief interaction Wednesday, according to Silas.

"I said hello to him," Silas said.



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Arebize 12/10 07:48鬍子:計劃通

flash5408 12/10 07:48not 1 not 2...

zebirlin 12/10 07:51最好聯盟禁賽他三個月 火箭老闆又可以省錢了

ken720331 12/10 07:51疑..這樣是...

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ldt1025 12/10 07:51先補血

Pinky555 12/10 07:52"I said hello to him,".......................

kohebe 12/10 07:52到啦

liafree 12/10 07:54洗勒哈囉

wx190 12/10 07:56直接陽性不去啊 剛好

NoMercy666 12/10 08:01中國武漢肺炎 名字完全正確給推

LuckyoPuppy 12/10 08:01他們隔離期這麼短喔?

Y225 12/10 08:02鬍子:我再多去幾次XD

fauzy 12/10 08:05Silas教練:Hello, Is it me you’re looking for?

eessddy 12/10 08:06到啦幹

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pccudog 12/10 08:15翻譯吃點豆腐就好開心,被全世界斷交裝沒看到

shiwy 12/10 08:21某P你邏輯?所謂全世界斷交不也是那個肺炎起源國害的

shiwy 12/10 08:22被那個起源國各種吃豆腐怎麼都沒看你那麼冷嘲熱諷的

p20162 12/10 08:23不講我都忘了他有中喔

utcn92 12/10 08:23中國武漢肺炎害人不淺,不知道能不能順利開季

nuclearbomb 12/10 08:23翻譯到位

qazzaq3977 12/10 08:26成功囉

iso12467 12/10 08:26中國武漢肺炎完全正確

ElephantGG 12/10 08:34推中國武漢肺癌

bryant78041712/10 08:35怎樣 武漢肺炎不爽唷

NYYsucks 12/10 08:38武漢肺炎武漢肺炎 不爽滾回虎撲啦

peanut91001312/10 08:39嘻嘻 反正本來就不想練球 可以幫改驗100次嗎?

Tabrisyang 12/10 08:41哈哈哈 怎麼有人不爽

rukawa28 12/10 08:42哈哈哈哈某P,笑死

c332008 12/10 08:52有人不爽囉笑死 武漢肺炎

CarisLeVert 12/10 08:53中國人笑中國人!有趣

herbs88 12/10 08:5895%準確率 驗6次他也有近3成機會偽陽性

ahadears 12/10 08:59樓上的數學....

ahadears 12/10 09:00好吧!文組的不意外

alexyen0606 12/10 09:00釣到支那豬啦嘻嘻

MarcPolo 12/10 09:03某p看這邊 武漢肺炎 可憐啊

sam123343 12/10 09:0495%驗6次還有3成機率會中?..認真嗎?..

gju88888 12/10 09:06太刻意了吧XDD

Coetzee 12/10 09:111-0.95^6 = 0.2649 要拗說近三成也是可以

herbs88 12/10 09:12所以我才說近三成 不是三成啊

JAY751016 12/10 09:12要被挖鼻孔六次?

herbs88 12/10 09:12同一份檢體分六次檢查也可吧

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dick929 12/10 09:20翻譯正確

NoMercy666 12/10 09:21某p來來來 習維尼包子中國支那賤畜武漢肺炎 要中風

NoMercy666 12/10 09:21了嗎?

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jms790607 12/10 09:21

afflect 12/10 09:22武漢肺炎還害了某個NBA球員家人死了6個以上..

sunnyyoung 12/10 09:33順便驗一下其它的病

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MoWilliams 12/10 10:02這樣也能釣到

MoWilliams 12/10 10:02講的好像用他們想要的翻譯就會改變結果一樣

oops66 12/10 10:10嘻嘻 這樣也有人崩潰 武漢肺炎武漢肺炎武漢肺炎^^

god2 12/10 10:13Push

sbdr 12/10 10:18這什麼標準,學學台灣吧,三次一次陰就是陰了好嗎

RadioMan 12/10 10:18看到中國武漢肺炎 直接推

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Miyanishi25 12/10 10:30推 中國武漢肺炎

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rgbff 12/10 11:436次採樣聽起來鼻子就好痛...

LMYuan0617 12/10 11:54推翻譯

eno03 12/10 11:57採陰補陽 合理

grimnir158 12/10 11:57支那豬出現了

whhw 12/10 12:15習近平生氣氣

AlanLinKL 12/10 12:17中國武漢肺炎

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iminir2013 12/10 14:41報復性檢驗

dynamo 12/10 14:54驗5陰後再去一次夜店

meipialoha 12/10 15:05煩死了可以不要在nba也談政治嗎

chigi 12/10 15:24XDDDD

asony 12/10 15:57籃球也可以扯政治,真是成熟

Childishan 12/10 18:09鄉民真的沒讓人失望

HowieH 12/10 20:25翻的很精準

jackwula921112/10 20:32翻譯正確給推,就有人無法接受中國武漢肺炎

mk000000 12/11 10:53六次有一次偽陽到話……