Re: [情報] Kevin Love退出東京奧運

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※ 引述《Gotham (萬惡之城)》之銘言:
: After spending 10 days in Las Vegas preparing for the Olympics, Cleveland’s: Kevin Love is withdrawing from Team USA and won’t travel to Tokyo, sources
: tell ESPN. Love is still returning to full form from a right calf injury that: kept him out a significant part of the NBA season.
: Woj推特: Kevin Love退出東京奧運 腿傷仍在復原中


Agent Jeff Schwartz of @excelbasketball has confirmed news to ESPN and sharedstatement from Love: "I am incredibly disappointed to not be heading to Tokyowith Team USA, but you need to be at absolute peak performance to compete at
the Olympic level and I am just not there yet."

經紀人 Jeff Schwartz 向 ESPN 轉述 Kevin Love 的聲明:

「無法如願跟隨美國隊前往東京參與男籃賽,我實在感到失望,但畢竟我現階段尚未能達 到能參與奧運會的絕對巔峰之競技狀態。」

Team USA is working to replace two players for the 12-man roster now. Both
Bradley Beal and Kevin Love won't join the team in Tokyo this month.

美國隊現在正在積極尋找替代人選,以填補 Bradley Beal 及 Kevin Love 離隊後的陣容空缺。



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※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 07/17/2021 00:02:22

eskawater 07/17 00:01奧運打爛 找戰犯不會是Love

ray333 07/17 00:02有點不忍qq

lens82801 07/17 00:02騎士商品展示的機會飛了,看來要套牢到底

eskawater 07/17 00:03Love巔峰也過了 指望Love救美國隊的才有問題

MK47 07/17 00:08坦白說真的爛 不去也好 去了打贏沒功勞 輸了肯定鍋

EvansChang 07/17 00:08知道就好

LA8221 07/17 00:15還要上車,不能先被看破手腳

jonestem 07/17 00:23退了才聰明啊

warm0808 07/17 00:26期待KD退出 這屆很難奪冠

shanyaochung07/17 00:30woj神好像有提到Keldon Johnson?

aegis43210 07/17 00:46美國還有幾個強的四號?

godofaluba 07/17 00:46終於沒白人了

hhoo32 07/17 00:54找抓猛或小喬丹?

Artist 07/17 02:23即便找Claxton都比這隻好用

smik 07/17 02:23戰犯不管是不是love,但他真的打很爛

tomoti 07/17 02:40不是,他這季也沒很操,又受傷了?

pippen2002 07/17 09:30讓人懷疑他在擺爛想換隊伍??

Marytin 07/17 15:26連擺爛都懶了

laiwayptt 07/17 18:30目前美國現役沒一個內線能用的