[情報] Conley回爵士 68M/3Y (WOJ:72.5M)

看板NBA標題[情報] Conley回爵士 68M/3Y (WOJ:72.5M)作者
時間推噓18 推:18 噓:0 →:12

Free agent Mike Conley Jr. has agreed to a three-year, $68 million deal to
return to the Utah Jazz, sources tell
@[email protected]


All-Star guard Mike Conley has agreed to a three-year, $72.5M contract to
stay with the Utah Jazz, his agents Steve Heumann and Jess Holtz of
tell ESPN.

Woj報的貴4.5M 可能是差在激勵獎金

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chenlansue 08/03 06:04不貴~

Crissangel 08/03 06:04不貴誒 佛康

jsai 08/03 06:04好佛

jfrma97 08/03 06:04

zero549893 08/03 06:04

jjoonnyy 08/03 06:04還可以

stpmouse 08/03 06:06woj大幅落後shams

TVXFQ 08/03 06:06雖佛但是是靠著狒狒的約...QQ

formap 08/03 06:06

willy911006 08/03 06:14

hard9977 08/03 06:16佛心價

Kidd0502 08/03 06:17佛佛

heacoun 08/03 06:17woj這次很慢

willy911006 08/03 06:17突然又多了4百萬哈哈

godofdatie 08/03 06:17Woj爆的金額改了 72.5M/3年

Pinky555 08/03 06:18Woj:我要當最準的 你給我加錢XD

heacoun 08/03 06:18應該確定金額才敢發

turnpoint 08/03 06:18康利的小孩:爸爸,聽說我們家的大房子有狒狒的血和

turnpoint 08/03 06:18淚?

TheoEpstein 08/03 06:19WOJ報的略貴

※ 編輯: asd831129 ( 美國), 08/03/2021 06:20:42

SC30mvp 08/03 06:54有點小貴的吧......

LeehomLee 08/03 07:57盤 等著被套牢

kiversonx17 08/03 08:17滿佛的

kingroy 08/03 09:1224M比預期便宜

Jerry2000i 08/03 09:23蠻貴的 已經不如從前

t32908 08/03 09:52小貴

eugene14725808/03 10:08合理價

GiPaPa 08/03 10:30很便宜吧

asidy 08/03 11:53佛心

laker7634 08/03 12:14佛 狒