[外絮] 阿銀開季前記者會發言

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時間推噓29 推:30 噓:1 →:21

原標題:NBA commissioner Adam Silver wanted vaccine mandate, says Kyrie Ir-
ving's status is issue with New York City
(NBA 總裁希望能強制接種疫苗,表示KI是否能上場是紐約市的問題)


作者:Tim Bontemps


NBA commissioner Adam Silver said Monday he would have "preferred" that the
NBA and the National Basketball Players Association come to an agreement on avaccine mandate, in part to avoid it becoming an "adversarial" issue for the
league's players, as it has for Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving.

NBA 總裁阿銀在星期一表示,他「更希望」聯盟跟球員工會能就強制接種疫苗的問題達成協議,一部分是為避免在球員間出現類似籃網隊球星 KI 目前遇到的「對抗性」問題。

"I won't try to speak for [the NBPA], other than the view that some players
had, I think -- including maybe some players who are vaccinated -- that it
should be an individual choice among the players," Silver said during his
annual preseason news conference, which was conducted virtually because of
the COVID-19 pandemic.

在線上召開的開季前記者會上,阿銀表示:「除了部分球員已經提過的觀點之外,我不會嘗試代 (球員工會) 發聲,我認為——也許包括其中一些已經接種了的球員——這應該是

"I would have preferred that ultimately that the players' association agreed
to mandatory vaccinations. The officials union agreed to mandatory
vaccinations, despite opposition from some of their members. But ultimately,
I think we could have avoided a lot of the adversarial nature of these issuesfor our players. It's not so much with the league. I think that gets confusedin some cases."

「我更希望球員工會最終能同意強制接種疫苗的措施。先前即使面臨會內部分成員的反對 ,裁判工會還是同意強制接種令。但到頭來,我覺得我們本來能為球員們避開這些問題 的敵對性。這跟聯盟本身沒有太大關聯。我認為在某些情況下,已經造成混淆。」

"This is between Irving and New York City right now," he continued. "This is
not a league issue ... but I think it would have been best for everyone if
every player were vaccinated."

他繼續說:「現在這是 KI 跟紐約市之間的問題。這不是聯盟的問題……但假如所有球員

Irving is the lone NBA player who, as of Monday, is unable to play this
season because of a vaccine mandate. New York City enacted a mandate last
month that requires anyone going to a public gym, such as Brooklyn's BarclaysCenter and Manhattan's Madison Square Garden, to get at least one COVID-19
vaccine shot. San Francisco passed a similar law that went into effect last
week but that required individuals to be fully vaccinated.

截至星期一為止,KI 是唯一一位因為強制接種令,而無法在本賽季上場的 NBA 球員。紐約市在上個月頒佈了一項行政令,強制任何要前往公共體育場所,如布魯克林巴克萊中心及曼哈頓麥迪遜廣場花園球場的人員至少須取得一劑 COVID-19 疫苗。舊金山的行政令也在上個星期生效,不過不同的是,任何個人均必須完整接種疫苗,才能進場。

While Golden State Warriors forward Andrew Wiggins eventually got vaccinated,clearing him to play, and the New York Knicks are fully vaccinated, Irving isthe lone Nets player who has decided not to get the vaccine, and therefore,
he is ineligible to play games at either Barclays Center or Madison Square
Garden. It's a decision that, if he sticks with it for the entire season,
could cost him close to $20 million.


Visiting players, however, are exempt from the law, meaning that Irving is
the only one who is unable to play as a result. Silver said he has heard
nothing about the possibility of the vaccine mandate in New York being eased
at any point this season.


When asked if it is "fair" that Irving is unable to play while other
unvaccinated players -- including Washington Wizards star Bradley Beal -- areable to play without issue, Silver said that the framing of the question was

當被問到諸如巫師隊球星Bradley Beal 之類的未接種疫苗球員能正常上場,會否對KI 形成「不公平」的局面時,阿銀表示問題的設定偏得太遠了。

"I'm not sure if fair is the right way to approach it because there's nothingfair about this virus," Silver said. "It's indiscriminate in terms of who it
impacts, and I think it's perfectly appropriate that New York and other
cities have passed laws that require people who both work and visit arenas tobe vaccinated. That seems to be a responsible public health decision made by
those locales, and those are the circumstances in which the Nets find
themselves operating.


"I accept that. I think that we understand as a league we have to play the
cards that are dealt, just in the same way there are variations from market
to market. I know there are players in some markets who would prefer that
their local governments pass ordinances requiring that all the fans be
vaccinated who are in the buildings with them."

「我可以接受。我認為應該要明白,作為一個聯盟,我們要打好手中的卡牌,正如不同市 場之間出現的差異一樣。我知道在某些市場的球員希望他們所屬城市的地方政府能通過 行政令,強制進場球迷接種疫苗。」

"We'll see how it plays out," he added. "I mean, frankly, I hope that Kyrie
sort of -- despite how strongly he feels about the vaccination -- ultimately
decides to get vaccinated, because I'd love to see him play basketball this
season, and I'd love to see the Brooklyn Nets have their full complement of
players on the floor."


Irving's decision not to get vaccinated in addition to comments made by Beal
and others about the vaccine have caused plenty of commentary on social mediaand elsewhere, which prompted Silver to be asked if that was something he wasconcerned about.

KI 決定不接種的決定,加上Beal 等人對於疫苗作出的評論,導致在社群媒體上出現多則討論,導致阿銀也被詢及是否有本身的顧慮。

Silver said he was and that he has always encouraged players to speak their
minds on issues they believe in. But, he said, he doesn't believe that
someone's personal opinions automatically become their rights, and he pointedto Irving's situation as an example.

阿銀說,不管是過往或現在,他都時常鼓勵球員在他們遇到的問題上,表達本身的看法。但他不認為個人意見能自動成為他們的權利,並舉了 KI 的情況作為例子。

"... I think that gets lost sometimes, that having an opinion about whether
to get vaccinated is different than your right to play NBA basketball,"
Silver said. "We're seeing that, for example, in the New York market right
now, when there's a conflict with a player's point of view and the local law,and the local law is going to trump that player's point of view.

「……我覺得對於是否接種疫苗跟在NBA 打球的權利問題,有時會被忽略。打個比方,在
目前的紐約市場,當球員的觀點跟地方法律發生衝突,地方法律往往都會壓倒球員的觀 點。」

"I've always tried to ensure that players feel comfortable using this
platform that the league affords them. I don't mean literally the league.
Just by being a famous NBA player, that they use it responsibly, that they
educate themselves on points of view, but they also are respected in return."

「我不斷嘗試確保球員,在使用聯盟給予的平台時能感到舒適。我不是說字面上的聯盟。 只是作為一位聞名的NBA 球員,他們有擔當地使用,以本身的觀點進行施教,並獲得名 為尊重的回報。」

"I hope that to the extent that players continue to express points of view ona variety of topics that those points of view are respected," Silver
continued. "Again, that doesn't mean that either the league will necessarily
agree with them or fans will, but that fans will respect them for doing that,as long as it doesn't cross certain lines of vulgarity or hate speech ...
there's obviously some other categories where people shouldn't go as
representatives of this league."


「我希望球員在繼續就各類話題表達本身的觀點時,這些觀點能獲得尊重。再一次的,這 不表示說聯盟或球迷必定會同意這些觀點,但只要球迷尊重表達權,在不逾越特定低俗 或仇恨言論的界限之前提下……顯然的,在其他場合上,有些人不適合以聯盟代表的身


‧ Silver said the NBA's investigation into possible tampering by the Chicago
Bulls in their sign-and-trade deal with the New Orleans Pelicans for Lonzo
Ball and the Miami Heat in their sign-and-trade deal with the Toronto Raptorsfor Kyle Lowry was "ongoing." He declined to give a timeline for when that
investigation would be completed.

"From a league standpoint, we're just trying to create a level playing
field," Silver said. "We tried to reset two years ago and make that
absolutely clear to our teams, that going forward, to the extent we could, wewould be strictly enforcing these rules, and that's what we're dealing with
right now."

對於公牛跟鵜鶘在 Lonzo Ball 的簽換交易,以及熱火跟暴龍在蘿莉的簽換交易中,可能涉及的違規招募問題,聯盟的調查仍在「持續」進行中。阿銀拒絕提供調查完成的時程。

‧ On the topic of expansion, Silver said he has yet to set foot in Seattle's
Climate Pledge Arena, the renovated former Key Arena and the home of the
NHL's expansion team, the Seattle Kraken. He added that expansion isn't
something the league will pursue until it gets fully onto the other side of
the pandemic.

"I don't think there's any doubt that at some point we'll take a very seriouslook at potential expansion," Silver said, "and as I've said before, Seattle
is one of those cities that we have our eye on. We had great success there inthe past, and the fact now that they have a state-of-the-art arena back on
line only increases their prospects. But it's premature to get more specific
than that."

在擴編的議題上,阿銀表示他還沒踏足西雅圖的氣候宣言競技場(NHL新球隊西雅圖海怪的主場),並補充在 COVID-19 疫情消散之前,這不是聯盟目前的工作重點。

‧ Silver said it is "unclear" whether the NBA will return to state-run CCTV
in China this season. The NBA has not had any games aired on it since Daryl
Morey's tweet in support of protesters in Hong Kong two years ago this month.

對於NBA 賽事會否在這賽季重返中國央視,阿銀表示目前情況還「不明朗」。打從莫雷在兩年前,發表力挺香港示威者的言論以來,央視就不再播放任何NBA 賽事。

‧ Silver once again said that he is a proponent of adding a midseason
tournament to the NBA schedule but that the most work will have to be done
not just in creating the format but in persuading the players it is a
worthwhile endeavor.

"But we have a fair amount of work still to do on it and a lot of convincing
to do," he said. "I know that for some of the players I've talked to
directly, they have trouble, I think, envisioning the benefit of another formof competition when they're so focused on the Larry O'Brien Trophy and don't
necessarily see us being able to create a new tradition.

"My response to that, especially having been with the league now for so long,is that these things take time. I think we're in a position where we should
be taking a long-term view looking at those changes in society around us and
looking at -- and it's a responsibility of the league office to look out intothe future on these things."


‧ Silver said he is "optimistic" that the NBA All-Star Game slated for
February in Cleveland will be able to be celebrated in something close to a
normal fashion this season, as the league works to come out of the other sideof the pandemic. The league is announcing its 75th anniversary team across
both ESPN and TNT over the next few days, beginning Tuesday night on TNT.

對於預定於二月時,在克利夫蘭舉辦全明星賽,阿銀抱持「樂觀」的態度,因為聯盟正努力擺脫疫情的陰影、以接近正常的形式舉辦。聯盟將在下來數天內,透過ESPN 和 TNT 宣佈其七十五周年紀念團隊,星期二晚間將由 TNT 電視台打頭陣。




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※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 10/19/2021 09:54:06

sikadear 10/19 09:55叭叭,聯盟迫害球員

mecheers 10/19 09:57你總裁用"希望" = =

dakkk 10/19 09:57感覺他支持ki?

roger262390010/19 09:58客場球員有豁免權真的蠻雙標的XD 不過尊重規定

ClownT 10/19 09:59樓下Rex

jalsonice 10/19 10:00法律是最低要求

evangelew 10/19 10:01季中錦標賽是什麼?

cys070 10/19 10:01應該不是支持KI,只是不想把關係鬧僵

laptic 10/19 10:02先前消息可以參考 #1XFz2kFf (NBA)

Dorae5566 10/19 10:02不...阿銀只是不想淌渾水而已

y1896547 10/19 10:03季中錦標賽是不是會有高額獎金啊?

kobe30418 10/19 10:03球員工會真的應該自己喬好

downtoearth 10/19 10:03"This is between Irving and New York City"

kobe30418 10/19 10:04美國企業一堆沒打疫苗就叫你滾的 NBA真的很寬了

kerogunpla 10/19 10:05以他立場當然是全員都能出賽對聯盟利益才是最大化

kerogunpla 10/19 10:06然而這個前提就是大家都要打疫苗來符合法律規範

kerogunpla 10/19 10:06他沒有要挑戰地方政府的法律 而是希望大家乖乖打針

cys070 10/19 10:10其實現在NBA多數球員都有打,壓力在KI那邊

cys070 10/19 10:11阿銀不要把話說死就好

cys070 10/19 10:12KI想拉別人一起下水,不過目前那風向是起不來

cado0824 10/19 10:12客場的病毒不是毒

roger262390010/19 10:14球員工會喬好的結果不就是尊重個人自由?

cado0824 10/19 10:14不確定用公平是否正確,所以客場的病毒會自動消失

Athchen 10/19 10:14菠菜總裁

laptic 10/19 10:17主要在於地方法律「壓著」個人意見走啊...

love1500274 10/19 10:18阿銀:窩不想淌這混水

matthew6070710/19 10:273樓是不識字阿 到底看到哪段他支持KI

SCLPAL 10/19 10:27厲害了

egghard29 10/19 10:36阿銀講很好 這是各別球員跟地方政府法律的問題

egghard29 10/19 10:37聯盟沒必要也沒立場去介入或是淌混水

davidtai12 10/19 10:52這就地方政府問題啊 nba只能配合

davidtai12 10/19 10:53球團自己會做取捨 不願接種就會被打星號囉

maik0810 10/19 11:00應該是損失2000萬

wyver72 10/19 11:05很想強制打,但又要假掰地尊重工會。至於kI部分,

wyver72 10/19 11:05他有配合工會意見,但不能打找地方政府別找他處理

ken720331 10/19 11:06只是不想表態而已

CW4 10/19 11:08KI要堅持下去 29隊挺KI

liusim 10/19 11:09其實問題不大 都是過渡性的;KI明年解決也沒事了

liusim 10/19 11:09各地政府的決議,不配合就會反應在你的身價上

liusim 10/19 11:10交易難度跟新東家接觸的意願;反正都疫情過渡期

aegis43210 10/19 11:23下一季流感化就不會強制了

fireforce 10/19 11:36MPJ有打了嗎?

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 10/19/2021 12:04:53

yeay 10/19 12:10損失“2千萬”

eirose 10/19 12:12啊銀說得好,重點是這是地方政府做負責任的公衛決定

eirose 10/19 12:12,並不是針對個人而已

iamnotme 10/19 12:30阿銀:不關我的事喔

brianhxy 10/19 12:49阿銀已經很客氣了 但其實這真的不關他的事

iwinlottery 10/19 13:01猶太人說話真的厲害,完全沒把柄

magamanzero 10/19 13:08本來就不關他的事情 那是KI跟政府之間的事情

ojmarc 10/19 13:17阿銀這發言根本100分

yeustream 10/19 21:21果然很會說話

MrTen 10/20 01:20銀桑真的很會說話 之前香港事件也是不沾鍋但可接受