[花邊] Lou Williams講到有兩個女朋友

看板NBA標題[花邊] Lou Williams講到有兩個女朋友作者
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來源: YardBarker

Lou Williams On Having Two Girlfriends: "Both Of Those Women Are Mothers Of
My Children, Not Just Some Random Girls I'm Running Around With…”
Lou Williams講到有兩個女朋友

Lou Williams has been known for having two girlfriends, and they seem to be
cool with each other. The Atlanta Hawks isn't only a player on the court, butoutside, as he's shown during his career.
大家都知道Lou Williams有兩個女朋友,而這兩位似乎彼此間也都沒問題。從他的生涯

The veteran player starred in incredible stories, like when he convinced a
gunman not to rob him and took him to McDonald's. Still, having two
girlfriends stands out the most above anything else he could say about his

While some people might think this is just Williams being a dog, the player
thinks differently. He has made it very clear that he's with the mother of
his sons, not two random ladies he's messing with.

Talking with Bleacher Report's Taylor Rooks, Lou Will defended his two girls
from all the bad things the media tried to say about them in the past.
接受BR記者Taylor Rooks的訪問中,Lou Williams對於過去媒體把她們描述成不好的狀


“People even thought they were sisters, I was like, 'That's ridiculous.' I
didn't like the part where I couldn't control what was being said and how
they were viewed. Both of those women are mothers of my children, not just
some random girls I'm running around with…”



"Triangle offense"

"Phil smacking his lips in pleasure."

"Lemon Pepper Lou stay winning"

"sometimes sixthman has a better life than superstars for real"

"“People even said they were sisters, that’s ridiculous..”
“They were a mother and daughter”




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sezna 11/03 10:14人家有能力後宮

canlest 11/03 10:15原來大家在討論Poole的上限是說這個

Xgaoifcc 11/03 10:15女朋友 and 女朋友

azuresky 11/03 10:18說服一個槍手不要,這是哪國中文

findwind082611/03 10:18說服一個槍手不要搶他

謝謝指正 修正

josephh 11/03 10:19從今天開始 你就是新LOU-DA

hanson90244 11/03 10:19鼻要,我帶你去麥當當<3

fack3170 11/03 10:19女朋友和女朋友

sony0223098 11/03 10:21漫畫都是真的

Andriy6016 11/03 10:21Lou:記得要加s

dakkk 11/03 10:21這翻譯不太順

ppt12527 11/03 10:22她們是母女,有夠嘴的,XD

ponkd 11/03 10:22所以會長老搞不好原本是超巨等級球員

anoymouse 11/03 10:23offence…防守

謝謝指正 修正

cp3bg32 11/03 10:24三角進攻啦

avrilrock 11/03 10:25有錢人就是任性

l2l 11/03 10:25丐幫的都很能吃

anoymouse 11/03 10:25不是隨便玩玩的 是認真玩的

hsetaornte 11/03 10:26你要不要再順一次你的翻譯 大部分沒問題 但有的地方

hsetaornte 11/03 10:26都要看原文才看的懂

謝謝 小修 還請多指教

chinhan1216 11/03 10:27Lou還蠻帥的啊

handsomehank11/03 10:28girl friend s

x123987789 11/03 10:29三角進攻XDDD

chinhan1216 11/03 10:29google後發現是雙胞胎?

bbbruce 11/03 10:30有錢真好


※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 11/03/2021 10:31:40

justice0926 11/03 10:31三角進攻 xddd

s21mo9025 11/03 10:34這是某部漫畫的原型?

karta328 11/03 10:35這樣他應該不會有求婚失敗的問題了

billyhuan 11/03 10:35所以之後會有第3或第4個女朋友ㄇ

VL1003 11/03 10:38其中一位 Rece Mitchell 真的是雙胞胎。

leo92108093111/03 10:38圖呢

VL1003 11/03 10:39

KKyosuke 11/03 10:41三角進攻XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

slimak 11/03 10:41幹 盧長老好猛@@

VL1003 11/03 10:41

semicoma 11/03 10:42Lou和鄉民平均有一個女友

formap 11/03 10:43樓上這圖 長老不會被榨乾嗎..

kano2525 11/03 10:44三角進攻好靠北XDDDDD

alecgood 11/03 10:45怎麼會 長老有兩個女友 不代表兩個女友沒其他男友啊

FncRookie00111/03 10:46其實比起一堆球星交過一堆生一堆小孩

FncRookie00111/03 10:46這樣直接左擁右抱也沒什麼不好

NiuBi5566 11/03 10:48女友成雙

uam 11/03 10:56有錢有閒大家開心,有何不妥?

AtDe 11/03 10:57不是女友成堆嗎

hotpamsko 11/03 10:57一人一隻雞翅膀

ThreeNG 11/03 11:04開放式關係!

Xeraphlolz 11/03 11:05原來女朋友and女朋友的劇情是真的==

powerful111411/03 11:08嘴影

RlexCY37 11/03 11:10所以是. 女友&女友不是老婆+老婆?

emptie 11/03 11:18你以為美國配偶欄可以填兩個人嗎

Jimimy 11/03 11:18看看啟德老板

ILLwill 11/03 11:18職業球員這種事很普遍吧

yusuke362 11/03 11:24我記得JR說過NBA最佩服的就是盧長老...

GABA 11/03 11:26真。三角進攻

EEzionT 11/03 11:27矮不拉機又瘦弱… 抱歉 忘記他是跟 NBA猛男比了

SCLPAL 11/03 11:37難道第六人指的不是南方XDDD?

BigJ 11/03 11:38小孩們的媽媽 vs 小孩的媽媽們

CLawrence 11/03 11:39他們是母女.......XD

mark11422 11/03 11:41強!!

JayceYen 11/03 11:45三角進攻笑死

iverlung 11/03 11:49我也有2個 左手右手

allright22 11/03 11:55大家都是我雞翅膀

iammatrix 11/03 11:56雙胞胎 缽缽脆~ 聽說雙胞胎有感應能力

iammatrix 11/03 11:56不知道作愛的時候會不會也會有感

mikeneko 11/03 11:58我也有兩個女友啊,左左跟右右

minoru04 11/03 12:06再來會有第三個跟第四個加入吧 我知道

love1500274 11/03 12:06另外一個雙胞胎是Amir Johnson老婆

MarcPolo 11/03 12:09一定很...

z5411 11/03 12:12Not 1 , not 2

swingingbear11/03 12:17槍手那個比較屌吧?

HanaIro 11/03 12:18女朋友 and 女朋友

xkiller1900 11/03 12:18太猛了= =

free11234 11/03 12:19他們是母女 XDD

kyonet 11/03 12:34是不是你有深愛的兩個她?

NTUKarbe 11/03 12:38女友成雙

tingx2 11/03 12:40他對孩子的媽觀念正確,只是大家看標題就高潮

phoenixna13 11/03 12:46反觀某人一個女友求婚還被拒

danny6 11/03 12:50分一個給JC好嗎

MyTHz 11/03 12:50樓上這樣也可以鞭屍XD

spitwater15 11/03 13:08我覺得說服搶手比較難

kattte 11/03 13:08有兩個老婆好像沒什麼特別的啊

firemm666 11/03 13:30他老婆長好像喔

misomochi 11/03 13:33Louda!

a22122212 11/03 13:50分一個給JC 草

brian3639 11/03 14:01魯長老不魯

gooff 11/03 14:10魯必勝

sexycute 11/03 14:48女友成雙

qq0526 11/03 15:39之前玩到不去泡泡打球

t4513358 11/03 16:34地方上的女朋友需要協助

jaworuji 11/03 16:54高手啊~

defenser 11/03 19:17NBA球員情場怎麼可能失敗

justaID 11/03 19:56JC 竟然進化到這種新聞也能被鞭到XDD

yeustream 11/03 19:59能說服想搶他的人真神奇

JessicaA1ba 11/04 00:35羨慕到爆