[情報] Dort Muscala和Jerome賽季報銷

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時間推噓29 推:29 噓:0 →:8


內容:Luguentz Dort underwent a successful procedure today to address a labrumtear in his left shoulder. The procedure was performed by Dr. Neal ElAttrache atthe Kerlan Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, with Thunder medical personnel present. Dort is expected to return to full basketball activities prior to the start of the 2022-23 season.

Ty Jerome underwent a successful procedure today to address a sports hernia. The procedure was performed by Dr. William Meyers at the Vincera Institute in
Philadelphia, with Thunder medical personnel present. Jerome is expected to return to full basketball activities in approximately eight weeks.

Mike Muscala underwent a successful arthroscopic procedure and additional
lateral ligament repair on his right ankle today. The procedure was performed byDr. Robert Anderson at the Bellin Health Titletown Sports Medicine and
Orthopedics in Green Bay, Wis., with Thunder medical personnel present.
Muscala is expected to return to full basketball activities prior to the startof the 2022-23 season.


而Ty Jerome則要養傷8週


短評或心得:雷霆開坦 SGA開刷


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sezna 03/09 10:44坦 不讓

pneumo 03/09 10:44坦起來!!(不是早就坦了?!)

alittleghost03/09 10:45還好手上還有滿滿一輪籤

WIGGINS22 03/09 10:45坦克之路不由分說

※ 編輯: star880613 ( 臺灣), 03/09/2022 10:45:50

st890284 03/09 10:47一直抽一直爽

EZ78 03/09 10:47最近阿拓太認真 雷霆不得不繃緊神經了

Gsun 03/09 10:49雷霆大課長 開局十連抽

vvvv0o0vvvv 03/09 10:49不是被受傷 是真的受傷==

okamifang 03/09 10:50墮特也報銷了啊

karta328 03/09 10:52活塞最近三連勝 這樣雷霆就有機會抽到狀元

※ 編輯: star880613 ( 臺灣), 03/09/2022 10:54:38

starxls 03/09 10:56墮QQ

※ 編輯: star880613 ( 臺灣), 03/09/2022 10:56:42

※ 編輯: star880613 ( 臺灣), 03/09/2022 10:57:07

mlsini 03/09 10:59都動手術拉

Mentha 03/09 11:01墮特!? 你怎麼了! 墮特!!!!

c871111116 03/09 11:05臉色特變

kevinacc084 03/09 11:06特!

ahinetn123 03/09 11:07特!

TomBoHu 03/09 11:10懂的都懂

capsspac 03/09 11:11臉色特變!

PeterHenson 03/09 11:13現在坦得贏火箭嗎

lee0820 03/09 11:17特!

tp943308 03/09 11:19特!

asd07633 03/09 11:27特!

peter89000 03/09 11:31反正墮特約也簽了,無壓力就養傷吧

AtDe 03/09 11:53坦起來!!(不是早就在坦XD)

jonestem 03/09 12:18雷霆也… 太誇張了啦 XDDD

o0991758566 03/09 12:30SGA要不要順便

gp03dan 03/09 12:43就受傷了…

whhw 03/09 13:21

abcde010710 03/09 13:26又要坦..

asd860079 03/09 13:33真的是報銷等級的傷喔...?

Llind31100 03/09 13:48看了一下戰績 活塞再贏的話真的有可能被雷霆超車XDD

wnba2763216 03/09 14:47沒有人能阻止火箭繼續坦

b1122345678903/09 15:12技術性關機?

XXXaBg 03/09 21:11特好坦

SkY86888 03/09 21:49不安定因素不在,可以慢慢坦

s21mo9025 03/09 21:57現在雷霆說報銷 都不知道是真的不能打還是被球團強

s21mo9025 03/09 21:57制報銷……