[外絮] Shams:Ham的特條件在面試中表現得相當

看板NBA標題[外絮] Shams:Ham的特條件在面試中表現得相當作者
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In terms of the Lakers’ preferences, sources say team officials have prioritized a coach who can command respect and authority from the locker room and who has a strong enough presence and voice to manage the varying roles and relationships across the roster. Those characteristics bode well for Ham’s candidacy. Throughout assistant coaching stops with the Lakers, [Atlanta] Hawks and Bucks, Ham has been known for his no-nonsense style and ability to resonate with his players — attributes that have stood out in his communication with the Lakers thus far as well, sources said.”

Shams指出湖人制服組希望新上任的總教練有能力在休息室內獲得信服並且掌權,能管理不同球員關係的能力和聲量。 Ham較為符合湖人的要求,他曾在湖人、老鷹和公鹿擔任助教,一直以來都以嚴肅的風格和能與球員產生共鳴而聞名。 消息人士表示,Ham的這些條件也在面試中表現得相當突出。

Pelinka is heading the committee that will ultimately make the decision. JeanieBuss, who has yet to be involved in the process, is not part of the committee and plans on deferring to its recommendation. Phil Jackson and Johnson aren’t part of the committee, either. It’s only Lakers officials — none of whom are named LeBron James. While it’s known that James would have been enthused by the prospect of Mark Jackson getting the nod here, that obviously won’t be the case.

新帥人選將由Pelinka領導的委員會作出最終決定。珍妮並不是委員會的成員,雖然她參加了選帥面試,但不會參與最終決策,而是會聽從委員會的建議,此前傳聞中有決策權的Phil也不是委員會的成員。 該委員會成員均為湖人高層,這裡面沒有一個叫詹姆斯的,雖然大家都清楚詹姆斯會對提名於Mark Jackson感到興奮,但這並不可能發生。

Considering the many unflattering storylines that have surrounded the Lakers inrecent years, from Magic’s messy exit in April 2019 to Jerry West deeming thema “shitshow” in December 2020 to the i haven’t been told shit Vogel firing that was executed so poorly, Jeanie Buss is determined to assuage any and all of the finalists’ concerns about the organization during this final stage. Her message, the source said, would focus on an organizational commitment to providing both the resources and internal support needed to inspire team success.

考慮到近年來湖人隊內曾發生多次讓外界感到不解的混亂情況,從19年魔術在一片混亂中離職,還有Jerry West認為湖人就是個shit show(爛攤子),再到執行得如此糟糕的 "湖人什麼屎都沒跟我說 "的Vogle解僱,珍妮決心在這個最後階段打消任何和所有參與競爭的人對該組織的擔憂。 消息人士說,她給出的訊息是,在未來她會將工作聚焦於激勵團隊,並為球隊提供走向成功所需要的資源和內部支持。


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kinve1014 05/21 20:52願意領繩?

johnwu 05/21 20:52有問過姆斯了嗎

rayes 05/21 20:53還可以上來表演大車輪爆扣

colchi 05/21 20:54LeGM、LeCoach

bbbyes123 05/21 20:55姆斯同意了嗎

pzf 05/21 20:56ham是以前公鹿隊的跳跳人嗎

brian040818 05/21 20:58沒啥意義 姆斯高興才重要

SeanR 05/21 20:58身為F1的漢黑 我頭痛

starxls 05/21 20:59不選姆斯喜歡的沒關係啊 到時候他不爽就不要抱怨喔

ackaidsss 05/21 20:592F正解!

MK47 05/21 20:59Eric Pincus的文章:有消息HAM是LBJ想要的

MK47 05/21 21:00這篇

Ktime 05/21 21:03棄富保集團的Mark Jackson不顧??

hank13241 05/21 21:04特條件是指怎麼用好龜龜嗎?

LBJKO 05/21 21:06有些人資訊其實很lag 記者報過MJ已經不是富寶的….

pokerhow 05/21 21:14姆斯有說好嗎

TheoEpstein 05/21 21:18就是那個跳跳人

nbcb 05/21 21:18少來了 你湖是有多少選擇

ATand 05/21 21:19球員打太爛時可以自己登錄球員下場

hank13241 05/21 21:20其實挺多的,不過大多是助教要賺個主教缺,但也不乏

hank13241 05/21 21:20助教轉正後表現好的

ivor0317 05/21 21:21湖人甚麼教練都只是替姆斯領繩的角色 刷411才是目標

rukawa28 05/21 21:24教練是誰有差嗎?大家都心知肚明...

cody7052 05/21 21:25問過 Kurt Rambis 了嗎?

satousei 05/21 21:37所以Jackson出線的話就能確實證明LeGM對吧ww

LBJKO 05/21 21:41該成員會就有Rambis 啊XD

LBJKO 05/21 21:41佩總 Rambis 外加Buss家族兩個小弟

Miyanishi25 05/21 21:44it's light out and away we go!!!!!!!!!

jonestem 05/21 21:48沒想到居然會是他的可能性最高?!

jt0711t23 05/21 21:51這火腿有料

shinichi486905/21 22:10反正下季戰績也不用顧,讓LBJ快樂刷411,讓龜刷個

shinichi486905/21 22:11身價好季中出售才是教練主要課題

crusoe 05/21 22:11希望阿金去哪都好,就是不要湖人

hcl00 05/21 22:13特條件是什麼? 可能我國文不好 ,沒看過這個詞

ghchen1978 05/21 22:18詹師傅的鋼棍上又要刻一顆星了嗎?

juniorpenny 05/21 22:19各條件?

okb9532 05/21 22:24這賽季詹、龜、一眉同時在場上是很慘烈的,下賽季

okb9532 05/21 22:24勢必有一人從板凳出發 該如何解決是個難題…

coollonger 05/21 22:30準備接下麻繩了

lolggqq 05/21 22:39特!條件

chinick1478 05/21 22:46漢米爾頓?

j3307002 05/21 22:51龜必板凳出發,他怪聲就再忍一年,去年又不是沒忍過xd

zzahoward 05/21 23:00AD從醫院出發 本來就很難三人同時出賽了好嗎

crazylin924 05/21 23:50咦F1不開 要來NBA了?(誤

rocku112 05/22 03:09就算這樣詹酸還是有得酸 佩服

ILLwill 05/22 07:31live難用,只會灌籃

yukosakura 05/22 08:10表現相當突出很棒 不過還是選姆斯喜歡的唷!