[外絮] ESPN排近年15大交易 - 3

看板NBA標題[外絮] ESPN排近年15大交易 - 3作者
時間推噓10 推:22 噓:12 →:16

6. Kevin Love to Cleveland in 2014
Cleveland receives: Kevin Love
Minnesota receives: Anthony Bennett, Andrew Wiggins and Thaddeus Young
Philadelphia receives: Alexey Shved, Luc Mbah a Moute and Cleveland's 2016 first-round pick

愛神2014合體LBJ KI


灰狼得到Anthony Bennett , 圍巾 還有Thad

76人得到 Alexey Shved , Luc Mbah a Moute跟騎士16簽

After LeBron James arrived back in Northeast Ohio, the final piece of his new Big Three was Love, who came to Cleveland after spending the first six years of his career in Minnesota.
The big piece going back to Minnesota was Wiggins, who had just been selected with the top overall pick in the 2014 draft. He and Karl-Anthony Towns eventually made it to one playoff series together -- after the arrival of Jimmy Butler in another deal -- but won only a single playoff game before Wiggins was eventually rerouted to Golden State for D'Angelo Russell in 2020.


狀元圍巾最終跟KAT殺進了季後賽 —- 在JB交易到灰狼之後—— 但在他因為Dlo交易案去勇士之前,他只贏了一場季後賽

騎士大偷的一筆交易,圍巾在灰狼隊評價非常慘 , AB就不用講了

76人沒拿到AB 算賺,但丟Thad的結果只能算持平到小虧

註: 我查到是2015的熱火簽,並15、16都有前10保護 , 最終變成16年的24th Timothé Luwawu-Cabarrot 他去年為老鷹出賽約50場

註:2015 騎士簽是另外跟灰狼交易 ,騎士的24換31跟36 , 灰狼選了Tyus Jones 騎士在31拿到Osman

註: 76人原本的目標是得到AB甚至願意多付出一個多種保護的首輪(實質次輪) , 但灰狼認為他是重建不可獲缺的一部分。

註:騎士最早的籌碼是Dion Waiters跟TT , 直到騎士端出圍巾,灰狼就只圍繞著圍巾完成交易。

公牛:Taj + McDermott + Mirotic 還有數枚首輪

勇士: Lee + Barnes(+ Klay)

原本勇士包是傳聞中,騎士出圍巾之前最好的 , 但勇士高層並不完全同意交易掉KT

5. Carmelo Anthony to New York in 2011

雪城神之子返鄉 2011

New York receives: Carmelo Anthony, Chauncey Billups, Anthony Carter, Sheldon Williams and Corey Brewer
Denver receives: Wilson Chandler, Raymond Felton, Danilo Gallinari, Timofey Mozgov, New York's 2012 second-round pick, New York's 2013 second-round pick, New York's 2014 first-round pick and a pick swap with Minnesota in 2016
Minnesota receives: Eddy Curry, Anthony Randolph, New York's 2015 second-round pick and cash


尼克: 得到甜瓜 槍西 Anthony Carter, Sheldon Williams 還有連長Corey Brewer


金塊得到少女時代 :Wilson Chandler, 肥頓, 嘎裡那裏 還有馬子狗

2個次輪 1個首輪跟一個交換權

一個來自勇士的次輪變成Quincy Miller


灰狼:: Eddy Curry, Anthony Randolph,還有一個次輪 跟$$$$$

The Knicks ultimately won a competition with the crosstown rival Nets for Anthony, but only one playoff series with him as the cornerstone of the franchise. The loss of the players and assets in this deal hindered the team's ability to surround Anthony with the talent necessary to be a championship contender.
For the Nuggets' part, in the short term, the key players in that deal -- Gallinari, Chandler, Mozgov and Felton -- helped win 57 games the following season. In the long term, the 2016 pick swap the Nuggets received wound up turning into one of the cornerstones of their current team: Jamal Murray.



對金塊而言, 首輪次輪都只能算普通,但16年的交換權最終讓他們得到現在的基石 - Jamal Murray


只不過開季前大家都在等LBJ 聖駕何處





4. Deron Williams to New Jersey in 2011


New Jersey receives: Deron Williams
Utah receives: Derrick Favors, Devin Harris, a 2011 first-round pick and a 2013 first-round pick


爵士得到Favors Harris 跟2個首輪

11首輪變成自由鬥士 Kanter

而來自勇士的首輪變成Gorgui Dieng

Almost immediately after the Nets missed out on Anthony, they struck a deal with Utah to get disgruntled star point guard Deron Williams, who became the face of the team's eventual move across the Hudson River to Brooklyn a year and a half later. Things soured quickly, however, and he was bought out of the last couple years of his deal in 2015.
Utah, meanwhile, got the No. 3 pick in the 2010 NBA draft, Derrick Favors, plus it knew New Jersey's pick was destined to be a high selection -- and it was, resulting in the No. 3 overall pick in 2011, which became Enes Kanter. After this move, the Jazz began to retool their roster around young forward Gordon Hayward, who in 2016-17 helped lead Utah's current streak of six straight playoff appearances -- the longest active streak in the Western Conference.





首先 ,我贊成德隆交易影響力絕對有近年前5 , 但這篇原文跟狗屎一樣爛

正如我於4th所寫的, 「德隆的離開」

這也是影響教皇Jerry Sloan退休 (即便後來回歸爵士也不是總教練了)




而最終累積的小細節在一次比賽中爆發 —- 德隆跑了完全一樣,但左右相反的戰術,卻引爆了教皇的怒火,也成為壓垮雙方關係的最後一根稻草 。


最終教皇宣布退休 ,但比較驚訝的隨後德隆就被交易出去

而為這一切作註解的是GM的一句 He deserved



所以我認為這筆交易值得排前5 ,但絕不是原文提到的那些狗屎


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www2967 07/28 10:24

Ommmmmmmmmm 07/28 10:25先噓簽籤不分

AbdulJabbar 07/28 10:29記得尼克金塊交易完後好像每年金塊戰績都比尼克好

zyzzyvab 07/28 10:30噗原文沒寫宮廷小劇場就是狗屎?神邏輯耶!

azlbf 07/28 10:30少女時代>>>>宋慧喬

s925407 07/28 10:35這篇文章在寫交易,宮廷劇場的內容本來就不是一定

s925407 07/28 10:35要寫進來吧,這樣就狗屎?

zbo5566 07/28 10:36自爽排名 呵呵

readperson 07/28 10:36認同,不勝唏噓啊

kilmmy149 07/28 10:36先噓再看

s925407 07/28 10:38我記得好像看到哪個球評說少女時代換宋慧喬的前例

s925407 07/28 10:38在,所以今年KD交易案籃網一點都不急,等到最後一

s925407 07/28 10:38定會有人出少女時代包

azlbf 07/28 10:39如果不提對爵士的影響 這筆交易大概只有前30

zero9613719 07/28 10:41這文難看死了 那麼長一串

swayoung 07/28 10:48原文15個沒有Pau Gasol基本上就廢文了,直接造成二

swayoung 07/28 10:48連霸的交易

kg127 07/28 10:48鯊魚跟KG都比不上在月月時期的凱文愛?

melo0426 07/28 10:49尼克後來還是有爬到東區前三啦,只是敗給滅火器而已

smithjr 07/28 10:57甜瓜到尼克後 開始他的毒瓜人生 這絕對是他生涯不幸

smithjr 07/28 10:57的轉折點

EZ78 07/28 10:57Shaq跟KG被交易時都老了啊…

a92005712d 07/28 11:00你別再分享了拜託

kilmmy149 07/28 11:04停分享吧 拜託

rettttt5 07/28 11:16是要拆幾篇?

obeyxxxx 07/28 11:16還行啊 回顧一下大交易也不錯吧 排名沒差啦

EriCartman 07/28 11:17對阿

z2004hume 07/28 11:18你都說跟狗屎一樣了 還拿來餵我們吃

articlebear 07/28 11:19真的 都覺得爛得跟狗屎一樣了 就別拿來髒大家吧

s50101 07/28 11:41有趣的歷史

yt010004 07/28 11:42那就停吧

kevinduh4 07/28 11:59這也能吵

papazzz 07/28 12:04很抱歉,瘸了腿的KD都比巔峰瓜強一個Level..

papazzz 07/28 12:05到底怎麼會覺得甜瓜可以跟KD比...

a949949 07/28 12:11跟風

mailman 07/28 12:16排版好難讀

sexycute 07/28 12:37幫補血

LCHLCAP15 07/28 12:39我還蠻想看的 以前沒有經歷到 感謝分享

cjiajia973 07/28 13:13願意分享我還是很願意給推啦 立場不同而已不用窮追

cjiajia973 07/28 13:13猛打吧 本來就是討論而已

chenyouming 07/28 13:46名字可以好好翻 不用講一些沒人看得懂的

asdfzx 07/28 14:28少女時代 跟 宋慧喬,選少時的人應該不少

asdfzx 07/28 14:34甜瓜是宋慧喬,那KD就是結衣

kosha 07/28 16:30推翻譯分享~

akito19 07/28 17:53排版有啥問題?手機嗎?

nyk3 07/29 17:46查維基百科,紐約尼克在2010年7月6日簽約阿嬤

nyk3 07/29 17:472011年2月22日交易換來甜瓜,沒有阿嬤甜瓜不會來吧

nyk3 07/29 17:55尼克戰績2010: 42W40L,2011:36W30L,2012:54W28L

nyk3 07/29 17:552012年錢德勒來了戰績才好,隔年又下去了...

nyk3 07/29 18:19更正,拳王2011年就去尼克了