[亞洲] 徵才-泰國小米 regional admin manager
1. Implement administrative management systems and be responsibleforexecuting, tracking, and providing feedback on local administrative operations.
2. Organize and coordinate national annual meetings, employee activities, various meetings, external liaison work, and handle business permits required by the office.
3. Manage office anddormitoryhygiene, office infrastructure construction, office and dormitory leasing, renovation management, and property facilities management.
4. Oversee asset management(including office supplies) and warehouse management
t for the local office.
5. Ensure environmental, health, and safety (EHS) and fire safety management of the local office, including guard duty, company security, fire safety, and security for major company events, ensuring the safety of company personnel and property.
6. Handle and prevent emergencies, epidemics, and natural disasters at the local office, and assist the company in managingvariousemergencies.
7. Conduct statistical analysis of the local office budget and report regularly to the regional office.
8. Manage employee expense reimbursements at the local office.
9. Coordinate visits of headquarters team.
10. Handle and address employee requests.
11. Provide remote support for daily operations of platforms in small Southeast Asian countries, including but not limited to Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos.
12. Serve as the person responsible for the construction and supervision of the regional administrative platform.
薪水:80-110k (thb) local hire,年終2個月
簽證:外籍人士有工作簽證BOI 四年一簽
辦公環境: on-site only
工作時間:9-930am 彈性到辦公室,6-630pm下班
1. 已在泰國的人,中文英文流利 或 中文泰文流利。
2. 偏向女性
3. 有業務經驗,外向
[email protected]
[爆卦] NN8倒了NN-EIGHT LIMITED Registered office address Emmanuel Samuel, 19 Longhurst Road, Surrey, England, CR07AY Company status8
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[求救] powerpoint偶爾無法存檔甚至檔案內容消失大家好 如標題目前使用的是Office 2016 平常時偶爾會出現投影片內容修改後無法存檔在local storage 但是可以存到Ondrive或Office 365上 但是今天卻出現連存到cloud上都沒辦法的現象1
Fw: [情報] Wargaming 宣布切割出售俄羅斯與白俄羅斯作者: catboost (令和鄭州兵馬俑研究助理) 看板: Wargaming 標題: [情報] Wargaming 宣布切割出售俄羅斯與白俄羅斯 時間: Mon Apr 4 19:43:11 2022 連結: Wargaming announces decision to leave Russia and Belarus- Job Opening 1: IT Engineer Job Description: 1. Responsible for computer and automation system.. 2. Develop/maintain software in the system. 3. Assess infrastructure on a regular basis to ensure it continues to meet pro
- 代新加坡朋友波文 老闆喜歡台灣的設計 所以想找台灣的室內設計師 ------- 公司:DMX PROJECTS PTE. LTD. 公司簡介: We are a Design and Build company that provides urban and modern interior
- Hi 大家好 公司有要找人 分別是Accoutant & Program Manager 小弟為代PO, 若有任何疑問或要應徵的, 請直接email: h-r@sparqtron.com 第一個職缺: Company: Sparqtron Co. @Fremont, CA Job Title: Accoutant
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- Hi 大家好 我們公司在找HR and office adminitraion! (公司可協助申請H1B or E2) 小弟為代PO,若有任何疑問或要應徵的, 請直接email: h-r@sparqtron.com Company: Sparqtron Co. @Fremont Job Title: HR and Office Administration Responsibilities: