Hi, 大家好
上次感謝大家踴躍報名,因為受疫情影響所以面試暫停了一陣子,現在又恢復要招人了。這次要招的是網路軟體QA工程師. 只要是有一些工作經驗和網路協定或相關的背景都可以大致的工作描述如下,有興趣可以PM我。工作地點在北加的Sunnyvale。
Job Responsibilities:
‧ Design, develop, and execute test plans and functional test cases fromfunctional specs
‧ Find, isolate, document, regress, and track bugs through resolution
‧ Execute test cases, analyze and report test results to product teams
‧ Support cross-functional teams in integrated test efforts
‧ Building new test infrastructure and maintain them for automation setups‧ Report project status and issues to project managers and management
‧ Debug to analyze the defect root cause, optimize the test scripts for
test automation
‧ Collaborate closely with the development team to analyze, debug and
resolve any issues
‧ Define Complex Test cases exercising various features and coming up
with creative ways to find bugs
‧ Develop and maintain the automated test scripts
‧ Develop and maintain test tools for product team
Job Requirements:
‧ A BS in Computer Science (or equivalent experience), an advanced degreeis a plus
‧ Good understanding of Quality Assurance processes and methodologies,
such as writing detailed test plans, documenting failure scenarios, and
isolating problems
‧ Experience working with Linux or UNIX Operating Systems
‧ Experience and understanding of Networking, security devices
‧ Experience designing and running stress, load, and performance tests
‧ Experience working in fast paced environments, Agile methodology &
changing testbed scenarios
‧ Experience with routers, DDoS attack mitigation products is preferred
‧ Experience with Ixia BreakingPoint is preferred
‧ Understanding of protocols such as RADIUS, LDAP, TACACS+, GTP, SCTP isa plus
‧ Certifications such as CISSP, CCIE preferred.
‧ Experience working as development tester
‧ Experience with Python and Robot Framework is preferred
Education Requirement:
‧ A BS in Computer Science (or equivalent experience), an advanced degreeis a plus
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[亞洲] 日本線上支付PayPay徵 軟體工程師【公司簡介】 PayPay - 日本大型線上支付系統,在2018年由Softbank 集團跟yahoo Japan 共同出資成 立。目前的使用者人數已經突破3500萬人。PayPay 採用印度最大支付公司Paytm的技術 ,正逐步擴展在日本的線上支付服務市佔率。在PayPay,這裡匯集了來自35國以上的優秀 工程師,共1000多位員工,採取『Working From Anywhere』工作模式,您可以在日本各9
Fw: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL作者: mzt (YOLO) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL 時間: Tue Dec 22 05:29:07 2020 This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question.2
[北美] 加州德商公司徵ML軟體工程師各位版友大家好 小妹待的Team目前在徵一位軟體工程師 歡迎有興趣的版友們寄履歷給我,我會轉發給Hiring Manager Email: jingting.jian@softwareag.com Job Link:1
[亞洲] 新加坡Computational Biologist徵才(此為代po) 大家好, 敝公司誠徵生物資訊人才,地點在新加坡 意者請自行投遞履歷,網址為 若有職務相關問題,可站內信- This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question. Optical Prototype Engineer The AR/VR Platform Display and Optics team focuses on moving the state-of-art display and optical technologies forward for Facebook AR/VR products, which
- 公司在南加Pasadena,要招一名PVD engineer. 意者請直接到LinkedIn 上投履歷。有問題 可以私信問我,謝謝! About the job Background: At Caelux, we leverage chemistry, data science, and AI to create nan
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- 代po 請不要站內信 我們團隊主要負責Digital Silicon Validation on Wireless chipsets,以下是工作內 容跟需求 上班地點: Cupertino CA, 上海, 三人團報可討論台北 :) 有興趣請直接email聯繫hiring manager
- 【公司名稱】 NEXTSOFT PTE. LTD. 【工作職缺】 Senior Project Manager 【工作內容&需求條件】