[閒聊] AMD有望讓AIB廠商做非公板6900XT

看板PC_Shopping標題[閒聊] AMD有望讓AIB廠商做非公板6900XT作者
時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:6

雖然是10/30的舊聞 但好像都沒人貼?剛好看到

Prior to launch, we reported that AMD had not confirmed to AIBs the existenceof Radeon RX 6900 XT SKU, although the AIBs we spoke with already knew about
it. The announcement of reference AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT earlier this week andthe few custom Radeon RX 6800 XT models yesterday, does appear to confirm
that board partners were not allowed to prepare the custom 6900XT cards for

We were told by AIBs this week that the delay of RX 6900XT to December 8th,
could mean that AMD will, in fact, allow board partners to customize the
design (eventually). AMD has no technical reasons to block AIBs from
customizing the design, only financial reasons. It does not prevent AMD from
disallowing AIBs to sell reference RX 6900XT cards, although that also has
not yet been confirmed.

AMD Radeon RX 6900XT and RX 6800XT have a lot in common. The cards share the
same clock speeds: 2015 MHz game clock and 2250 MHz boost clock. The SKUs
also share the same memory layout: 16GB GDDR6 256-bit. More importantly,
though, these cards use the same Navi 21 GPU with the same power requirements(300W). Thus, a custom Radeon RX 6900XT design would require very limited
resources from AMD partners, as the board designs are ready, and cooling
solutions are already preconfigured for the same power envelope.

Today, Andreas Schilling from HardwareLuxx reported that AMD is in talks withAIBs about custom RX 6900XT models. Hopefully, the customization won’t be
limited to sticker replacement:


畢竟跟內文說的一樣 AMD沒有理由要限制AIB廠商做非公板

讓我們期待一下6900XT的非公板吧 雖然不知道要等到多久才會出


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#1UpWgAK2 (PC_Shopping)


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ltytw 11/15 15:04會有手提箱包裝的6900XT嗎?

superap3450 11/15 15:17微星出的非公維修會有料修跟強迫打七折嗎?

SHR4587 11/15 15:18限制比較好,不然後面都買不到公版

SHR4587 11/15 15:19每次都要搶首發很累

ayuhb 11/15 15:27AMD公版有這麼搶手?

coox 11/15 15:34期待 比較喜歡非公版的

Jerrylin121211/15 15:393090的末日>///<

AngelOfMusic11/15 16:26推簽名檔XD

kuma660224 11/15 16:31能否非公的關鍵是GG給的產能要夠

kuma660224 11/15 16:33同級999跟對手1499的價差太大

kuma660224 11/15 16:33板卡廠應該都覺得很有操作空間

kuma660224 11/15 16:34比公版貴個200美元也是會賣光


jior 11/15 16:45推發情豹紋!!!


kashima228 11/15 16:57發情豹紋

qazwsx19978611/15 17:19簽名檔笑死

CMLeeptt 11/15 18:02推發情豹紋

iore 11/15 18:09推簽名檔認真了

henry46277 11/15 18:41看看非公貨會不會比較多

goldie 11/15 19:39推發情豹紋!!!

bill6613 11/15 20:03爽爽爽 就等6900XT ROG

cevs 11/15 20:15乾 簽名檔..

NEIL8278 11/15 20:53坐等發情豹紋色

yaxo50 11/16 00:08就看穩定性如何 希望別再重演去年的噩夢

※ 編輯: oppoR20 ( 臺灣), 11/16/2020 03:11:01