[情報] 寶芬掃描ban玩家

看板PokemonGO標題[情報] 寶芬掃描ban玩家作者
時間推噓23 推:27 噓:4 →:28








Last Updated: 17h

There are a few best practices to follow in order to guarantee a high qualityscan:

Check the area to be scanned and the surroundings of the PokéStop to
determine if there are any obstacles and to select a scanning route. It is
necessary to plan the route you intend to use for scanning before starting
the procedure.

Make sure your camera is in focus. Keep your phone as close to your side as
possible to avoid blurring. Walk around the PokéStop you are scanning
instead of standing in one location and moving your phone.

Walk at a slow and natural stroll pace. Move slowly and smoothly during
scanning. Sudden changes of direction are a definite no-no. Move slowly and
smoothly with your feet on the ground. If you are scanning in a darker
setting, it’s even more important to move slowly and smoothly. Move the
phone with you while you are moving (think crab walk).

The PokéStop should always be the focal point. It is important to focus on
the PokéStop and capture the full 360° orbit of it. If it is not safe or
not possible to get 360° coverage, capture as much as you can.

Vary your distance/angles (0-10m or 0-35ft). It is important that we capture
the environment around the PokéStop and have a variety of different scans. It’s important to vary your distance and angles while scanning the PokéStop.

While recording, prompts may appear on screen if issues with the quality of
your scan are detected (i.e. light is insufficient, movement is too slow).


※ PTT 留言評論
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saiga1241602/14 21:10從什麼時候開始?沒有不溯及既往嘛?

Jackal032602/14 21:14我沒那麽唬弄,但也頂多360度轉一圈隨便拍拍而已,不

Jackal032602/14 21:14曉得會不會被ban

※ 編輯: bmw3633 ( 臺灣), 02/14/2023 21:23:39

lyt556602/14 21:19居然,還好我都有轉幾圈

Sheng9802/14 21:21我之前是一邊走路一邊拍地面直到掃描完成, 最近沒再解寶

Sheng9802/14 21:21芬任務就不知道這樣還能不能用

laker763402/14 21:25團戰獎勵會送寶芬後我就懶得再掃了,不曉得有沒被ban

Tan110802/14 21:43完了,bbq了

satan31702/14 21:53我最近還是有在掃 目前沒被ban

earnformoney02/14 22:09寶芬任務有夠麻煩…

fly071102/14 22:14自己設定沒有用好 在那邊溯及既往是殺小啦

haman02/14 22:19還好我都不掃的

Jerryh031202/14 22:29操牠媽憤蒽射,問題真多

staristic02/14 22:42我從頭到尾無視掃描任務

alumico02/14 22:53要怎麼知道有沒有被ban

cuapple02/14 22:55不會吧…我都照地上或天空

cuapple02/14 22:56不過團戰送寶芬後就很少掃了

kramps02/14 23:31被ban是怎樣的畫面?我今天才去轉了40個寶芬....

kramps02/14 23:32一直都是原地晃手機,不然很多根本沒辦法拍

brandneworld02/14 23:33原來團戰會送寶芬 難怪累積幾十個寶芬...

kramps02/14 23:37團戰打現場的才有送吧,好像沒一定會給

acidrain02/15 00:11從頭到尾都沒有掃過 才一個寶芬就想要做功德?

HsuTW02/15 01:14你改叫艾斯好了

laker763402/15 02:03N社如果能說清楚掃這些ARmapping,未來會拿來增加什麼

laker763402/15 02:03遊戲內容,只要是對玩家有利益的,即使不用給獎勵道具

laker763402/15 02:03,玩家也會主動去弄……你看大家不都很積極想在自家附

laker763402/15 02:03近多申請一些補給站、道館。但是你不說清楚目的,只想

laker763402/15 02:03要叫大家做功德,誰想浪費心力在路上亂拍啊

mepass02/15 02:42這任務真的很白爛 一般的建築物要怎麼繞一圈去拍

mepass02/15 02:42而且就算上傳了 這個數據是有屁用

joeliu101502/15 08:22我就問橋墩我要怎麼繞一圈?游泳嗎?

ghghfftjack02/15 09:12掃描絕大多數都沒什麼用 也不會給好一點的獎勵

ghghfftjack02/15 09:12一個糖果都比100個寶貝球強

STi201102/15 10:23那就算啦

Jerryh031202/15 10:29媽的拉基n射神奇糖果不靠打團戰,難拿的要死

Jerryh031202/15 10:30如果把掃描獎勵換20顆神奇糖果,我絕對給你好好掃描

Jerryh031202/15 10:30

Godofthebutt02/15 13:36橋墩怎麼申請過補給的

ygupin02/15 14:13最近出現一堆橋墩的補給站

uclala02/15 15:41橋墩有彩繪的話沒問題啊,林邊就有很狂橋墩補給站一條街

uclala02/15 15:43橋底下都有彩繪+橋很剛好卡在L17交界一路跑

kanding25502/15 17:25笑死活該

yeng121702/15 18:01問題真多 我還是不要用好了

david611902/15 18:44真棒 終於沒有這些白癡任務了

CanvasChen02/15 21:03怎麼知道有沒有被ban?

DLenu02/15 23:47橋樑是去年還前年有人一直帶風向衝成功的,然後就開始一堆

DLenu02/15 23:47人跟風瘋狂申請,最近好像換搞圖根點跟銀行

lyt556602/16 00:28圖根點是還好,我對公墓裡面的圖根點能過覺得比較神奇,

lyt556602/16 00:28公墓不是不給過?還是之前有換標準了?

CaoPi02/16 00:30我自遊戲開始以來根本都不能掃AR,沒這煩惱

CaoPi02/16 00:31AR任務只是用來接兩套田野任務用的

uclala02/16 06:45圖根本來就是規範內可以過吧,這算是偏鄉的救濟物了

uclala02/16 06:48符合規範還在挑三揀四大可不必,收國外明信片還收到很多

uclala02/16 06:48餐廳招牌呢。在台灣大概被審查秒秒RJ

Bf109G602/16 07:38鄉下空蕩蕩 審核不用太鳥摸吧..

tintinhires02/16 07:41掃描任務送XL糖就會好好做了

fish88073102/16 11:50不給寶芬就不掃了而已,沒什麼啦

yeng121702/16 13:05空蕩蕩審核一樣G歪啊

hanainori02/16 21:54出任務的點大部份掃了會被車撞 不想玩