Re: [問題] 學測英文第48題
※ 引述《ryuchenchang (陳倉)》之銘言:
: 113年學測第48題
: Studies show that animals like jackdaws and turtle ants are able to use ___47_: __ intelligence in both solving problems and ___48___ to new challenging envir: onment.
: 自己感覺後面應該要new challenging environments
: 讓48題的詞性變化有點難寫。有人有相同困擾嗎?
in both solving problems and ___48___
to new challenging environment.
solving problems
adapting to new challenge environment
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※ 編輯: lovehan ( 臺灣), 01/24/2024 11:59:06
對啊 而且題目都還會提醒你要詞性變化了...
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