Fw: [新聞] Epic Game客戶端會消耗筆電電池續航力

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The Epic Games Store could be draining your gaming laptop's battery life

Folks who game on laptops are eternally battling for battery life, even if
gaming laptops have gotten much better in the last few years. Laptop gaming
means doing everything humanly possible to eke out as much life from your
system as possible. Bad news for Fortnite players: it turns out that the EpicGames Store might be draining more juice from your laptop than you'd think.

This comes from PCW's testing of the Microsoft Surface Pro 7+ with the new
11th gen Tiger Lake processors inside. After receiving some inconsistent
results on their battery tests, they discovered that the Epic Games Store appstill running hidden in the taskbar was having a drastic effect on the
tablet's battery life.

PCWorld breaks down their whole testing methodology in the article, but they
ran a battery test in airplane mode on two systems and measured the battery
life with EGS on and off, signed in and running, signed off and running, see what kind of impact Epic's platform has on PC.

They found an average drop in battery life by 20 percent (nearly two hours)
on the Pro 7+, and an eight percent drop on the Ryzen-powered Microsoft
Surface Laptop 3. All open applications consume a bit of battery, but it was
surprising to see how much the Epic Game Store was guilty of using.

The same tests were run with the Steam app running in the background and
little to no effect on battery life. Epic responded to PC World's findings bysaying via email that "in general, we are actively working to improve the
performance and reduce the power consumption of our launcher."

The more severe battery drain looks to be an issue with the new Tiger Lake
system or Surface Pro tablets in general. But as shown with the Ryzen system,the Epic launcher can still affect performance even on non-Tiger Lake
systems, even just running in the background.

So, what can you do in the meantime to make sure you're getting the maximum
battery life on your laptop? Ensure that the Epic Games Store—and, really,
any other apps you're not using—aren't running in the background. Always
check the system tray.


其實就是測試發現,Epic Game的客戶端會增加筆電電池耗電。

Microsoft Surface Pro 7+ 增加20%

Ryzen-powered Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 增加 8%




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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 03/24/2021 12:09:15

ab4daa03/24 12:15之前不是就發現他比較吃cpu了 吃更多電想想也是理所當然

laser78903/24 12:1720%也太誇張 根本等於同時運行一款遊戲了

RevanHsu03/24 12:19比較耗電不一定等於壽命耗損吧

awerte03/24 12:20這是沒關開機自啟?還是裝了就會多耗電

※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 03/24/2021 12:24:38

wizardfizban03/24 12:25有人跟我說Life是指續航力

suleyman03/24 12:27從內文看起來是指耗電不是電池壽命

ghgn03/24 12:38偷挖礦?

awerte03/24 12:47標題翻電池壽命沒錯,也不用想太多,就是媒體用標題吸引

awerte03/24 12:47點閱而已

ddavid03/24 12:48電池壽命就是充放循環次數啊,你比較耗電,使用相同時間的

garlic123403/24 12:48這就是個資的代價嗎

ddavid03/24 12:49累計充電循環比人多,就比別人快壽終正寢啊

i960228303/24 15:17耗電快長遠來說其實就等於電池壽命耗損快,一樣意思

Ning0103/24 15:36從偷個資到偷電量,下次會偷什麼呢

god520401703/24 15:37偷換概念

iceranger03/24 15:39買得起能玩3A大作筆電的玩家應該沒在管電池壽命吧

jerrylin03/24 15:51幫你挖礦嗎

zondacinque03/24 16:47大家都誤會了,battery life是電池一輪充電下可以用

zondacinque03/24 16:47多久的意思,跟電池自己的壽命是兩回事。常看國外手

zondacinque03/24 16:47機筆電評測的應該都會有點印象

lazioliz03/24 20:07奇怪我怎麼感覺這不是新聞

qwqwaas03/24 21:29關掉還會耗電嗎?還是要解除安裝才不會耗電?

maxwells03/25 02:30因為在幫你挖礦?

walelile03/25 06:37傳多一點東西不用電喔

RachelMcAdam03/25 07:27Epic藏電!