[情報] 0727 上市櫃外資投信同買排行

看板Stock標題[情報] 0727 上市櫃外資投信同買排行作者
(who is the man)
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:3

排行 股票名稱 成交 漲跌 投信買 外資買

1 2303聯電 46.15 +1.05 2525 1589
2 2409友達 21.4 +1.6 1597 14255
3 2881富邦金 65.5 +1 1082 4245
4 2748雲品 87.6 +4.2 900 807
5 2027大成鋼 49.9 +1 559 3931
6 4919新唐 139.5 +3 494 843
7 4763材料-KY 925 +27 454 294
8 3044健鼎 146.5 -1 410 1694
9 2884玉山金 26 +0.2 379 4431
10 3014聯陽 146 +13 332 758
11 6538倉和 152.5 +13.5 320 220
12 1216統一 76.4 +0.1 277 1280
13 1305華夏 22.85 +0.9 200 234
14 6147頎邦 67.4 +1 193 819
15 2379瑞昱 409.5 +10 187 161


以上 謝謝


"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"

LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe


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DDDDRR 07/27 20:05恭喜台南明天正常上班

DDDDRR 07/27 20:05

DDDDRR 07/27 20:05我以為這閒聊 抱歉

leotompp 07/27 21:17是怎樣 喵喵又可愛了???