[標的] SMCI.US 財報
1. 標的:SMCI.US
2. 分類:討論
3. 分析/正文:
Super Micro Computer (SMCI) late Tuesday missed Wall Street's lowered targetsfor its fiscal third quarter but guided much higher than views for the
current period. SMCI stock surged in extended trading.
The San Jose, Calif.-based company, better known as Supermicro, earned an
adjusted $1.63 a share on sales of $1.28 billion in the quarter ended March
31. Analysts polled by FactSet had expected earnings of $1.71 a share on
sales of $1.39 billion. On a year-over-year basis, Supermicro earnings rose
5% while sales fell 5%.
這家總部位於加利福尼亞州聖約瑟的公司,更廣為人知的名字是 Supermicro,
在截至 3 月 31 日的季度銷售額為 12.8 億美元,調整後的每股收益為 1.63 美元。
On April 24, Supermicro warned that its fiscal third-quarter revenue would
fall well short of expectations. Supermicro slashed its sales goal to about
$1.28 billion from its earlier forecast of $1.47 billion. The company blamed
the shortfall primarily on component shortages impacting its next-generation
server products.
However, for the current quarter, Supermicro predicted adjusted earnings of
$2.46 a share on sales of $1.8 billion. That's based on the midpoint of its
outlook. Wall Street had predicted earnings of $1.76 a share on sales of
$1.64 billion in the fiscal fourth quarter ending June 30.
財報全文 https://ibit.ly/uqMN
Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2023 Highlights
Net sales of $1.28 billion versus $1.80 billion in the second quarter of
fiscal year 2023 and $1.36 billion in the same quarter of last year.
Gross margin of 17.6% versus 18.7% in the second quarter of fiscal year 2023
and 15.5% in the same quarter of last year.
Net income of $86 million versus $176 million in the second quarter of fiscalyear 2023 and $77 million in the same quarter of last year.
Diluted net income per common share of $1.53 versus $3.14 in the second
quarter of fiscal year 2023 and $1.43 in the same quarter of last year.
Non-GAAP diluted net income per common share of $1.63 versus $3.26 in the
second quarter of fiscal year 2023 and $1.55 in the same quarter of last year.
Cash flow provided by operations for the third quarter of fiscal year 2023 of$198 million and capital expenditures of $8 million.
Non-GAAP gross margin for the third quarter of fiscal year 2023 was 17.7%
which adds back stock-based compensation expenses of $1 million. Non-GAAP
diluted net income per common share for the third quarter of fiscal year 2023was $1.63, with adjustments for stock-based compensation expenses of $14
million and $2 million litigation expense recovery, net of the related tax
effects of $4 million.
As of March 31, 2023, total cash and cash equivalents was $363 million and
total bank debt was $187 million.
“Supermicro continues to see record levels of engagements in our new
generation product lines, especially for AI applications," said Charles
Liang, President and CEO of Supermicro. "We secured several new and large
design wins and are deploying some of the world’s most leading GPU clusters.
With the recent new key components supply chain challenges mostly in the
rear-view mirror and production normalizing, we expect to gain share and
expand scale as we emerge as the true leader for rack-scale Total IT
"Supermicro繼續在我們的新一代產品線中看到創紀錄的參與水平,特別是針對AI應用。" Supermicro的總裁兼首席執行官Charles Liang表示。 "我們贏得了幾個新的大型設計項目,並正在部署一些世界上最領先的GPU集群。隨著最近新的關鍵元件供應鏈挑戰大多在後方,生產正常化,我們期望在成為機架級總體IT解決方案的真正領導者方面獲得份額和擴大規模。"
Business Outlook and Management Commentary
For the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023 ending June 30, 2023, the Company
expects net sales of $1.7 billion to $1.9 billion, GAAP net income per
diluted share of $2.13 to $2.65 and non-GAAP net income per diluted share of
$2.21 to $2.71. The Company’s projections for GAAP and non-GAAP net income
per diluted share assume a tax rate of approximately 14.7% and 15.7%,
respectively, and a fully diluted share count of 56 million shares for GAAP
and fully diluted share count of 57 million shares for non-GAAP. The outlook
for Q4 of fiscal year 2023 GAAP net income per diluted share includes
approximately $7 million in expected stock-based compensation and other
expenses, net of related tax effects that are excluded from non-GAAP net
income per diluted share.
For fiscal year 2023 ending June 30, 2023, the Company maintains its guidancefor net sales from a range of $6.6 billion to $6.8 billion, GAAP net income
per diluted share from a range of $10.14 to $10.66, and non-GAAP net income
per diluted share from a range of $10.50 to $11.00. The Company’s
projections for annual GAAP and non-GAAP net income per diluted share assume
a tax rate of approximately 14.9% and 16.0%, respectively, and a fully
diluted share count of 56 million shares for GAAP and fully diluted share
count of 57 million shares for non-GAAP. The outlook for fiscal year 2023
GAAP net income per diluted share includes approximately $33 million in
expected stock-based compensation and other expenses, net of related tax
effects that are excluded from non-GAAP net income per diluted share.
不過他有給個預期 aka畫大餅
4. 進退場機制:(非長期投資者,必須有停損機制。討論、心得類免填)
超越財測,對因為不會畫餅比較保守就跌 怎麼跟台
Smci 不是scmi
早晚回30 疫情這兩年膨風太多
SMCI講AI 需求帶動它們DC業務反映在營收上,看好後市
AI晶片目前就老黃獨霸阿= =,做晶片的還真的不能吹
沒看到緯穎做個代工賺成怎樣 要吹 有營收就可以
重點是24財年管理層預估營收成長20%+ 算一算eps至
AMD EPS調整後還是負的,喊多久了整年EPS>4都沒有
就算讓你調整前EPS都漂亮, 公司支出跟認列虧損多
最後還是沒賺錢啊, 就是股東被一串操作瘋狂稀釋
Amd法說也很會吹啊 只是財報很難看而已
比較誇張的是 美超微在這次的升息循環當中 完全不
受影響 一直創高
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