[心得] stock of you

看板Stock標題[心得] stock of you作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:2

stock of you

跌~~跌跌 跌~跌跌 跌~跌跌 跌跌跌

跌~~跌跌 跌~跌跌 跌~跌跌 跌跌跌

The club isn’t the best place to find a lover
So stock market is where I go...

I’m in love with the stock of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although the price is falling too
I’m in love with your box(紙箱)
Last night you were in my room(套房)
And now my bed sheets smell like you
Every day discovering someprice brand new
I’m in love with your box

Oh I X 4
I’m in love with your box
Oh I X 4
I’m in love with your box
Oh I X 4
I’m in love with your box
Every day discovering someprice brand new
I’m in love with the stock of you


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superbabaya 03/22 21:02其實頑皮豹已經設了天花板,甚麼歌都沒有感覺了

wwwfisher 03/22 21:06還要中文註釋就有點low掉了

mike110100 03/22 21:08XD

melamela 03/22 21:25跌改成崩還比較像

HardyJJ 03/22 21:32哈哈