Re: [其他] 美軍車隊在伊拉克受到襲擊 重大傷亡

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S&P 500, Dow ease from record highs on nerves over Georgia runoff elections

By Medha Singh and Shivani Kumaresan

(Reuters) - The S&P 500 and the Dow eased from record levels on the first trading day of the year on Monday as nerves over the outcome of runoff elections in Georgia this week countered optimism over a vaccine-driven recovery in the global economy.

The Dow was also dragged down by a near 3% fall in Boeing (NYSE:BA) Co shares after Bernstein cut its rating to "underperform", saying issues with MAX 787 could significantly hurt the U.S. planemaker's free cash flow.

The fate of President-elect Joe Biden's agenda including rewriting the tax code, boosting stimulus and infrastructure spending hinges firmly on Tuesday's twin Senate races in the battleground state of Georgia that will determine control of the chamber.

"Its a small reversal but I think people came in the morning to start the year with some optimism but the cloudy political picture in the U.S. is weighing down the markets a little bit," said Rick Meckler, partner at Cherry Lane Investments in New Vernon, New Jersey.

"Senate race in Georgia is now a toss up. The Georgia run off is the much bigger risk as investors have already decided that COVID will be mostly behind us later in the year."

Wall Street's major averages rounded off 2020 with strong gains as a wave of monetary stimulus and promising developments on the vaccine front helped the indexes recover from their sharpest contraction in decades.

U.S. manufacturing activity picked up at its briskest pace in more than six years in December, a survey showed on Monday. It comes on the heels of upbeat factory activity surveys across Europe and Asian earlier in the day.

On the vaccine front, Britain on Monday became the first country to roll out the COVID-19 shot developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca (NASDAQ:AZN).

Some investors are cautious about the pace of economic growth as U.S. jobless claims remain stubbornly high, while a new round of business closures last month and the discovery of a new variant of the coronavirus have cast a shadow on the outlook.

At 10:13 a.m. ET the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 182.45 points or 0.60% to 30,424.03, the S&P 500 lost 15.82 points or 0.42% to 3,740.25 and the Nasdaq Composite lost 34.18 points or 0.27% to 12,854.10.

Energy and materials were the only two sectors trading higher. Real estate, utilities and industrials posted the sharpest percentage declines.

Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) Inc shares extended a meteoric rally to scale a record high after the electric-car maker reported better-than-expected vehicle deliveries in 2020.

Shares of FLIR Systems (NASDAQ:FLIR) jumped about 20% after Teledyne Technologies (NYSE:TDY) Inc agreed to buy the thermal imaging camera supplier for $8 billion in cash and stock. Teledyne shares dropped about 8%.

Advancing issues matched decliners on the NYSE and outnumbered decliners by a 1.3-to-1 ratio on the Nasdaq.

The S&P 500 posted 52 new 52-week highs and no new low while the Nasdaq recorded 255 new highs and 11 new lows.










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opie 01/05 00:38民主黨掌握參院,紓困案或刺激法案規模會更大

稅也繳更多 目前短期內看不出來有什麼灑錢的需求

CZOM 01/05 00:38他刪了 應該沒事

TCB006 01/05 00:38白種豬死了XDDDD

zakijudelo 01/05 00:38這確實比較需要擔心

zakijudelo 01/05 00:39拜登正式上任是哪天啊

suendy 01/05 00:40川普 showtime

peter080808 01/05 00:41應該是翻定了 現在共和黨參議院和川普在互鬥搞得川

peter080808 01/05 00:41粉不願意投共和黨

zakijudelo 01/05 00:41台股比較常跟費半,而且GGADR也還紅的,小事吧

scratch01 01/05 00:41加稅喔,但是有錢人都避稅掉了,那誰慘?

scratch01 01/05 00:42一堆有色人種選前移過去登記,喬治亞應該是會翻

在臺灣這樣算防礙選舉耶 選前6個月牽戶籍並被圈入選舉名冊刑法會處罰耶 這樣真的很靠背

※ 編輯: sluttervagen ( 臺灣), 01/05/2021 00:43:47

mOoOm 01/05 00:48麥康奈爾玩死自己 活該==

scratch01 01/05 00:49拜登前兩年看來會是甜蜜期,參眾議院全拿爽的哩

Orianna 01/05 00:50其實那個選區是共和自己的票倉 輸了也是活該

dasuperray 01/05 01:00GA 發生的事不就民主黨在AZ幹的事XD

soyghcg 01/05 01:04很高機率兩黨各拿一席 美國繼續黨爭 可憐哪

beckgoahead 01/05 01:04GA現在可能會輸掉,川普打電話施壓喬治亞州官員幫

beckgoahead 01/05 01:04他”找”出1萬多張選票的錄音檔被人爆料。

soyghcg 01/05 01:05傳統參議院紅州 保送一名參議員還是很輕鬆的

soyghcg 01/05 01:06鋼鐵川粉不會Care那小事

supisces 01/05 01:48結果想作弊的是川普,難怪他不服選舉結果。

bbalabababa 01/05 03:36樓上應該去看錄音原話

leauparkenzo01/05 06:46irqa 是什麼

Wishmaster 01/05 07:06根本就是看圖說故事,"小跌"個500,有人說擔心疫情

Wishmaster 01/05 07:07有人說參議院,有人說伊拉克... = =

Dimitre 01/05 07:28再跌個500點你手上股票跌 你也會幫自己找理由啦

shiyanin 01/05 08:30他們不想加稅,但又支持民主黨,真的很矛盾

scott2009 01/05 08:39錄音去聽一下,也許你會有不同收穫

Wishmaster 01/05 08:57不用理由啊,美股就長期持有...頂多就是跌到一個程度

Wishmaster 01/05 08:58加碼繼續玩... = =

qwe22992168 01/05 10:02美股再怎樣 也比支那垃圾股票 好一萬倍吧 哈

castjane 01/05 15:45參議員翻盤那美國不用玩了 連紐約印選票都被恐怖攻

castjane 01/05 15:45擊燒毀 根本滅證問題

castjane 01/05 15:45意思國安輕易被中國攻擊