Re: [心得] 從蘋果發表會看台積電三率三降
let me explain to you. The sequential decline is mainly due to mix as the
contribution from N5 will increase, but it still carries a dilutive effect. And secondly, we see a slower rate of cost improvement as our fabs continue to run at a very high level of utilization, leaving less time to do cost improvementactivities. And lastly, and more technical thing is the absence of a positiveinventory revaluation in the quarter.
And therefore, we are taking actions to ensure that we earn a proper return byfirming up our price, working with the supplier to drive the cost improvement.We expect that the 50% gross margin remains our target and is achievable.
C.C. Wei -- Chief Executive Officer
Sebastian, let me answer that. For more than 30 years, TSMC has provided stable and predictable pricing, and we have reframed from opportunistic -- from
opportunistic or short-term actions. But now as I said in my statement, the
core structures start to change. Structural change, because of -- we have to
invest on the leading edge technology which is more complex than ever and we
also increased the mature technology node capacity, which a lot of them already been fully depreciated. And now we have to invest in new tools. So we refrainfrom our opportunistic and short-term action, but we also have to share our
value. So we are working with our customer closely, and we want to firm up ourwafer pricing to a reasonable level. And we are also working with our supplierto deliver the cost reduction, and we want to earn a proper return that enableus to continue to invest to support our customers of course. And in today's
terms, capacity support is the most important one they are looking for. Okay.
嗯嗯 跟我想的一樣
[其他] 2330 台積電 第三季法說會 END1. 標的:2330 台積電 2. 分類:第三季法說會直播 3. 時間:2020.10.15 14:00~ 高清連結: 標清連結:20
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