[情報] 1018 上市櫃外資投信同買排行

看板Stock標題[情報] 1018 上市櫃外資投信同買排行作者
(who is the man)
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:0

排行 股票名稱 成交 漲跌 投信買 外資買

1 3481群創 13 +0.05 3234 15010
2 2344華邦電 20.8 +0.9 2143 1602
3 6205詮欣 84.9 +4.7 1417 1108
4 1303南亞 66.8 +2.3 1280 2348
5 2313華通 45.35 +0.55 1250 264
6 2890永豐金 16.7 +0.2 939 127
7 1802台玻 19.25 +0.8 832 2873
8 8150南茂 31 +1 752 66
9 2885元大金 19.2 +0.1 702 283
10 2308台達電 272.5 +4 637 448
11 1304台聚 21 +0.9 635 325
12 2886兆豐金 29.7 +0.45 559 2335
13 6147頎邦 53.7 +1.9 549 440
14 6257矽格 46.5 +1.75 533 77
15 1402遠東新 30.85 -0.1 512 411


以上 謝謝


"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"

LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe


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DAY1986 10/18 18:166147小兒大哥幫 長華老董抬轎嚕~