[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/07/07
Dear Taurus, your mental production will be high today, thanks to the Moon inAquarius, and you will be able to use it to prepare for the future. Astroyogiastrologers say that if you focus on your goals, everything will proceed as planned. These are the occasions when you must make the most of your mental ability. There's a good chance you'll buy anything, whether it's a car or a house. With a day well spent, you will feel rejuvenated and calm at the end of the day. The hours between 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm are auspicious for you. The color yellow will prove lucky for you today.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope for 04/25&26有些在你生活中的人令你憤怒。儘管你可能愛著他們,但他們仍會使用一種別人不曾做過 的方式來影響你。在這些關係中產生怒火時,可能會讓你非常沮喪,並且讓你的一天蒙上 一層陰影。親愛的阿牛,如果你現在正在處理一個麻煩的人物,不需要跟他一般見識,只 要調整你的音量讓他漸漸消失就好。當你接受他的刺激時,只會讓事情變得更糟。因此你 要做的事就是給那個人時間反思自己的行為有什麼問題。10
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/16親愛的阿牛,你是否感覺到自己周圍開始有著某種變化?但願你能感受到天體的能量,它 正用愛、光明和豐盛的新開端所帶來的可能性包圍著你。是的,相信它吧。你不能因為相 信它而使自己陷入不幸。你已經經歷了一些具有挑戰性的環境,而你抬頭挺胸,不斷努力 地度過了這一切。另外,即便不是每次努力都會成功,宇宙也注意到你的努力與不放棄的 態度。目前的狀況毫無疑問地正在好轉中。8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/27如果你覺得今天感到被召喚或被激勵要去做一些你今天通常不會做的事,那就去做吧,阿 牛。這可能是你的直覺在召喚你,讓你朝著一個為你準備好的方向前進。有時好運會用一 種微小的聲音呼喚你,當你利用它時,你會知道這是正確的事。今天有驚喜在等著你,這 能為你帶來幸運的時刻,但你必須仔細聆聽。如果你這麼做了,這將會是個神奇的一天。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/27今天並不是一個問命運為你做了什麼的一天,阿牛,今天你需要問自己為命運準備了什麼 。你在相當程度上掌控了你的生活與命運,如果你選擇掌控它,那麼你可以將你的目標、 你的生活和你的未來導向正確的方向。現在看起來有些事可能懸而未決,但你的確對自己 未來的去向和該做什麼有著發言權,如果你認知到對自己對自己的信心是當之無愧的,那 麼你就能走向任何你想去的地方。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/15阿牛,今天可能有個重新開始的機會。如果你覺得自己最近在某個機會中失敗了,這可能 意味著你會有第二次機會進行嘗試。如果你之前有所保留,那麼這次就毫無保留地去嘗試 吧。如果你認為自己沒有充分展示自己的天賦或智慧,別害羞了,走出去好好地炫耀一番 吧。你是有價值的。你的精神和情緒是很強大的。好好利用這個新的開始吧,記住這一點 。3
[情報] 09/19 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 9月 19 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 9月 19 You may be feeling upbeat and lucky today, dear Gemini, and you are willing to take a chance on love or something else that is deeply personal. Sometimes we must take on a risky proposition to stand a chance at something bigger. It ca1
[情報] 02/09 the daily horoscopeYou may feel a bit more "high-strung" today than you usually do. You are someo ne who often has a very high level of energy, Gemini, and the way you channel that energy has a lot to do with how your day goes. If you are feeling a bit r estless and overly emotional, find some way to pour all of that energy into do ing something you love, or something that needs to be done. "Good" and "bad" e1
[情報] 04/06 the daily horoscopeTomorrow is not promised, and that's why they call today the "present" - becau se it's a gift. We hear so many inspirational messages of this kind that they begin to feel like cliches. But if you are now in need of inspiration, dear Ge mini, this is a good one to think about. If you concentrate on enjoying, learn ing from, and relishing every moment today, you will see things that you would1
[情報] 01/04 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your life may seem to be able to see your immediate future more cle arly than you can. But they are certainly basing their predictions only on wha t they can see you doing right now. This is not some ultimate proclamation of your fate, dear Gemini. Let this message serve as a reminder that you are the one in control. Your future is not set in stone, despite certain lucky breaks1
[情報] 03/29 the daily horoscopeYou know what you want, and you are primed and ready to reach for it. Your tra jectory should be straightforward if you take that first step right away, dear Gemini. You have hesitated on this in the past, but it's like you have a seco nd chance now. Don't waste it. If there is a dream or a goal you have kept put ting off, then you need to focus on it until you make it happen. Your energy i