[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/07/15
Dear Taurus, you may feel annoyed as the cash outflows are extremely high. This is all due to the Moon transiting into Gemini. According to Astroyogi Astrologers, you'll struggle to save your money. Also, you could be in great difficulty if you don't plan your budget wisely. Lower your expenses and avoid spending on needless things. So, today limit your expenditure on things. If you have any important task to do, you must complete it between 10:00 a.m. and 11: 40a.m. The auspicious colour for the day is orange so prefer wearing anything of the same colour.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/18即便你沒有很多錢,但仍然能夠慷慨解囊。你可以大方的給予時間與注意力,也能夠給予 讚美和善意,還能夠因為一個人而不惜一切代價。所有的這些與其他許多的事都屬於慷慨 的範疇。如果你覺得你沒有足夠的東西給予你所想的那人,那你就錯了。也許你認為他們 擁有他們需要的一切,但你可能會感到驚訝。要有創造力,阿牛,你能夠找出他們所需的 東西,並且給予。4
[情報] 10/20 Daily HoroscopeThe way things are going in our own lives often translates to the way we treat other people. If you are having a bad day, you might take it out on the people you deal with during that day. If you are having a great day, the same applies. Although it isn't good to allow our moods to dictate the way we treat others - or the way we treat ourselves - it takes recognition of this4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/16如果你最近因為某件事沒有按照你所做的付出順利進行感到不公平,千萬不要讓這樣的情緒繼續發酵,因為那有可能會讓你變得很自私。若是出自於自私自利的態度,是沒有辦法在生命中創造出美好的東西來的,阿牛。大家都有顧影自憐的時候。在努力了那麼久又如履薄冰地試圖達成一件事的時候,要變得充滿懷疑是非常簡單的。試著把它當作一種挑戰而不是某種成就吧。莫再沉浸於悔恨裡,任其將你淹沒。相反的,由它來啟發你處理更偉大的事物。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jun 16 If you are feeling resentful because something has not panned out for you despite great effort, don't allow that thought to evolve further, for it may eventually make you cynical. And you can't create great things in your life by looking at things from a cynical point of view, Taurus. Everyone has moments of self-pity. It is easy to become skeptical when you try hard for something and you struggle to make it happen. But let it be a challenge instead of a millstone. Don't drag around your resentment, or it will bring you down. Let it inspire you to tackle bigger things instead. --3
[情報] 0325 DailyHoroscopeSomeone who offered you much-needed help or support in the past may be offerin g it to you again, dear Capricorn. On the surface, that may seem wonderful and the answer to a need. However, you may have been let down by that person and very disappointed. So, if you choose to give them the benefit of the doubt thi s time, just be sure that you have a back-up plan. If they do come through for3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/16Taurus horoscope for 星期日 8月 16 你過去在某個看起來發展不錯的事物上進步神速,牛牛。但是最近幾個小時,你可能會發現自己慢了下來。雖然沒有明顯的原因顯示為何如此之慢,但你可以感覺自己移動得越來慢。你可能希望不斷加強動力,好讓你能快速地完成這個任務。 但如果今天沒有發生這件事,不要讓它破壞你的心情。有時事情會因為當下沒有道理的原因而減緩速度,但後來會證明是有利的。很有可能,這將會是你看到的結局。 ----- Taurus horoscope for 星期日 8月 162
[情報] 17/03/2022 Daily Horoscope聽到的音樂、家裡牆壁上油漆的顏色、圍繞周遭的人、甚至可能使用的香水-所有這些東 西都會對人的情緒產生影響。 親愛的月之子,這對你來說更是如此,因為你是一個感官極其敏銳的生物。 而今天,你的感官得到了極大的增強,因此,相當強大。 今天要對你的環境和環境中的東西有很好的選擇。2
[情報] 2023/04/06 Daily Horoscope你對某個計畫的期望非常高,但事情可能並沒有按照你所希望的方式發展。 你是一位理想主義者,月之子,當事情不如你所預期時,你會感到宇宙與你作對,特別是 因為你非常努力地追求自己想要的事情。 但如果你給這個改變一個機會,你可能會發現它其實非常美好。 而且更重要的是,你不需要因為喜歡現在的情況就放棄其他夢想,那些可以在未來實現。1
[情報] 07/04 the daily horoscopeYou may have come here today hoping to read about a forecast of money or some type of abundance or good fortune coming your way. But it doesn't work that wa y exactly, Gemini. There is certainly the potential for great things in your l ife, but you have to enable those possibilities. Not only do you have to want them, think about them, and feel worthy of them - you must also do everything- This could be a day not just for recalling happy memories but also for making a few new memories. If you don't already have a plan to meet up with someone s pecial, Gemini, they may just show up out of the blue. Even if you have some w ork to get done, set aside some time to spend with a special person. There are things that need to be said and emotions that need to be expressed - all of i
- You may not see eye-to-eye with someone in your family or social circle. There are things to like about this individual, dear Gemini, but there may be one a rea where you just can't agree. If you get hung up on that big difference, tho ugh, it will divide you, and there is so much good that you can gain from this relationship, despite your differences. It may take some practice, but if you