[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 02/06-02/12
You probably heard the phrase "because I told you so" at some point in your life, most likely when questioning a parent or a parent figure. It probably would have helped, though, to hear an explanation of why they wanted you to do ornot do something. You may be in an authority role yourself now or you may soon find yourself in one, dear Taurus, and if someone questions you, consider providing them with an explanation rather than with just an order. It might helpto build rapport and a better team in the process. You may learn of an opportunity to learn more about something that interests you this week. If you get an invitation or simply the chance to sign up for a lesson of some kind that isrelated to something you enjoy, say yes. This could be the beginning of a newventure or something even bigger. You are not someone who always demands to be first or to receive preferential treatment, but today you have the right to be in that position. If someone doesn't offer you the first shot or choice with something you want, speak up, step up, and advocate for yourself. You reallydo deserve it, and furthermore, you earned it.
[情報] 10/19-10/25 Daily Horoscope 週運If you have to make a big decision this week related to money or your home, but the facts aren't all adding up in a logical way, you may have to tune in to your intuition to guide you. You would probably rather have a realistic plan based on logic, but if things don't come together in that way, dear Capricorn, your sixth sense will help get you through to the right choice.6
[情報] 2020年2月 Monthly HoroscopeYou are a naturally kind individual, Moonchild. And that is because empathy is a big part of your nature, embedded in your soul. You can literally feel what other people are feeling, both good and bad, and you have seemingly endless compassion. This month, you may find that someone who has been observing the depth of your kindness and empathy has been3
[情報] 31/08~06/09/2020 Weekly HoroscopeYours is not always the most adventurous of signs. It isn't that you don't enjoy exploring and discovering, dear Moonchild, but you do prefer the safe and comfy space of your shell. This week, though, there may be the chance to go off on some fun adventures that will be surprisingly enticing to you, and might even involve an element of conquering a fear. For3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/29有個你一直很依賴的人在負責回答生命中的難題。不是你不能獨立,你可以的,而且大部分的時候你都很獨立。不過,當某件事讓你摸不著頭緒或讓你心情低落時,親愛的阿牛,你常常跑去找那個你覺得很明理的人。也許你就要這麼做了,但是或許這次你應該先緩緩。這大概是你得自己去完成的拼圖。給你自己一個機會吧。在最後,這將帶給你更多的自信。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 29 There is someone you rely on for answers to life's tougher questions. It isn't that you can't be independent - you can, and you often are. But when something puzzles you or upsets you, dear Taurus, you often turn to a specific individual that you see as wise. You may be on the verge of doing that now, but perhaps you should hold back. This is a puzzle that you should probably figure out for yourself. Give yourself the chance to do that. It will eventually bring you a much greater level of confidence. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.3
[情報] 04/04/2022~10/04/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,你在本週的一個做法,有可能會影響到許多人的決定。 這可能會引起其他人的不滿、憤怒和嫉妒。 不要讓別人對此事的反應影響到你。 這是一個責任重大的職位,但肯定是你可以處理的。 請擋掉收到的任何負面情緒,知道你所做的事最終會被普遍接受和欽佩。3
01/01 the daily horoscopeTrust may be lacking in one of your more important relationships. It wasn't al ways that way. In fact, this may be a pretty recent development, but it has le ft you feeling a bit shaky. Not only are you feeling that maybe you can no lon ger count on someone you once counted on, but you might also be afraid that yo ur own judgment isn't all that great. Neither may be true, dear Gemini. Give t2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/13使自己和某個有親近感的人有一致的共識,可能是開創某種機會的舒適方式。就算你之前 沒有見過這個人,你們之間對事物共同的興趣和想法也能讓你安心。 但今天要小心僅憑著熟悉的感覺就做出重大或是重要的承諾。親愛的牛牛,這離你做出一 個決定性的改變還有很長的距離及許多必須考慮的事。去探索和觀察更多細節,允許自己 有更多的時間去了解更多。- 你或許在想著你生命中的某人是否值得重來的機會。也許在過去,他們曾經侮辱過你或是讓你失望。而你自問,最近一個遞上橄欖枝的舉動是否會落得跟之前一樣慘。有些問題是你可以先去釐清的,阿牛。這是你第一次給他們重來的機會嗎?他們看起來像是想要變得更好嗎?而最重要的是,這個人能讓你的生活變得更好,還是更壞?用這樣的方式搭配其他想得到的問題來分析。如果你實際地去思考將能看得清清楚楚。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 8 You may be wondering if someone in your life deserves a second chance. Perhaps they have burned you or let you down in the past, and you wonder if a recent attempt to get closer is going to end in the same way it has before. There are questions you could ask yourself, Taurus. Would this be the first second chance you have given them? Do they seem genuine in wanting to be better? And most of all, does this individual make your life better, or worse overall? Analyze this in the way you would (*with) any other kind of question. You will see it in a much clearer way if you approach it practically. --
- Hopefully, most of the people in your life know the difference between right a nd wrong. After all, Gemini, this is a lesson we begin to learn as children. B ut this can be a lifelong process. Sometimes we have revelations based on the experiences we have. But we can be insensitive to right and wrong. For example , someone with a parent who is sarcastic might not learn right away that being
- A boss or a person in an authority position - someone who has been on your min d - would probably love to hear from you today, dear Gemini. You may not want to cross that formal line that exists between you, but if you are feeling comp elled to reach out, then you probably should. You can make it casual. You can simply show you care and that you are thinking of the individual without being