[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/05/23
Dear Taurus, you may have been caught up in a tricky situation, finding it difficult to balance work and life commitments. As the Moon settles in Gemini, you will get ample support in reorganizing yourself. This will help bring a sense of relief and satisfaction to you, foresee Astroyogi astrologers. It will be a good day to attain a perfect balance between things. Plan carefully to solve problems that have been troubling you for some time now. Wearing something in grey will attract good luck. The time between 5 pm and 6:30 pm may turn outto be lucky for you.
[情報] 1/18-1/24 DH 週運Capricorn horoscope for Jan 18 - Jan 24 2021 When worries are gnawing at the back of your mind, or you aren't experiencing a sense of well-being, it can lead to restlessness and lack of good sleep. If something has been bothering you, or you just don't feel settled or at peace, this is a good week to seek relief through positive thinking exercises or5
[情報] 07/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 21 2022 你現在和某人有些爭執, 雖然這種情況已經維持一段時間了, 但今天比平常更惹怒你。 親愛的魔魔,即使你從爭執中感受到負面氣氛,2
[情報] 07/18 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 7月 18 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 7月 18 If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, how on earth are you ever g oing to find it? You may have a strong desire to leap into action with an unsa tisfactory situation, dear Gemini, because you want something to change. But i2
[情報] 16/06/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你可能覺得生活中的一個困難情況正在改變你,但是這個是沒什麼的。 你可能開始看到一些微妙的跡象,告訴你自己正變得更加靈活,對生活中的美好事物持開 放態度。 過去,當事情沒有成功的時候,你可能會陷入不愉快的情緒中。 但現在當你面臨挑戰時,你更能認識到你能找到一種方法來扭轉局面。2
[情報] 04/21 the daily horoscopeWhen you have food in the refrigerator, clothes in your closet, transportation , and a cozy place to sleep at night, you are already way ahead of a lot of ot her people in the world. You may have all of that, dear Gemini, but right now you could be feeling just a little bit sorry for yourself over something that did not work out the way you hoped it would. You will have the chance to try a1
[情報] 04/03 the daily horoscopeWhy do certain people seem to experience one lucky break after another and get to live the life of their dreams - or even the life of your dreams? When we l ook at a situation like that from the outside, it is easy to think they did ev erything right and wonder if you did everything wrong. But sometimes, Gemini, the rewards we build through hard work, good deeds, and good karma takes its o1
[情報] 07/04 the daily horoscopeYou may have come here today hoping to read about a forecast of money or some type of abundance or good fortune coming your way. But it doesn't work that wa y exactly, Gemini. There is certainly the potential for great things in your l ife, but you have to enable those possibilities. Not only do you have to want them, think about them, and feel worthy of them - you must also do everything1
[情報] 03/06 the daily horoscopeSometimes good luck is really just good timing. Sometimes it's an insightful d ecision. Sometimes it is knowing the right person with influence. And what we perceive as good luck can take many forms. If you are feeling like luck has pa ssed you by with something you want to attain, dear Gemini, you need to stop s eeing luck as a force that you have no control over. Do some reflecting today1
[情報] 02/11 the daily horoscopeTeaming up with someone who is nothing like you might not seem like a good ide a. With your ability to think and work quickly and the other party's slow and deliberate style, you might clash. But then again, Gemini, you each have quali ties, characteristics, skills, and talents that balance each other out - and t hat can be a very good thing. In fact, it might result in the best partnership- Can you create bad luck by feeling unlucky? That wouldn't be luck, exactly. If you dwell in hopeless thoughts you become apathetic, and because of that, you will dream less and strive less, and in a sense, that can feel like bad luck. But if you make a conscious effort to turn around your thinking - even in the face of unexpected problems or disappointments that occur - you can create th