[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/06/02

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/06/02作者
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親愛的金牛座,隨著月亮進入天秤座,今天你將發現自己關注生活中使之變得如此美好的細節。你今天感到充滿創造力和直覺力,這將幫助你組織和解決需要細緻觀察的事物。今天你將充滿靈感和正能量的光環,所以要充分利用這一天,建議Astroyogi的占星術師。不要努力討好他人。你一天中的最佳時機是12:30 pm至3:15 pm。奶油色是你今天的幸運色。
Dear Taurus, with the Moon making its transit into Libra, today you will findyourself looking at the finer details of what makes your life that it is at present. You feel creative and very intuitive today, which will help you organize and resolve things that require a fine eye for details. Today you will be filled with inspiration and an aura of positive energy around you, so make the most of the day, suggest Astroyogi astrologers. Do not try too hard to please others. Your favorable time of the day is between 12.30 pm to 3.15 pm. Cream will be your lucky color for the day.


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silentcat03006/02 12:21謝謝~~~