[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/05/24

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/05/24作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:2

Dear Taurus, as the moon moves into cancer, you may take many decisions basedon your emotions, but in a good way. You will also come across many opportunities to expand your social circle. It's also a great time to deepen the bond between care and trust. During this time, you can feel particularly familiar with your loved ones and see their importance in life. To get good results, all important things need to be done between 6 pm and 7 pm. Blue is your lucky color of the day as per Taurus daily horoscope.


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silentcat03005/24 11:50謝謝翻譯~

goodcial05/24 16:12謝謝

tinabjqs05/24 18:27謝謝

silentcat03005/24 23:28今天在工作上就遇到一些心理情感層面的問題,決定和

silentcat03005/24 23:28老闆說出心裡話,結果我們之間對於彼此的關懷和信

silentcat03005/24 23:28任程度也真的增加了~~~謝謝你的翻譯!