[吃草] Daily Horoscope 金牛座9月運勢
Taurus horoscope for September
Communication with a sibling, some other family member, or an old friend has been a bit tricky lately. It may seem that whenever you try to discuss even the simplest of things, there is something standing between you, sabotaging your efforts to get through. This month, that may begin to ease off, Taurus, but don't push it too hard. There is probably a matter that needs to be dealt with, and to this other party, it has been apparent for quite some time, even though you may not have a clue about it. Ask
gentle questions, and you should get the answers you need to figure this out. You may discover a work or money-related opportunity through social media or some other online resource this month. This could be quite good for you, but proceed at a measured pace, ensuring that you know exactly what they are looking for so you can engage properly and thoroughly. September is a great time to freshen up your surroundings. If you find that you have been down in the dumps a bit too often in recent weeks,
consider adding some color to your life with a new wardrobe or a fresh coat of paint in some room of your home where you work or play. Your outlook is already growing brighter, and that could help speed up the process.
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哇 感謝翻譯!
[情報] Daily Horoscope 11月運There may be a few twists and turns this month with a matter that requires some negotiation. You may think you have finally reached an agreement only to find there is some new discord. But if you remain patient and recognize that this will work out in the end, it will be easier and will work out as hoped. You may be striving so hard for something now that it is ratcheting up your11
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/10今天給自己一點時間做白日夢吧,阿牛。讓你的想法去它想去的地方,有一些偉大的想法 正在醞釀,你所要做的就是放下束縛,讓你的思想帶你進入新的起點。你現在開始做的任 何事情都有可能會成功,所以不要害怕,想一些遠大的夢想吧。最近幾週你的現實生活可 能陷入困境,但事情正在好轉。一旦你允許自己相信這些是可能的,你將會開始看到明顯 的改善。8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/25阿牛,某些有關金錢或個人利益的新機會可能會到來。然而,其中一個或複數個機會可能 會使你想在社交生活中所做的事黯然失色。你是否該把賺錢的機會放在一旁,以享受跟家 人朋友待在一起的時間?生活中真正的寶藏是你和他人的關係。而現在這些關係可能會和 財務的可能性發生碰撞。不過這次你可能會找到一個可能性去融合兩者,如果做得到的話 ,你的確該這麼做。也許生活中的某些時候,你終究能夠”擁有一切”。5
[情報] 30/08~05/09/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 30 - 9月 5 Do you enjoy your work, Moonchild? Many people born under your sign work very hard to achieve their dreams. But even when your efforts do not lead to that d ream come true, you are dedicated and hard-working, nonetheless. But this week , you may be more focused on manifesting something very big that you want very5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/28不要急於回答一個你還在思考的問題,阿牛。即便可能有人逼迫你做出回答,你也需要好 好思考。如果你覺得有壓力的話,直截了當地把問題丟回去吧。讓對方知道你需要再多花 一些時間考慮,不需要為此而難過。即使你已經考慮了這件事的所有細節,但可能仍需要 時間來處理你的想法和點子。 ——3
[情報] 2020年11月Monthly HoroscopeYou may be feeling so ambitious about an endeavor that you will begin this month that you might try to avoid listening to your intuition. You have gotten so worked up over what might be possible with this venture that you are ignoring warnings your sixth sense is sending to you. But if you do heed these signals, Moonchild, you will find that they will be helpful,2
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 02/07-02/13你或許會認為要讓一段個人關係重回正軌需要很深度的努力。也許你們的誤解和困難的互 動可以追溯到相當久之前,阿牛。但你或許會發現,尤其在這周,如果你開始在一個更輕 鬆、友好且隨和的層面與對方接觸,它將會用一種更柔和的方式對你打開溝通的管道。 換句話說,與其把這個問題當作一個大問題,不如把他們帶來玩桌遊或打牌,也可以出去 喝杯咖啡,聊些無傷大雅、快樂的事。你懂的,沒有對衝突的恐懼,就不會有人處在防備2
[情報] 25/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你的生活中有個相當大的問題,但你一直延後處理它。 你可能想把它留到事情更輕鬆、更正向的時候,它就不會顯得那麼令人沮喪了。 也有可能是你一直都很忙,你只是還沒來得及處理它。 如果你繼續拖延,它可能會成為一個真正的大問題,然後它將給你的生活帶來額外的挫折 感。1
[情報] 05/09 the daily horoscopeA recent argument with a friend or family member may have begun because of a m isunderstanding. You may have been talking about two different things, or just not getting where the other party was coming from. While this may have left y ou feeling a bit wobbly about the relationship, you will soon have a chance to clear things up and get back to enjoying good interactions. Don't let this go- 在本週前半段,你的思緒可能會陷入一個社交的泥潭裡,阿牛。但你需要讓自己放鬆點, 因為這並不像你想的那樣是個大問題。 有人可能會對你曾說過的話或做過的事過度反應,但他們需要讓它過去。在他們那麼做之 前,只要等待塵埃落定,這件事就會被他們所遺忘。你需要和家裡的某人進行一次重要的 談話,可能是你的伴侶,但更可能是你的兄弟姐妹,甚至是你的父母。你應該會對一項你