[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/06/04
Dear Taurus, today you should focus straight on your goal as Moon is in Scorpio. It’s because there are chances that you might easily get manipulated by the people around you. According to Astroyogi astrologers, you should start considering and listening to your own opinions. You need to be quite careful as you might get led away by someone who you would have referred to as a great friend. Today is the day when you have to consider your inner voice and intuitionas your best friends. Listening to self should always be set as a priority. Make sure you are listening to yourself first instead of the others.
[吃草] DailyHoroscope3/1若你今天對於一個正逐漸產生的問題沒有任何想法,或是莫名的厭世,那麼現在可能正是 積極尋求方向的好時機。 你可能從許多管道獲得靈感、方向,諸如:閱讀、看場電影、聽首音樂、或是找朋友談心 等等,都是方法之一。 不論你所用的管道為何,儘管實地去做就對了。8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/27如果你覺得今天感到被召喚或被激勵要去做一些你今天通常不會做的事,那就去做吧,阿 牛。這可能是你的直覺在召喚你,讓你朝著一個為你準備好的方向前進。有時好運會用一 種微小的聲音呼喚你,當你利用它時,你會知道這是正確的事。今天有驚喜在等著你,這 能為你帶來幸運的時刻,但你必須仔細聆聽。如果你這麼做了,這將會是個神奇的一天。 ——4
[情報] 11/01 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 01 2021 你可能會掙扎於搞清楚什麼是你在某種情況下想要和需要的, 那或許是因為你的印象被其他人想要給你的東西, 以及他們認為對你最好的東西給籠罩。 你需要花一些時間遠離這些並獨處,魔魔,3
[情報] 11/18 Daily HoroscopeYou may be torn between two options today because you aren't really listening to your heart - and you have a big heart, Leo! You may be torn because the log ical side of your brain is taking over and shutting out what you feel. But if you don't at least listen and consider what your heart is telling you, you won 't have fully considered all of the options and possibilities - and that would3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/16今天要非常注意他人跟你說的話,阿牛。善傾聽這件事相當重要。但同時也該保持對其他 事情的關注,像是使用的詞彙、肢體語言、語氣還有臉上的表情。這些東西也許能為你提 供所需要的資訊,就像字面上所說的一樣多。你現在可能正在處理一些需要過度關注的事 ,一旦你習慣了,應該會發現它相當容易。另外這也將會使你的溝通更加理想。 ——3
[情報] 02/24 Daily HoroscopeListening to someone else's opinion today could be very much like seeing somet hing from a different vantage point. You can get a whole new appreciation for a situation just by listening and remaining open-minded. You may have already formed a strong opinion of your own, but if you are open to learning, what you find out could be very enlightening, Leo. Don't limit yourself, even if you f2
[情報] 26/03/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,今天有人似乎想找你吵架。 當然,你不必咬牙切齒,但這種誘惑可能太強烈了,你不能置之不理。 如果他們逼迫你,而你覺得你必須開口為自己或你所相信的東西辯護,只要確保以優雅和 尊重的方式這樣做。 如果你這樣處理,對方會更願意聽你說什麼,你也不會因為發脾氣而感到難過。1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/26金牛座每日運勢 2021/05/26 某件跟錢有關的事物可能會在今天浮上你心頭,阿牛,而你可能會為此而感到焦慮。 這不是因為它可能會變得很糟糕,千萬別這麼想。 會這樣的原因也許是因為你的直覺正在正常發揮 ,並讓你知道這並不是執行計畫的最佳時機。1
[情報] 04/05 the daily horoscopeRemember to whisper rather than shout today if you want to be heard. You may h ave to share a message that isn't especially popular right now, and you may be tempted to use tough tactics to be sure others are listening - especially if you're dealing with stubborn or difficult people. But if you lower the volume and take an easier approach, dear Gemini, your confidence in the message will- Someone in your world may deliver an important message to you today, Gemini. P ay attention. But beyond just listening to the words, notice that person's fac ial expressions, their body language, the emotion in their voice, and so on. Y ou may be dealing with someone who is matter-of-fact, and they may not convey how serious this is to them. But by picking up their vibe on a deeper level, y