[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/02-01/08

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/02-01/08作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:0

You may have the chance to work with or learn from someone you admire - someone who has perhaps achieved a dream that is in your sights. Be sure to take notes, to ask questions, and to be very observant. You won't want to regret missing a moment like this in the future. This is also a great week to ask yourself if you're having enough fun. While that may sound a bit silly, it is actually very serious. Fun and laughter really must be important aspects of your life. It's all about balance. So, if you think you aren't getting enough of that, Taurus, then get started doing whatever it is that makes you smile. You may bedisappointed this week to discover that someone you have long admired has a dark or mean side. But don't let that diminish whatever good things you also see in this individual. Seeing someone on a bad day can leave a confusing impression, but it may be only one small aspect of the whole. Remain open to that. You could turn down a chance to do some kind of physical activity you have beenwanting to do - such as skiing, just for example - because you're feeling clumsy. But if you have the chance and you take your time and use appropriate caution, you could wind up having a great time.


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