[吃草] DailyHoroscope10/24
When things aren't going well in your life , it can be difficult to focus on
your blessing or the things that are going right.
Yet doing so , Taurus , is a very positive and uplifting thing.
When you seek out the good , you will find it.
And when you find it , it will infuse you with the power of good .
If you are struggling through something now , take some time today to think
about your gifts , your talents , your good fortune , and the good things that
have happened for you.
This will help draw even more good into your life.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/11你能夠相信你一直在關注的私事正在發生快樂且充滿希望的發展。阿牛,你可能幾乎不敢 相信事情開始產生了變化,但這正是發生中的事。你也需要去探究為什麼你看不到自己值 得這樣的變化。其他巨大而正面的變化也將很快就會發生。你越認知到自己值得擁有這些 ,那麼就會有越多的好運到你身邊。 ——14
[情報] 11/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 16 2021 發現自己並不真的喜歡當初選擇參與的事會讓人非常失望, 或許你有非常高的期待,魔魔, 且預想事情運作順利。 同樣地,你不該將這件事視為壞事,13
[情報] 7/9 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 9 2021 If you have concerns about someone in your life now, Capricorn, the best thing you can do for them is to project positive, encouraging thoughts. Send out good, loving vibrations that are filled with certainty that good things will happen for them. And while you're at it, do the exact same thing for9
[情報] 01/11 the daily horoscopeSometimes good things come out of bad experiences. When you suffer disappointm ent or an injustice, you may learn something. And if you handle it well, you m ight impress someone. And if one thing leads to another, you may eventually bu ild a good reputation and others will seek you out for your positive way of ha ndling life. If you have recently suffered a bad experience or a disappointmen6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/03你最近可能過得有些顛簸,或許這些事出乎你的意料之外。但如果你把注意力集中在這些 問題或其他不愉快的事情上,那你有可能會忽略所有已經發生的好事。生活給了我們好與 壞的混合,痛苦與快樂和高低起伏的情緒。但如果我們充分享受生活,那麼就會得到更多 美好與愉快的事物。這就是通往幸福的其中一個關鍵,親愛的阿牛,專注於美好事物,就 能夠將更多的正能量帶入你的生活中。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/31有件正在飛速發展中的事情帶來了新的冒險或計劃,阿牛。這並不是你所預期的,但這確 實是個好消息。儘管你可能還沒準備好進展的這麼快,但你需要後退一步,認知到你是多 麼幸運才能讓事情發展的如此順利。或許你覺得自己還沒準備好,但如果你準備出一種什 麼事都難不倒你和靈活的方法來迎接這件事,你就能夠走上正軌。這是件好事。 ——4
[情報] 06/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may need to be reminded today that it is sometimes wiser to judge someone by their intentions rather than their actions. When someone makes a mistake or does the wrong thing, but their intentions were to do good and to be honorable , you can hardly blame them since we don't always know how things would turn out in advance. You may be faced with a situation today where someone has done4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/13今天,你所接受到的一個正面訊息將會使你笑得嘴巴都要裂開了。不管是關於工作、金錢、家庭方面的好消息或是任何事情,都會為美好的一天奠定基礎。既然你現在磁場這麼好,阿牛,來執行讓你覺得充滿樂趣又滿足的事情吧!來自宇宙的正向力場與你同在,你需要好好去利用它。好事正等著你,你越去主動推動好事的發生,越能好上加好。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Jul 13 A positive message you receive today should leave you grinning from ear to ear. Whether this is about a job, money, good news from family, or anything else, it will set the tone for a marvelous day. Since the energy is so good for you now, Taurus, you should work on whatever it is that makes you feel the most joyful and fulfilled. The positive force of the universe is with you, and you need to capitalize on that. Good things are in store - and they will be even better if you start actively pushing for good things. --2
[情報] 23/08~29/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 23 - 8月 29 You are hoping for a big move in your life, Moonchild, and it can't happen fas t enough for you. But first, slow down! This week, it is important that you ma ke a point to "stop and smell the roses." Even if you have not been overly bus y, you have not cherished the beautiful things that are all around you, and so1
[情報] 0531 DailyHoroscopeWhen you stay certain that good will prevail and things will turn out well as you work through something difficult, they usually do - even when you don't ne cessarily get exactly the result you wanted. When you stay positive, you are s omehow better able to see the upside, and to wind up getting something good ou t of even the worst-case scenario. This may be hard to do for you, Capricorn,